A simple tool for finding regular availability overlaps between event invitees.
This project is available on PyPI:
python -m pip install find-time
find-time --help
The following format is supported by find_time.parse
# anything following a pound sign (#) is a comment
# blank lines are ignored
## entry format ##
# name: Any string. Terminates when encountering a colon (:)
# day: Full day names (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, ...), three-letter
# abbreviations (Sun, Mon, Tue, ...), or day short codes
# (Su, M, T, W, R, F, Sa). Case-insensitive.
# time: {HH}:{MM} in 24hr format, e.g. 13:00
# timespan: {time}-{time} which correlate to start and end time, e.g. 13:00-14:00
# entry: {name}: {day} {timespan}(, {day} {timespan})*
## example entries ##
# {name}: {day} {timespan}
John Smith: Monday 11:00-12:00
# {name}: {list of day shortcodes} {timespan}
# short codes: su,m,t,w,r,f,sa
John Smith: MWF 14:00-15:00
# {name}: {day} {timespan}, {day} {timespan}, ...
John Smith: TR 8:00-12:15, TR 15:30-17:00
# multiple entries for a single person
Jane Smith: MF 14:30-17:00
Jane Smith: W 15:30-17:00
This tool was created quickly to evaluate availability overlaps for a small number of invitees (one or two dozen). It is not optimized for performance and really should not be trusted for large events.