K-Markov Decision Process (K-MDP) Copyright (c) 2020 by Commonwealth Scientific and Industry Research Organization (CSIRO)
Author: Jonathan Ferrer Mestres
The K-MDP toolbox includes a set of algorithms for solving K-MDPs: given an original MDP and a constraint on the number of states (K), generate a reduced state space MDP that minimizes the difference between the original optimalMDP value function and the reduced optimal K-MDP value function.
The K-MDP toolbox was developed by the Conservation Decisions team of the Land and Water unit of CSIRO (Australia).
For bug reports and suggestions, please email: [email protected]
[1] Ferrer-Mestres, J.; Dietterich, T. G.; Buffet, O.; and Chades, I. 2020. Solving K-MDPs. In Proc. International Conference of Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2020.
- Requirements
- How to install the K-MDP package
- How to use the K-MDP package
- Case studies
- Acknowledgements
Operating systems: Ubuntu Windows (unofficial) Mac OS X (unoficial, not tested)
Tested with MATLAB R2020a and Ubuntu 18.04.
The K-MDP package requires MATLAB and MDPtoolbox (future updates will make it MDP solver-independent). The current release has been tested with MATLAB R2019a, R2019b and R2020a. Copy (unziping all the files) or download the content into your system. Make sure you maintain the directory hierarchy. The main directory, K-MDP, should contain 5 subdirectories:
/algorithms Contains the code of the K-MDP algorithms and the code to build a K-MDP
/kmeans kmeans++ matlab implementation
/utils util functions to build K-MDPs
/problems MDP models defined as reward and transition matrices. Results are saved in this directory.
/MDP_graphs Code to plot MDP models and policies
Files named experiment_.m are examples of how to run the K-MDP algorithms and how to plot statistics (gap and times) for different case studies.
Start MATLAB on the K-MDP directory and set MATLAB path to include K-MDP and all subdirectories. MDP models from problems folder are specified as transition matrices (SxSxA) and reward matrices (SxSxA) or (SxA). MDP models are stored as .mat files. If you want to test the provided case studies simply use the experiments_<case_study>.m files or load the .mat files from the case studies folders. If you want to apply the K-MDP algorithms to your MDP models then you have to provide the transition and reward matrices with the previously specified format.
You can choose 3 different algorithms (for more details on how those algorithms work please refer to [1]): Q*_d K-MDP, a*_d K-MDP and k-means K-MDP. All algorithms require solving the MDP beforehand. We use MDPtoolbox to solve the MDPs. Then simply call any of the K-MDP algorithms:
[AbstractTransitions, AbstractRewards, StoSk, SktoS, AbstractPolicy, AbstractPolicyForOriginalMDP, gap, timeComputingKDMP, timeSolvingKMDP] = QdKMDP(K, precision, Transition, Reward, discount, Q, V);
a*d K-MDP
[AbstractTransitions, AbstractRewards, StoSk, SktoS, AbstractPolicy, AbstractPolicyForOriginalMDP, gap, timeComputingKDMP, timeSolvingKMDP] = aStarKMDP(K, precision, Transition, Reward, discount, V, Policy);
kmeans K-MDP
[AbstractTransitions, AbstractRewards, StoSk, SktoS, AbstractPolicy, AbstractPolicyForOriginalMDP, gap, timeComputingKDMP, timeSolvingKMDP] = kmeansKMDP(K, Transition, Reward, discount, Q, V);
- MDP solver - independent.
- Add the additional K-MDP algorithms into another branch.
- Test it for MAC OS X.
- Test it with Octave.
- Add option to avoid gap computation (if the user only wants the K-MDP, not to compute statistics).
This is a joint work with Thomas Dietterich, Olivier Buffet and Iadine Chades. Special thanks to the Conservation Decisions Team in CSIRO.