- Bachelor in Software Engineering at Universidade Federal do Pampa - Alegrete Campus.
- Currently, working as a volunteer at PMST (Project Management Software Tool).
- I'm also a developer at Teasy Solutions
- I have a greater interest at topics related to Backend development (CI/CD, scalability), ethical hacking and software quality management.
- I've experience in JavaScript TypeScript, PHP, Java. I have experience also in PostgresSql, MySql and NoSql.
- Whatsapp bots, using Meta Api and Twilio.
- I'm familiar with AWS services, serverless architecture and Docker.
- I’ve developed a Flutter project where I integrated a mobile payment terminal with Sitef.
- 📚 Studying clean architecture and SOLID principles.
- Currently working on a project management software based on the PMBOK as a backend developer.
You can find me at [email protected]