Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. - Daring Fireball
This is an example markdown page. You can view the raw file or edit this file directly in Github's built-in editor or your own code editor. Github automatically renders markdown files when viewing. Here's the official markdown documentation, and github-flavored markdown's documentation (some slight differences). Usually HTML is allowed within Markdown, but on Github only certain tags are allowed.
Markdown syntax supports hyperlinks, italics, bold text, and lots more.
- apples
- oranges
- bananas
- drums
- bass
- guitar
Blockquote (highlighted text)
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 |
What | about | tables? |
Tables | are supported | in markdown |
Code snippet
Pressing return twice at the end of a line will
create a new paragraph.
Adding two spaces at the end of a line
acts as a simple line break.
Three asterisks creates a horizontal line.
Standard HTML formatting is also allowed within Markdown. Github-flavored Markdown does not support all HTML tags, however (i.e. iframe and script tags).