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A simple fully-featured LaTeX Template, with nice structure, and commands for ease of use


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LaTeX Template

A simple LaTeX Template, with nice structure, and commands for ease of use

Requirements / Dependencies

software what for ? installation link
latexmk compile with complex options and watch for changes official doc
zsh [for now] shell targeted for the scripts "compile", "clear_aux" and "watch" oh-my-zsh tuto
latex seems obvious official doc
[linux] evince pdf viewer
[macos] skim pdf viewer official website
[windows] gsview32 pdf viewer

why LuaTex ?

LuaTex supports utf-8 characters from the get go, which is nice when you want to use cyrillic letters as I do in my mathematics notations.

The integration of lua within latex allows for much more flexible documents, and sometimes coding in latex much faster, for instance if you want to input name-[number].tex files and then modify, add new files, remove some, ... It is much easier to just modify the range rather than deleting or adding complete lines on \input{...} :

    % with luatex
        for i = 1, 7 do
            local filename = "doc/maths/cmd_maths-" .. i .. ".tex"
            tex.sprint("\\input{" .. filename .. "}")
    % without luatex

compiling and watching using latexmk :

➤ efficient way to compile and watch for changes in your LaTeX files

If you use zsh (which I do) : [or just copy paste what's inside into your terminal]

zsh compile.zsh
zsh watch.zsh


# —— compile & watch flags ———
zsh compile.zsh -r      # compiles report only
zsh compile.zsh -a      # compiles article only
zsh compile.zsh -ra     # compiles article combined with report
zsh compile.zsh -d      # compiles documentation only
zsh compile.zsh -t      # compiles tests only
zsh compile.zsh -h      # flags help
# —— Exclusive to compile ———
zsh compile.zsh         # compile all files (doc/report/test)

The same applies to watch script

other shells

if you use another shell (bash/...) you might have to adapt the script [chatGPT if you are hurry] to the targeted shell.

project structure

 ┣ 📂aux_files              ‹◀ latex compiling aux files (cache)
 ┣ 📂doc                    ‹◀ github README
 ┣ 📂out                    ‹◀ compiled files
 ┃ ┣ 📜documentation.pdf
 ┃ ┣ 📜rapport.pdf
 ┃ ┣ 📜tests.pdf
 ┣ 📂src                    ‹◀ actual project source code
 ┣ 📜.latexmkrc             ‹◀ compile settings
 ┣ 📜clear_aux.zsh
 ┣ 📜compile.zsh
 ┗ 📜watch.zsh


The documentation can be accessed easily in a pdf format at the location :

 ┣ 📂out                    ‹◀ compiled files
 ┃ ┣ 📜documentation.pdf        ← formatted custom commands and settings documentation
 ┃ ┣ 📜rapport.pdf
 ┃ ┣ 📜tests.pdf

(⚠️ incomplete, for now use the pdf) If the user prefers in a markdown format : it can be found here (📁 doc/


 ┣ 📂out                    ‹◀ compiled files
 ┃ ┣ 📜documentation.pdf
 ┃ ┣ 📜rapport.pdf
 ┃ ┣ 📜tests.pdf                ← testing commands and environments

Packages :

The project Latex-Template relies on the following latex packages to provide a better tex experience :

Package Used For include/pacakges/
lualatex latex engine (utf-8 : cyrillic characters in math mode) -
ifluatex import and define stuff depending on the engine used (lua/pdf)latex base.tex
inputenc utf-8 input for pdflatex engine (if used) base.tex
fontenc font encoding base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
graphicx including images base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
amsmath maths base.tex
amssymb maths symbols base.tex
stmaryrd symbols for computer science base.tex
amsthm theorem environments theorem_styles.tex
mathtools convenient convergence arrows base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
hyperref url links with custom text base.tex
url typesetting URLs base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
babel french names for envs base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
multicol typesetting documents with multiple columns base.tex
multirow table cells spanning multiple rows base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
minitoc table of content of the chapter base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
xcolor custom colors base.tex
float improved interface for floating objects base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
table tables base.tex
xcdraw drawing tables with TikZ base.tex
array extending the array and tabular environments base.tex
tabularx beautiful tables with adjustable-width column base.tex
booktabs publication quality tables base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
algorithm2e algorithm environments base.tex
comment commenting out large blocks of code with env base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
tikz-cd creating commutative diagrams base.tex
tikz creating graphics programmatically base.tex
pgfplots latex curve graphs base.tex
—*— —*— —*—
footmisc make sure footnotes are bellow base.tex
geometry page margin dimensions base.tex
pdfpages include PDF documents base.tex
dsfont double stroke : better than \mathbb fonts.tex
avant font (used for pdflatex sans serif font) fonts.tex
fontawesome5 icons [\info / \warn ...] fonts.tex
mfirstuc capitalizing the first letter of a word fonts.tex
ulem emphasis is now underline fonts.tex
unicode-math cyrillic letters in math mode fonts.tex
framed framed or shaded regions that can break across pages others.tex
awesomebox env with bar at the left [\info / \warn ...] others.tex
changepage margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages others.tex
enumitem create custom enum environments others.tex
pifont checkmarks for checkmarks environment others.tex
datetime advanced time formatting and date commands others.tex
shellesc pygmentize call must use console commands minted.tex
minted code highlight minted.tex

Quick accesses to some settings

babel language :

  • original setting : english
code --goto src/include/packages/base.tex:14:19

margin dimensions

  • original settings :
    • top : 1.5cm
    • bottom : 1.5cm
    • margin : 2.5cm
code --goto src/include/packages/base.tex:40

Project & Render Settings

code --goto src/include/settings/project.tex
code --goto src/include/settings/render.tex


A simple fully-featured LaTeX Template, with nice structure, and commands for ease of use





