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  1. wos-excel-converter wos-excel-converter Public

    This is a small and easy-to-use desktop application that allows exporting Web of Science API Expanded and InCites API data in Excel/CSV/JSON/XML with a configurable and flexible data export structure.

    Vue 31 7

  2. woslite_py_client woslite_py_client Public

    Python 28 15

  3. wosjournals-python-client wosjournals-python-client Public

    Web of Science Journals API Python Client

    Python 26 5

  4. wos_api_usecases wos_api_usecases Public

    Various code snippets used with Web of Science APIs.

    Python 22 3

  5. wosstarter_python_client wosstarter_python_client Public

    Web of Science Starter API Python Client

    Python 22 10

  6. wos-amr wos-amr Public archive

    Utility scripts for using the Web of Science Links Article Match Retrieval Service (AMR) service.

    Python 17 3


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