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Mira Project - PlayStation 4 Homebrew Tools mod Mugiwara

The Mira Project is a set of tools that grants you more power and control over your jailbroken Playstation 4. It is the result of all the hard work by the OpenOrbis team.

It works differently to the custom firmware experience on Playstation 3, where CFW would be installed on the system via modified PUP files (e.g. Rebug), however once the framework is installed and ran it gives users the same functionality they were previously used to.

Build Status

Firmware Version Passing
6.72 WIP

New Features!

  • PVS-Studio
  • Homebrew Enabler (HEN)
  • Emulated Registry (EmuReg)
  • Emulated NVS (EmuNVS)
  • Kernel Debugger
  • Remote GDB
  • System-level FUSE implementation (Experimental, WIP)
  • Load sprx modules + IAT + Function Hooking (Thanks theorywrong)
  • Web browser activation (Thanks al-azif)
  • flatbuffers Enabler (Thanks flat)
  • Debug settings fix (Thanks al-azif) + fix all error fix idu test(5.05)
  • Remote play Enabler (6.72)
  • Spoof 8.00 PSVR (Thanks @Leeful74) (6.72)
  • debug trophies on retail Enabler (6.72)(Thanks Zecoxao)
  • Update freebsd-include v3 (Thanks specter)

You can also:

  • Mount and decrypt local gamesaves (Thanks ChendoChap) (WIP)
  • Transfer files to and from the harddrive
  • Implement your own kernel plugins (RPC using protobuf)
  • Implement your own userland trainers (hooks included!)
  • Dump your HDD encryption keys
  • A bunch of other stuff


This project would not be possible without these people (no paticluar order):

  • kiwidog - Developer
  • SpecterDev - Developer
  • flatz - Developer (Code, writeups, non-stop help we <3 u flatz)
  • CrazyVoid - Developer (Loader/self/SDK help, overall general help, OO moderator)
  • theorywrong - Developer (Substitute, OverlayFS, general)
  • SiSTR0 - Developer (HEN support, general)
  • SocraticBliss - Developer (HEN support, general)
  • valentinbreiz - Developer (Mira Companion App v1)
  • Seremo - Developer (Mira Companion App v2, Log plugin)
  • Al-Azif - Developer (5.05 lead maintainer, general)
  • z80 - Developer (5.05 maintainer)
  • balika011 - Developer (Fixing userland elf loader entry point, general developer)
  • Zer0xFF - Developer (OverlayFS, general)
  • CelesteBlue - Developer (Bugfixes, plugins)
  • Joonie - Developer (Offsets porting 5.01/5.05)
  • AlexAltea - Low level and kernel help (go check out Orbital Emulator)
  • qwertyoruiop - Security (4.55-5.05 kernel exploits)
  • CTurt - Security (Initial payload PS4 SDK and 1.76 kernel exploit)
  • m0rph3us1987 - Developer (Code examples, kernel SDK, overall general help)
  • eeply - Developer (UART)
  • zecoxao - RE (4.74 Port)
  • aerosoul - Developer (Everything elf related, loaders, etc)
  • maxton - Developer (Everything pkg related, etc)
  • ChendoChap - RE (Bug hunting, general kernel help)
  • sugarleaf - Initial 4.55 private exploit, inital help with Mira dev (retired/left)
  • kozarovv - RE (4.05 offsets)
  • LM - RE (Research on System-Library-Loading), assembler and linker script help
  • TheFlow - RE
  • samsepi0l - Offset Porting
  • xvortex - Original VTX-Hen
  • 2much4u - Ptrace patches
  • golden - Ptrace patches, rpc ideas

Special Thanks

  • bigboss - liborbis with examples and orbisdev (and complaining a lot)
  • rogero - Original 5.01 testing
  • AbkarinoMHM - Original 5.01 testing
  • wildcard - General questions, and hardware help
  • frangarcj - orbisdev sdk, musl, C++ support
  • masterzorag - orbisdev sdk, musl, C++ support
  • fjtrujy - orbisdev sdk, musl, C++ support
  • [Anon #1] - Developer (Code, Non-stop help, <3 thx bruv)
  • [Anon #2] - Developer (Code, Non-stop help, gl with job!)
  • [Anon #3] - Security (Future proofing design)
  • [Anon #4] - Developer (Ideas from Vita)
  • [Anon #5] - Security (Software and hardware)


Checking out repository

In order to start development on the mira-project, you will need a few components installed.

  • clang
  • clang-tidy
  • cppcheck
  • objcopy
  • llvm-ar
  • ld (or lld.ld)
  • git
  • python3 (3.6.9 at time of writing, but any newer version should work)

These can be installed (on Ubuntu, other platforms may vary) by using the command(s): sudo apt install git build-essential clang lldb clang-tidy clang-tools cppcheck

Cloning the repository

Cloning the repository is easily done by: git clone

Protobuf files

The RPC messaging system leverages protobuf in order to easily expand and add cross-language RPC support. This involves 2 major components for the default build. Due to previous dependencies, we are not using the C++ version of protobuf due to not having a full STL runtime in the kernel (it was too much work/effort) so instead we are leveraging the protobuf-c project.

Installing protobuf-c

Installing protobuf-c should only need to be done once, there is support for proto3 files at this time and should not be an issue (compared to previous which only supported proto2).

You can follow the protobuf build instructions located here

Building the protobuf file definitions + fixing them

Currently there is a script that will handle most of the work required for building new protobuf files. From the ROOT of the cloned directory (mira-project/) you can use the provided python script for generating new protobuf files.

python3 ./scripts/ --inputDir=./external

By default the script will only run in the local directory it was called from. This behavior can be changed with command line argument overrides:

--inputDir=<input directory> --outputDir=<output directory> (otherwise use the input directory as default) --miraDir=<mira directory> --noMvPbcFiles=<true or false> (allows you to skip the move of the protobuf files, default: false)

The vscode tasks.json can be configured to do this automatically in the project repository

            "label": "Build protobuf files",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "python3 ./scripts/ --inputDir=./external",
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": [

The script takes care of generating, fixing, and moving the .c/.h files, as well as the C# (.cs) counterparts for use with the MiraLib/API.

Moving and fixing the .c includes

This part has not been scripted yet, because if someone were to add a new proto file, they would have to manually update the script.

(Optional) Moving the protobuf files manually

If you decide to not move the protobuf files automatically with the script you can still do it manually (or you can move your own ones).

File Intended Location
external/debugger_structs.pb-c.(c/h) src/Plugins/Debugger
external/debugger.pb-c.(c/h) src/Plugins/Debugger
external/filemanager.pb-c.(c/h) src/Plugins/FileManager
external/rpc.pb-c.(c/h) src/Messaging/Rpc
(Optional) Manually fix the C# protobuf files

If you did not use the python script, the C# files will not be automatically fixed for you. There is an issue with modern versions of C# and the output that protobuf generates for .cs files.

By default protobuf generates the C# files looking like so (which cause a build error on .net core)

  public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
    uint tag;
    while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
      switch(tag) {
          if (!pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(ref _unknownFields, input)) {
        case 10: {
          Message = input.ReadString();

This needs a very simple fix in order to build in modern .net core, a line change from:

if (!pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(ref _unknownFields, input)) {


_unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);

And you can include this anywhere in your C# project and begin to use extension methods to add them to MiraConnection for usage in your own application.

Source code layout

The current mira-project repository is self-contained, meaning everything the project depends on should be within the repo itself. Here is a layout of the source repository (all from root of mira-project directory)

Directory Purpose
build Working/output build files, as well as final executables and payloads
docs Documentation about PlayStation 4/Mira twiddly bits
external External resources, contains freebsd-headers (MODIFIED FOR KERNEL/PS4 USAGE), hde64 for disassembly, protobuf-c for protobuf handling, *.proto protobuf files to be generated into source
loader This is the MiraLoader which is required to properly relocate the main ELF in kernel memory and execute in a new kernel thread
(Optional/Missing) protobuf-test Test project for protobuf serialization on Linux
scripts Build/Helper scripts
src Main source code
src/Boot Contains everything needed for booting Mira/patching consoles (firmware specific implementations)
src/Driver The device driver code (used for user process ioctl, thanks TW for implementing)
src/External Source files for those headers in external
src/Messaging Message manager (protobuf handling and RPC)
src/OrbisOS PlayStation 4 specific code and utilities
src/Plugins All kernel mode plugins + RPC handlers
(Deprecated) src/Trainers Trainer launcher source
src/Utils General Mira based utilities for working in kernel (kernel function resolving, syscall wrappers, etc)


Mira provides a plugin framework that can run in kernel mode (userland is soon, thanks to TW!), it provides a stable framework for startup, shutdown, suspend, resume in order to ensure clean operation of Mira.

Plugin Directory
Debugger src/plugins/Debugger
(WIP) Emulated Registry src/plugins/EmuRegistry
Fake PKG src/plugins/FakePKG
Fake Self src/plugins/FakeSELF
File Manager src/plugins/FileManager
(WIP) Fuse src/plugins/FuseFS
Log Server src/plugins/LogServer
(WIP) OverlayFS (OrbisAFR) src/plugins/OverlayFS
(WIP) Substitute src/plugins/Substitute


Want to contribute? Great! There is no set limit on contributors and people wanting to help out in any way!

Join the OpenOrbis discord and have knowledge of C/C++ and FreeBSD or unix-like operating systems, web design and programming, rust-lang, content creator (youtube, twitch), or artist, or just want to find something to help out with like documentation, hosting, etc, kernel experience is a plus but not required by any means.

Building from source

After following the instructions on cloning the repository and generating the protobuf files, you should be ready to build Mira from source. It was designed to be as easy as possible to build with the provided makefiles.

Each makefile (for MiraLoader, and Mira itself) follow a specific format due to compilers ignoring most changes in header (.h) files causing issues down the line.

In order to create the proper build directory output (so you don't get "directory not found errors") is done with make create this will generate the proper folder structure that's required to build Mira.

After this is done, then you will need to make clean which will clean up old object files (.o), payloads (.bin), and elf files. Without doing this, any changes you make in the headers will not be cleaned up and you will be wondering why you are getting a kernel panic on correct code (due to offset change or what not, that you can verify yourself in the binary)

Finally build Mira, this will automatically build everything into the specified build directory using the default MIRA_PLATFORM target. You are able to override these options in both MiraLoader and Mira using MIRA_PLATFORM=<specified platform> make for your specific platform. (this works with make clean, make create as well)

Available Overrides Description
MIRA_PLATFORM Changes firmware version that MiraLoader/Mira targets, they must match for your firmware you are building for
BSD_INC freebsd-headers include path, defaults to external/freebsd-headers/include
OUT_DIR Output directory, defaults to build

There is a list of available platforms that Mira can be configured with located in src/Boot/Config.hpp for the most up-to-date, but as of writing here is the available list.

Support Status Description
Unsupported May build, may not, previously was updated but no active updating
Supported Active updating and testing, as well as producing builds on CI
No Support No real support added, needs developer work to become functional + stable
Available Platforms Firmware
MIRA_PLATFORM_ORBIS_BSD_672 (Supported) 6.72

Provided are some VSCode tasks.json formats:

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Build Mira",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "make clean;make create;make",
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": [
            "label": "Build MiraLoader",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "cd loader;make clean;make create;make",
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": [
            "label": "Build protobuf-tests",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "clang protobuf-c.c rpc.pb-c.c filemanager.pb-c.c main.c -o test.elf",
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": [
            "label": "Build protobuf files",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "python3 ./scripts/ --inputDir=./external",
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": [

And here is an example VSCode c_cpp_properties.json

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Mira",
            "includePath": [
            "defines": [
            "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
            "cStandard": "c11",
            "cppStandard": "c++11",
            "intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64"
            "name": "MiraLoader",
            "includePath": [
            "defines": [
            "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
            "cStandard": "c11",
            "cppStandard": "c++11",
            "intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64"
    "version": 4

Firmware porting guide

Lets say you are an eager developer, even a newbie that wants to try and contribute in some way or form to porting to a firmware that is not under active support. Here's the steps you would need to accomplish new builds from scratch. We will start by adding a non-existent firmware and work our way from that.

NOTE: This assumes you already have a kernel dump for your firmware, and things already labeled. If you need help with this step, you can ask in #help on the Discord but you are pretty much on your own.*


Lets assume our firmware is 8.88 found in the PlayStation 4 System Software menu.

  1. Add your new firmware to src/Boot/Config.hpp you will see a bunch of defines already there, add your firmware in the correct version order a. #define MIRA_PLATFORM_ORBIS_BSD_888 888
  2. Fix any structure changes for the kernel in freebsd-headers. You should compare against what's already there and add fields that have been added via a. #if MIRA_PLATFORM==MIRA_PLATFORM_ORBIS_BSD_888 b. HINT: These are usually done in struct proc, struct thread, struct ucred if applicable, located in exernal/freebsd-headers/include.
  3. Add a new static function in src/Boot/Patches.hpp with your pre-boot patches, this will be called after MiraLoader finishes and before Mira runs a. static void install_prerunPatches_888();
  4. Add your firmwares version to the case within install_prePatches in src/Boot/Patches.cpp a. case MIRA_PLATFORM_ORBIS_BSD_888: install_prerunPatches_888(); break;
  5. Next create a new file named Patches888.cpp inside of src/Boot/Patches directory (or copy an existing one and rename it)
  6. You must follow the same format as all of the other patch files, this involves including the Patches.hpp and defining the install_prerunPatches_888() function with all needed patches a. As new features are added, this will need to be updated for any kernel patches required, so far a baseline is Enable UART, Verbose Kernel Panics, Enable RWX mappings, Enable MAP_SELF, Patching copy(in/out)(str) checks, patching memcpy checks, patching ptrace checks, patching setlogin (for autolaunch check), patch mprotect to allow RWX, patching pfs signature checking, patching to enable debug rifs, patch to enable all logs to console, (newer fws: disable sceverifier, delayed panics) b. All patches are required for full functionality, but to get up and running only the rwx patches, copy(in/out)(str), memcpy, mprotect patches are needed (I think, someone correct documentation + send PR if wrong).
  7. Add support to the MiraLoader by copying the newly finished src/Boot/Patches.cpp to loader/src/Boot/Patches.cpp and the new src/Boot/Patches/Patches888.cpp to loader/src/Boot/Patches/Patches888.cpp
  8. Next would be to create a new kernel symbol file in src/Utils/Kdlsym/Orbis888.hpp or copy one from a supported platform (more offsets than what's probably needed)
  9. Add support by modifying src/Utils/Kdlsym.hpp and adding either within #if defined(MIRA_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORMS) before the #endif a line for your firmware file (make sure these are in numeric order) #elif MIRA_PLATFORM==MIRA_PLATFORM_ORBIS_BSD_888 #include "Kdlsym/Orbis888.hpp"
  10. The next step would be finding all of the functions that Mira/MiraLoader use in the kernel... This is the most time consuming portion of this and will need to be verified before upstreamed. The easiest way to handle this is to try building (using the build instructions provided) you will get a massive ton of errors around kdlsym and it not being able to find errors. One of such errors are shown as such:
src/External/protobuf-c.c: In function ‘protobuf_c_message_unpack’:
src/Utils/Kdlsym.hpp:49:52: error: ‘kdlsym_addr_printf’ undeclared (first use in this function)
 #define kdlsym(x) ((void*)((uint8_t *)&gKernelBase[kdlsym_addr_ ## x]))
  1. (continued) This means if you break it down, that printf was undeclared, look in your kernel dump with a dissassembler of choice (Ghidra/IDA Preferred, untested with others such as Binary Ninja, Relyze) and get the offset from the start of the loading address for the function printf (Calculated by Function Address - Base Address of Kernel where it was dumped from) and add it to your src/Utils/Kdlsym/Orbis888.hpp with the line #define kdlsym_addr_printf 0x<offset address> and repeat for all other build errors.
  2. Once complete you should have a full port to a new firmware completed (unless I missed a step/something unclear, create issue or fix + PR please)


  • Clean kernel rebooting support
  • Fake Online (spoof for LAN usage)
  • Game dumping and decryption
  • Linux loader
  • FakeDEX support
  • Embedded builds into loader

(FLATBUFFERS = description : A small library for adding C11 compatibility to older C compilers, but only a small highly useful subset such as static assertions, inline functions and alignment.

C++ is not a primary target, but the library has been updated to be more C++ friendly based on user feedback.

Many compilers already have the required functionality but with slightly different names and arguments.

In addition, compatibility with the Linux <endian.h> system file is provided, and "punaligned.h" is provided for unaligned memory reads which in part depends on endian support.

The library also provides fast integer printing and floating point printing and parsing optionally using the grisu3 algorithm, but can fall back to strtod and related. The pgrisu3 folder is header only and excludes test cases found in the main grisu3 project the files were extracted from. Base64 conversion is also provided.

Integer conversion is not just an optimization. It is more difficult than it would appear to portably parse an integer of known size such as uint64_t up to at most n bytes which is needed for safe parsing. At the same time, the sometimes significant performance gains warrants custom implementations that might as well be done once and for all.

Files can be included individually, or portable.h may be included to get all functionality. If the compiler is C11 compliant, portable.h will not include anything, except: it will provide a patch for static assertions which clang does not fully support in all versions even with C11 flagged.

The grisu3 header files are the runtime files for the Grisu3 floating point conversion to/from text C port. Test coverage is provided separately. This library can be used indirectly via pparsefp.h and pprintfp.h.

The pstatic_assert.h file is often needed on C11 systems because the compiler and standard library may support _Static_assert without static_assert. For compilers without _Static_assert, a unique identifier is needed for each assertion. This is done non-standard with the COUNTER macro, but has a fallback to pstatic_assert_scope.h for systems witout the COUNTER macro. Because of this fallback, pstatic_assert.h needs to be included in every file using static_assert in order to increment a scope counter, otherwise there is a risk of assert identifier conflicts when static_assert happen on the same line in different files.

The paligned_alloc.h file implements the non-standard aligned_free to match the C11 standard aligned_alloc call. aligned_free is normally equivalent to free, but not on systems where aligned_free cannot be implemented using a system provived free call. Use of aligned_free is thus optional on some systems, but using it increases general portablity at the cost of pure C11 compatibility.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this library has been used on various platforms and updated with user feedback but it is impossibly to systematically test all platforms so please test for specific uses cases and report any issues upstream.)



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