A simple demo application using Google ARCore to implement an AR 'switch' to control a Philips Hue lightbulb. The switch is triggered by spawning two spheres (the activator and target) and making the two collide by moving the activator to the proximity of the target.
- An Android smartphone that is ARCore compatible
- Va Rest Plugin for Unreal Engine
- OpenWeatherMap API Application ID
- REST endpoint of the Philips Hue lightbulb (IP address)
- Home Assistant Authorization token
- Clone this repository.
- Install the Va Rest Plugin for Unreal Engine at https://github.com/ufna/VaRest
a. Clone the Va Rest repository
b. Create a Plugins directory and put the Va Rest directory inside so that:
UE_AR_IoT_Demo/Plugins/VaRest-1.1-r26/Resources, Source, ...
c. In the DefaultEngine.ini configuration file, enable the Va Rest Plugin by adding:
+EnabledPlugins=VaRestPlugin - Open the project in Unreal Engine and navigate to the BP_ARPawn blueprint.
- Find the 'App ID' local variable and replace {YOUR OPENWEATHERAPI APP ID} with your OpenWeatherMap API App ID in its default value.
- Find the 'Auth Token' local variable and {YOUR HASSIO AUTHORIZATION TOKEN} with your Home Assitant Authorization token in its default value.
- Find the 'Base Lamp Request URL' local variable and replace {YOUR IP ADDRESS} with the IP address of your Philips lighbulb's REST API
- Compile, Save, and launch the application on your ARCore-compatible Android device.