In this repository I keep the Python code I write while learning this programming language. Expectation is to see the "richness" of the code and its quality to improve commit after commit.
To optimise the time spent on this jorney I have decided to write code based on some of the suggestions, exercises and problems found on:
- "Cracking the coding interview, 6th edition" book (you can get it from Amazon )
- Python crash course from Google
Material you may find:
- Basic data structures
- Algorithms
- Problems
This repository is a way for me to keep track of basic concepts of the Python language, meaning that you won't find here advanced usages of the language like AI/Django/whatever else. For those topics, depending on how I am going to like the language, additional repositories will be created.
The code available in this repository is the result of training exercises, meaning that it has not passed code reviews/automated tests. Feel free to use it if you want, but please do NOT do so in your production environment.