Hello! Consistency is the key to success!
Here is a repository for you to track your daily victories
Add the screenshots of the success message from the platform in the pertaining day's repository
How to do that?
Step 1: Fork the 100 days of code repo
Step 2: Name your screenshots files as {discord_username}_day{number}_question{number} (Eg: XYZ#1234_day1_question1.png)
Step 3: Upload the screenshots to corresponding day folder (Eg: Day1) and commit
Step 4: Create a pull request and name it with your discordusername_day{number} (Eg: XYZ#1234_day1)
We will merge your pull requests. But since there are lot of students, there may be some delay.
Kindly ensure that the name of the question appears in the screenshot you upload. We have given sample screenshots below.
Leetcode Submission:
GeeksforGeeks Submission:
Happy Coding!