This is a music player webapp made by 3 sophomore students, studying relational databases.
Back End : PHP
Front End : Vanilla CSS & Bootstrap & JS
Database : MySQL
The Login and Logout functionality is made simply using the SESSION
variable type.
Songs and Images are stored locally as their corresponding ID, when called strings are concatinated.
Example : songimg/ `songid` .jpg song/ `songid` .mp3
To retrieve Data for each user, being Artists and Listeners SQL queries are used and called by each page's PHP script.
While also having triggers when follows or unfollows happen to either an Arist or Album.
AJAX is used as the main cog for the search function of Songs, Artists, or even Albums.
The Player itself for the Listener uses Vanilla Javascript and is modified to have a PHP script embedded as well.
This is one of our first projects we have done that fully functions, therefore mistakes and errors will be present.
Any feedback for improvement is always welcome.