pip install wms-downloader
Create a config.yml
specifying your setup like this:
version: 1.1.1
url: http://fbinter.stadt-berlin.de/fb/wms/senstadt/k_luftbild1953?
srs: EPSG:25833
format: jpeg
transparent: false
layer: 0
west: 370000.0
south: 5800000.0
east: 415000.0
north: 5837000.0
size: 10000
resolution: 600
timeout: 300
projection: EPSG:25833
bandscount: 3
directory: images
vrtfile: tiles.vrt
tmpfile: /tmp/wms.xml
describes the used WMS service,bbox
is the bounding box for the map you want to retrieve,size
is the size of an individual tile in projection units,resolution
is the pixel dimension of an individual tile,directory
is the directory where the downloaded images are stored,vrtfile
is the path to the created vrt file, andtmpfile
is the path to the (temporary) xml file used for the WMS requests.
Then run the script with the config.yml
as argument:
wms-downloader config.yml
$ wms-downloader --help
usage: Downloads large geo TIFF files from a WMS service.
positional arguments:
config config file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit