Run the following Jenkins job by specifying Couchbase Lite version and build number:
- c-verify-linux : Verify Arm64, Amd64, and Armhf linux binaries
- c-verify-windows : Verify Amd64 Windows binaries
- c-verify-apple : Verify macOS and iOS binaries
cd desktop
Create .env file with the following environment variables
CBL_VERSION=<CBL Version such as 3.2.1>
CBL_BUILD=<Build Number>
CBL_EDITION=<enterprise, community>
CBL_ARCH=<arm64, amd64, armhf>
OS_VERSION=<11, 12>
- Run docker compose up and check the result.
docker compose up --build
- Clean up
docker compose down
cd desktop
./scripts/ <CBL Version: 3.2.1> <Build Number> <Edition: enterprise, community>
cd desktop
./scripts/ <CBL Version: 3.2.1> <Build Number> <Edition: enterprise, community>
cd ios
./scripts/ <CBL Version: 3.2.1> <Build Number> <Edition: enterprise, community>