The .gov top-level domain exists so that the online services of U.S.-based government organizations are easy to identify on the internet. In support of that goal, the .gov registry publishes information about our domains.
This repository contains the official, full list of registered domains in the .gov zone. The U.S. Government's executive, legislative, and judicial branches are represented, as are many state, territory, tribal, city, and county governments in the United States.
Three files are updated daily (when there is activity):
- gov.txt – a copy of the .gov zone file
- current-full.csv – a CSV of all domains in the zone, including federal domains
- current-federal.csv – a CSV of only federal domains in the zone
current-full.csv and current-federal.csv contain the same registered domains as the zone file, but instead of name server records they detail the registrant organization. They include all domains in the "Ready" and "On hold" states of our registrar.
Each file lists the "second-level domains" (e.g., get.gov) that are registered in the .gov zone; they do not list every hostname (e.g., manage.get.gov) in use in the .gov namespace. This repo hosts several other files that include .gov hostnames, though they are not complete.
Note that not all registered domains offer an online service (e.g., a website, an email server) at the domain.
This repo doesn't accept pull requests on the zone file or current-{full,federal}.csv. If you manage a domain in these files and you notice that metadata about it is incorrect, log in to the .gov registrar to correct it.
If you use any of this data or just have a question, let us know by opening an issue.
Find a security or privacy issue on one of these domains? Review our security policy.
- Accept the Risk and Continue: Measuring the Long Tail of Government https Adoption. Sudheesh Singanamalla, Esther Han Beol Jang, Richard Anderson, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Kurtis Heimerl. 2020. In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 577–597. DOI
- Lauren Ancona made a geocoded map of .gov domains: