A website where users can read and share about new and interesting things they have learned. For information on self-hosting, see HACKING.md.
- Add tests for email verification system
- Add upvote button to submissionById page (after launch)
- Forgot password (after launch)
- Add test for input sanitization
Test data is loaded from submission-bodies.json and submission-titles.json. Currently, the first 45 records are used and uploaded to Algolia for search functionality in the dev environment. If the amount of test data is changed, the Algolia index will also need to be changed.
Algolia currently keeps track of the following attributes for each submission:
timestamp (UNIX format, used for sorting)
NOTE: when uploading records to Algolia, the UNIX timestamp is from exact Date+timestamp the submission was added, but the postedOn string uploaded to Algolia must have the timestamp information truncated, so it can be used on the front end.
- After spinning up the database container, the database must be manually created using psql:
CREATE DATABASE todayilearned;
- Follow this site if SSL certs ever need to be regenerated: https://medium.com/@agusnavce/nginx-server-with-ssl-certificates-with-lets-encrypt-in-docker-670caefc2e31
- If the letsencrypt-nginx-container ever has to be used to get the SSL certs, make sure the .well-known directory already exists
- docker/production.conf is the production nginx configuration
- docker/nginx.conf is for setting up SSL certs for the first time