This project is a plugin for parsing Koara documents with Apache Ant.
Download the koara-ant-plugin jar file and include the following code in your Ant build file.
<project default="convert">
<get src="http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/koara/koara-ant-plugin/0.3.0/koara-ant-plugin-0.3.0-all.jar"
dest="${basedir}/libs/koara-ant-plugin-all.jar" />
<taskdef name="koara" classname="io.koara.ant.ConvertTask"
classpath="${basedir}/libs/koara-ant-plugin-all.jar" />
<target name="convert">
<koara todir="${basedir}/output" modules="paragraphs,headings,lists" outputFormat="html5" >
<fileset dir="${basedir}/input" />
: Location to which all rendered documents should be written -
: Optional comma-seperated string of modules used to render the koara documents. By default, all modules will be used. Possible values: paragraphs, headings, lists, links, images, formatting, blockquote, code -
: The format in which the koara documents should be rendered. Possible values: html5, xml