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Land-Use-Plan-Simulation v1.0.0 - Capstone Project Release

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@escobar2061 escobar2061 released this 25 Jun 18:49

In this release, we have finalized all features and conducted extensive testing to ensure the reliability and accuracy of our simulations. Here are the key components of this release:

Simulation Model: We have developed a simulation model that divides the undeveloped Paraguayan Chaco into mock properties. Custom functions generate LUP configurations for each mock property based on specified legal requirements.

Scenarios: We have simulated various scenarios with different conservation requirements to estimate the potential impact of policy changes on forest conservation in the Paraguayan Chaco. These scenarios include the current forest law, alternative forest laws that promote forest conservation or prioritize cattle production, and a scenario addressing law ambiguity.

Mock Properties: We have created mock properties in the undeveloped region using the custom function propety_dimensions. The properties are of 4,000 ha, based on the average size of the land plots sold by the national government for livestock farming establishments in the western region.

Simulated Land Use Plans: For each mock property, we have created simulated LUPs. Each LUP has three main categories: forest reserve, paddocks, and hedgerows. If a river crosses the property, an additional category of riparian corridor is added.

This project is the culmination of our hard work and dedication over the past months. We would like to thank all contributors and our mentors for their support and guidance throughout this journey. While this marks the end of active development for this project, we encourage users and developers to use our work as a foundation for further research and development in this field.

Please refer to the project documentation for more detailed information about the project and how to use it.