A lightweight and dependency free input masking library created specific for Vue
npm i vue-input-facade
yarn add vue-input-facade
Installs the component, directive and filter for your entire application.
import InputFacade from 'vue-input-facade'
Install per component as needed
import { InputFacade, facade, filter } from 'vue-input-facade'
export default {
components: { InputFacade },
directives: { facade },
filters: { facade: filter },
// ... rest of component config
= alpha characters#
= numerical charactersX
= alpha numerical charactersA
= alpha characters, transformed to uppercasea
= alpha characters, transformed to lowercase\
= escape any of the above characters
See the token source file for definition signature
<label>Phone Number</label>
<input-facade mask="(###) ###-####" name="phoneNumber" type="tel" />
<input type="text" v-facade="'##/##/##'" />
If you are migrating an existing project to vue-input-facade from another plugin and dont want to touch the whole codebase. You may pass options during plugin installation to override the default tokens or directive name.
import InputFacade from 'vue-input-facade'
// migrating from v-mask
const options = {
// rename the directive from: v-facade to: v-mask
name: 'mask',
// use these tokens instead of the default
tokens: {
'#': { pattern: /\d/ },
'A': { pattern: /[a-z]/i },
'N': { pattern: /[0-9a-z]/i },
'X': { pattern: /./ }
Vue.use(InputFacade, options)
See demo page for more usage examples
You're free to contribute to this project by submitting issues and/or pull requests. This project is test-driven, so keep in mind that every change and new feature should be covered by tests. The project uses semantic-release to release new versions, therefore all commit messages should follow conventional commits, we are using commitizen to facilitate writting the commit messages.
This project is licensed under MIT License