The only media manager with this number of features & flexibility.
to optimize uploaded files on the fly try approached or spatie
package requires Laravel v5.4+
composer require ctf0/media-manager
(Laravel < 5.5) add the service provider to
'providers' => [
- publish the package assets with
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ctf0\MediaManager\MediaManagerServiceProvider"
after installation, package will auto-add
- package routes to
- package assets compiling to
- package routes to
install dependencies
yarn add vue vue-ls vue-multi-ref vue-tippy@v1 vue2-filters vue-bounty vue-notif vue-clipboard2 vue-awesome vue-touch@next axios dropzone keycode babel-preset-es2015-node6 babel-preset-stage-2
# or
npm install vue vue-ls vue-multi-ref vue-tippy@v1 vue2-filters vue-bounty vue-notif vue-clipboard2 vue-awesome vue-touch@next axios dropzone keycode babel-preset-es2015-node6 babel-preset-stage-2 --save
- add this one liner to your main js file and run
npm run watch
to compile yourjs/css
files.- if you are having issues Check
new Vue({
el: '#app'
- upload
- move
- delete
bulk selection
restrict access to folders
dynamically hide files
dynamically hide folders
toggle between
random names
&original names
for uploaded files -
download selected "including bulk selection"
directly copy selected file link
use the manager
auto scroll to selected item when using (left/up, right/down, home, end)
lock/unlock selected files/folders "sqlite needs to be installed"
filter by type
- folder
- image
- audio
- video
- text/pdf
- name "default"
- size
- last modified
items count for
- all
- selected
- search found
protection against overwriting (files / folders)
autoplay media files "if selected filter is audio/video"
file name sanitization for
- upload
- rename
- new folder
disable/enable buttons depend on the usage to avoid noise & keep the user focused
navigation button keyboard mouse (click) touch upload (toolbar) u * refresh (toolbar) r * move (toolbar) m * swipe up delete (toolbar) d/del * swipe down lock/unlock (toolbar) l * bulk select (toolbar) b * bulk select all (toolbar) a * confirm rename (modal) enter * confirm delete (modal) enter * confirm move (modal) enter * create new folder (modal) enter * toggle (info panel) t * play/pause media (sidebar) space * preview image/pdf/text (sidebar) space * tap preview image/pdf/text space 2x click 2x tap hide image (light-box) space/esc * select next right / down * swipe left select prev left / up * swipe right select first home * select last end * open folder enter 2x click 2x tap go to prev dir folderName (breadcrumb) backspace * swipe right -
type event-name description JS modal-show when modal is showen modal-hide when modal is hidden file_selected (when inside modal) get selected file url Laravel MMFileUploaded($file_path) get uploaded file full path MMFileDeleted($file_path, $is_folder) get deleted file/folder full path MMFileRenamed($old_path, $new_path) get renamed file/folder "old & new" path MMFileMoved($old_path, $new_path) get moved file/folder "old & new" path
return [
* ignore files pattern
'ignore_files' => '/^\..*/',
* filesystem disk
'storage_disk' => 'public',
* remove any file special chars except (. _ -)
'allowed_fileNames_chars' => '.\_\-',
* remove any folder special chars except (_ -)
'allowed_folderNames_chars' => '\_\-',
* disallow uploading files with the following mimetypes
'unallowed_mimes' => ['php', 'java'],
* when file names gets cleand up
'sanitized_text' => uniqid(),
* display file last modification time as
'last_modified_format' => 'toDateString',
* hide file extension in files list
'hide_files_ext' => true
- visit