DT Short Exercise at CMS POS 2019 (Part 2 - Matching segments to muons and then accessing segment timing)
This repository contains the skeleton code for Part 2 of the DT Short Exercise at CMS POS 2019 : Matching segments to muons and then accessing segment timing.
The instructions for the exercise can be found at : https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideCMSPhysicsObjectSchoolAACHEN2019DT
First you must create and set up your working area according to the instructions listed at the exercise twiki, skip this part in case you have already set up your working area. The instructions to set up your working area are repeated below.
In case you need to log in to the CMS POS machines at Aachen, otherwise skip the following 2 lines.
ssh -XY [email protected]
ssh portal-cmspos
Now source CMSSW, setup your working area and create a GRID proxy.
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc630
cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_12
cd CMSSW_9_4_12/src
voms-proxy-init --voms cms
And then enter your GRID password to craete the proxy.
Clone this repo in your working area in the CMSSWxxx/src area into a folder named 'UserCode'
git clone https://github.com/cms-physics-object-school/ShortExerciseMuonDTPart2.git UserCode
Now you can complete the code based on the skeleton code in this repository.
The main C++ code is in the file
and the corresponding header file
The python config file can be found at
You can fill in the code appropriately.
Note (if you are completely stuck) : A fully working version of the code can be found in the branch named fullexercise of this repo.
Compile the code from the directory CMSSWxxx/src using the command :
scram b
To compile quicker using 4 cores, you can instead use the command :
scram b -j 4
Use cmsRun to run the code from the directory CMSSWxxx/src using the command :
cmsRun UserCode/CMSPOS/test/run_segments.py
This should produce your root file : muon_timing.root
Now you can make your plots from the root file segments.root using a plotting code based on the (under your UserCode directory) :
Complete the exercise following the instructions on the DT exercise twiki.