- Zen Browser firefox fork open source #browser
- NeverCease/uchu Color palette for the web #color#theming
- Creating My First Game Prototype in a Browser with threejs react #tutorial#3d#gamedev
- a portrait of Tenochtitlan 3D reconstruction of the capital of the Aztec Empire #gooddesign
- We are destroying software on quality and engineering principles #opinion
- Beej's Guide to Git #git#reference#guide
- Beej's Guide to Network Concepts #reference#network#guide
- Responsive tables #technique#table#pattern#responsive
- wunderwuzzi23/scratch collection of llm system prompts #reference#llm
- Every HTML Element can be used as compressed documentation for code gen #reference#llm
- cs16.css Low res UI based on counter strike #component#library
- Standards first web framework #webcomponent#library#component#designsystem
- fand/vfx-js with threejs #visualeffect#3d#library
- thetarnav/streaming-markdown #markdown#language#library
- Agents 2025 area summary on Gen AI agent engineering #beginner#llm
- mathuo/dockview in browser window manager with drag and drop and grid based layout #library#layout
- Browserbase: A web browser for AI agents & applications Browser automation platform for AI #service#browser#ai
- egoist/tsup typepscript library bundler #library#tool#devexperience
- Expo cross platform app development for React #framework#mobile
- EYG structured programming with functional, typed, and scriptable features #language
- xyflow/xyflow node based graph visualization in React #nodelink#library
- jagenjo/litegraph.js A graph node engine and editor #nodelink#library
- 5 ways to draw an outline render Sable art style 3d with bold outline #tutorial#technique#3d
- BlinkDL/RWKV-LM Small language model by Linux AI project #generative#llm
- Termo simulate terminal in web #library#tui
- The Pixel Canvas Shimmer Effect #visualeffect#webcomponent
- Creating the Morphing Effect of the Luma Dream Machine Website Use generative image blend to create web static morphing #technique#visualeffect#generative
- IsometricShot Create Isometric Screenshots #tool#mock
- Whisk Style and subject transfer for image generation #tool#generative
- Map of GitHub high performance map of github projects #visualization#demo
- The Book of Shaders shader programming guide #beginner#webgl#graphics#tutorial
- Nitro full stack serverless toolkit for js ecosystem #library#framework
- TimeMap.org World History Atlas with interactive timeline scrub #tool#gooddesign#map
- FujiwaraChoki/MoneyPrinter Automated short video creation #automation#tool
- tonghohin/screen-sharing web based screen sharing app #service#free
- Photo Gradient sophisticated gradient with noise and warp #visualeffect#tool
- Make creative borders with background-clip border-area radial, pattern, image, gradient effects #technique#demo
- Frosted Glass from Games to the Web realistic backdrop filter for glass panel #technique#visualeffect#tutorial
- ASCII shader with WebGPU and threejs #demo#tui#3d#technique#tutorial
- shuding/svg-shaders use svg as filter for html dom element #technique#visualeffect#svg
- Cap screen recording, alternative to loop #tool#video
- Native dual-range input compose two native range input into a single dual-range #pattern#slider#technique
- The UX of LEGO Interface Panels #fun#gooddesign
- Colorixor Generative AI Recolor Tool for Instant Image Objects Transformation #tool#image#generative
- jackyzha0/sunlit simulating sun light and shadow casting #visualeffect#demo
- Overflow Clip #explanation#technique
- Nature of Code Daniel Shiffman book with rich example and illustration for algorithmic art #art#generative
- @celine/celine HTML as a reactive notebook programming running #library#technique#documentation#notebook
- Online MP3 Cutter Cut Songs, Make Ringtones #tool#audio
- dbismut/draggable-slider #pattern#carousel#library
- AI Voice Generator: Realistic Text to Speech and AI Voiceover #voice#generative#service
- baunov/gradients-bg reference implementation for blur svg gradient background #visualeffect#technique#tutorial
- Orbit CSS radial layout rendering #library
- Motion Alternative to gsap for physics and scroll driven animation #motion#library
- The Monospace Web monospace applied to design system #tui#designsystem#gooddesign
- Hyprland: Dynamic tiling window compositor with the looks for wayland #linux#ricing
- uifonts.app test and preview font pairing live #tool#typography
- vadimdemedes/ink react for interactive cli apps #cli#library
- eshaz/wasm-audio-decoders #audio#library
- Lucide Icons beautiful and consistent #icon#resource#free
- Tables with Fixed Headers and Horizontal Scroll #pattern#table#technique
- Drag to Select implementation in react #pattern#technique
- How to compose JavaScript functions that take multiple parameters compose of react state hooks #functional#technique
- domferr/tilingshell tiling window manager for gnome #linux
- How to Build Anything Extremely Quickly hierarchical outline progressive enhancement #technique#knowledgebase#philosophy
- OpenWebTorrent An open webtorrent tracker project for seeding p2p file sharing #service#free#p2p
- webtorrent/webtorrent file sharing in the browser with any tracker service #technique#network#library#p2p
- chr15m/slingcode Single HTML js VM for personal apps #vm#browser
- Now in Baseline: animating entry effects starting styles query allow animation entry effects without javascript #technique#animation
- Unlocking the Power of JSON Patch for incremental update of structured data #standard#language#llm
- nhh/zero Use jsx to output plain dom nodes #technique#compiler
- Grainy Gradients with computed noise #technique#visualeffect#svg
- rsms/scripter figma scripting vm #technique#language
- CSS for JavaScript Developers highly rated online course for web dev #course#tutorial#beginner
- Textualize/toolong visually appealing log file viewer/explorer/search #gooddesig#tui#cli#tool
- Gosub Web Browser Engine Rust based modular browser making project #browser
- HadrienGardeur/web-speech-recommended-voices list of high quality voices from browser native api #speech#reference
- highlight note in github markdown #technique#plaintext
- honojs/hono web standards based js server #framework#fullstack
- mrmierzejewski/hugo-theme-console console inspired blog theme #gooddesign#tui
- Plain Vanilla Use plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript towards production #webcomponent#beginner#reference#technique
- Rombo noise effect with SVG #gooddesign
- Jen Kramer: HTML, CSS, No-Code, Teaching Tips | Substack 30 days of HTML and 15 days of CSS #beginner#tutorial#html
- The Copenhagen Book guideline for auth in web apps #auth#guide#reference
- muxinc/media-chrome #audio#video#webcomponent#library
- Shopify/draggable #library#dragndrop
- TahaSh/swapy for vanilla js #library#dragndrop
- OpenFreeMap #map#library#selfhosted
- An Interesting HTML Parser Conundrum Closing tag in inline javascript will be parsed #html#browser
- APL Fonts and Keyboards #typography#free
- Easing Graphs css animation timing function #tool#animation
- Best Free Fonts #free#resource#typography
- How streaming LLM APIs work correct handling with multi-byte character decoding #technique#llm
- The Annotated Hacker Test Culture background for the original hackers #reference#tool
- CSS Triggers How css property triggers Layout, Paint, Composite in browsers #reference#performance#browser
- Simple Icons for popular brands #resource#svg#logo
- Atkinson Hyperlegible Font - Braille Institute readable, legible font #typography#free
- Rendering Markdown with the GitHub Markdown API #technique#api
- Vanilla JSX proof of concept of using JSX to render regular DOM elements #demo#library#framework
- Server Mono monospace typeface interfaced by typewriters #typography#resource#free
- Declarative Shadow DOM server side render html template #webcomponent#technique#tutorial
- The Monospace Web Emulate text interface with CSS #designsystem#tui#gooddesign#responsive
- Eraser Docs and Diagrams for Engineering Teams #service#diagram#tool
- Scroll-driven Animations #demo#technique#animation
- How not to use box shadows Ray tracing implemented in CSS shadows #performance#graphics#experiment
- Wordware Notion-like interactive notebook for AI task flows #notebook#llm#tool
- Semantic Chunking with RegExp #technique#llm
- CanadaHonk/porffor Compile JavaScript to wasm #compiler#language#performance#vm#library
- A virtual DOM in 200 lines of JavaScript with diffing render #tutorial#technique#library
- Will Figma become an awkward middle ground? AI making coding prototype faster than vector prototype #hypothesis#opinion
- drizzle-team/drizzle-orm prisma alternative with runtime typescript schema #database#devexperience
- Handy Arrows sketch handdrawing style #svg#resource#illustration
- Zoom, zoom, and zoom CSS zooming, scaling #technique
- SendWithSES/Drag-and-Drop-Email-Designer Build HTML in browser #tool#email
- Hyperlinks in Terminal Emulators Display clickable hyperlink in terminal emulators #technique#cli
- leaningtech/webvm Linux emulation in browser #os#linux#wasm
- how fast is javascript simulating 20 000 000 particles with shared array buffer #performance#technique
- saulpw/visidata data visualization in command line for any input format #tool#cli#tui#visualization#table
- An Experienced (Neo)Vimmer's Workflow #tutorial#reference#dotfile#editor
- Link Lock URL Embedded self encryption #tool#url
- WerWolv/ImHex Hex editor for reverse engineering #tool#editor
- shikijs/shiki syntax highlight html generator #library
- pwr-Solaar/Solaar Logitech drivers for linux #tool#linux
- What We’ve Learned From A Year of Building with LLMs tactical, operational, and strategy #guide#prompt#llm#technique#reference
- Maneken product mockup image generator #tool#marketing
- frectonz/sqlite-studio data viewer and query editor #tool#database
- mixmark-io/turndown versatile converter supporting multiple formats #library#conversion#html#markdown
- Fine-tuning Text Inputs spellcheck autofocus autocapitalize autocomplete and autocorrect #form#input#text
- oimo.io high performance simulation and VFX #webgl#demo#gpu
- partykit/partykit #realtime#collaboration#library
- ASCII Silhouettify Convert image to ASCII art in browser #tool#cli
- Ice Menu Bar Manager with easy customization #gooddesign#nativeapp#free
- Nokja Original 3310 Cellphone Font Reproduction LCD dot matrix display #typography#free#resource
- rough-stuff/rough Sketch style graphics in browser #svg#visualization#library
- UI Density Deep analysis on spatial and temporal density in UI #reference#visualization
- HigherOrderCO/Bend A massively parallel, high-level programming language #performance#rust#language#functional
- InboxPurge Bulk Gmail clean up and unsubscribe #tool#email
- Exploring Hacker News by mapping and analyzing 40 million posts and comments for fun UMAP dimension reduction on embeddings #visualization#technique
- rjmacarthy/twinny open source alternative to github copilot #tool#devexperience#llm#selfhosted
- magicbookproject/magicbook publishing html books authored in html #publishing#print#authoring
- abi/secret-llama In browser LLM chat experience #llm#chat
- Teranoptia Medieval chimeric fonts #typography#gooddesign
- Reading QR codes without a computer understanding QR code system design #explanation#reference
- biomejs/biome alternative to prettier and eslint with better performance #devexperience#tool#language
- WebSockets vs Server-Sent-Events vs Long-Polling vs WebRTC vs WebTransport Comparison of server to client communication #technique#reference#realtime
- Microservices Crash Course Pros and Cons of microservice #course#reference#architecture
- Hybrid Logical Clock (HLC) for distributed systems event ordering #algorithm#sync
- WebReflection/linkedom Alternative to JSDOM with optimal API for server side processing #library#dom#scraping
- Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things #technique#typography#icon#casestudy
- magick.css classless minimalist css framework #component#library
- Memories Open source alternative to Google Photos #tool#selfhosted
- Eclipsetracks.org Interactive Solar Eclipses with CesiumJS #tool#3d#visualization
- ynqa/jnv interactive json query and exploration #tool#gooddesign#cli
- Using Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for Localized Relative Timings #technique#datetime#tutorial
- requestSubmit trigger browser built-in form validation before submit #technique#form#validation
- CSS for printing to paper with size preference #technique#print
- Nordic Names #reference#tool
- SDXL Lightning Real-time image generation #generative#ai#tool
- gptscript-ai/gptscript natural language programming with LLM agents #language#generative#llm
- The Shape of AI #pattern#ai#guide
- wxt-dev/wxt #browser#extension#framework
- Writing a scheduler for Linux in Rust that runs in user-space #linux#scheduler#rust#performance
- Data Structure Visualization #algorithm#reference
- UI is a function of states Extensive analysis on the source of states #reference
- github-linguist/linguist GitHub's programming language detection #library#language#nlp
- Command Line Interface Guidelines #guide#reference#cli
- See-the-Forest Citation graph visualization for US patents #tool#startup#businessstrategy#reference
- Origami Simulator #tool#gooddesign#physics
- Rust Design Patterns idiomatic rust design pattern #guide#reference#rust
- JMBeresford/webgpu-kit low level abstractions in typescript #library#graphics#webgpu
- Inigo Quilez Rendering techniques, SDF, Raytracing, Raymarching, Noise, Texture, Light, Math #reference#graphics#webgl
- ktock/container2wasm run docker container in browser via CPU emulation #technique#wasm#container#library
- Click Spark mouse click visual feedback #visualeffect#animation#gooddesign
- google/comprehensive-rust Rust training material used by Google #tutorial#beginner#rust
- currentslab/awesome-vector-search list of vector databases for search and embedding storage #database#llm#library#searchengine
- Portfolio Visualizer Sharpe curve and efficient frontier visualizer #tool#investment
- Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics with R #reference#investment#finance#beginner
- demoscene programming Short interviews and demos with computer graphics artists #inspiration
- Foundations of Vector Retrieval for working with embeddings and high dimensional vectors #technique#reference#machinelearning#llm
- Collision Detection #algorithm#reference#gamedev
- Pikimov local web based video editor replacing after effect #tool#video#wasm
- Picyard for product screenshot with text and QR layers #mock#tool#marketing
- Fontpair font pairing and preview #typography#tool
- Fontpair font pairing and preview #typography#tool
- PeepsLab Avatar generator #tool#gooddesign#gamedev#generative
- SVG Chart Generator #illustration#mock#svg#tool
- Free Icons collection of product brand svgs #icon#resource#free
- hattipjs/hattip Express.js alternative for multiple javascript runtimes #framework#serverless
- Draggable objects #technique#touch#dragndrop
- Penrose Declarative domain agnostic data visualization programming #visualization#language#gooddesign
- TrueUp Database for tech jobs #career#jobhunting#tool
- DevDocs Offline documentation for languages and library #reference#documentation#tool
- Catlike Coding Unity and Godot #tutorial#gamedev#technique#procedural
- Shadertoy BETA Library of shader effects #graphics#shader#resource
- Box2D Physics engine for games, used by Angry Birds #gamedev#simulation#physics
- mikbry/awesome-webgpu List of learning resources #resource#graphics#webgpu
- Freesound #audio#resource#gamedev
- Joys of Small Game Development techniques, principles, AI tools #reference#tutorial#tool#generative
- Bfxr Random sound generator for games #tool#gamedev#audio
- Fix My Blinds Database for parts used in blind repair #reference
- Better Seater wedding seat planning to gather friends and separate enemies #tool
- Thinking on ways to solve PICKLISTS choice group implementation #component#radio#tutorial
- LLM Powered Autonomous Agents Blueprint for Agents with planning, memory, and tool use #explanation#reference
- Prompt Engineering Guide #beginner#llm
- Monaspace Typeface optimized for code by GitHub #typography#resource
- Globe Engineer Applied AI with experiments and demos on human-ai interactions #demo#inspiration#llm
- pheralb/svgl logos of popular software products #resource#logo#svg
- The Art of HPC textbook for high performance scientific computing #course#resource
- google/re2 high performance regular expression engine used by google #algorithm#library#searchengine
- How Figma’s multiplayer technology works Fractional indexing #technique#realtime#collaboration#algorithm
- TS Docs TypeScript document for any npm packages #typescript#tool#documentation
- Aileron Font for web and print #typography#free
- The UX of HTML Teaching HTML semantics from a UX lens #philosophy#a11y
- Causal Trees text input as example with CRDT #algorithm#explanation#sync
- threestudio-project/threestudio generate 3D from image and text #library#generative#machinelearning#tool
- I tried making Zelda The Wind Waker in JavaScript in 2 months Display ocean surface with custom shader, texture, model #gamedev#tutorial
- VikParuchuri/marker Convert PDF, EPUB, MODI to Markdown, with auto OCR #conversion#library#tool#machinelearning
- 67 Weird Debugging Tricks Your Browser Doesn't Want You to Know Advanced debugging techniques in Chrome browsers #technique#debug#browser
- ratatui-org/ratatui build performant TUI apps #cli#tui#rust#library
- kellyjonbrazil/jc Convert UNIX command line tool output to JSON for parsing #tool#conversion#cli
- Let’s learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one Building reactive frontend with template literal #tutorial#framework#react#dom
- MagicaVoxel Voxel drawing #tool#cgi#gamedev
- rkk3/ad-accelerator Speed up YouTube ad instead of blocking it #tool
- pyglide python package that converts markdown to html slideshow #tool#conversion
- Vectorizer.AI Convert raster image to vector svg #conversion#tool#image
- Thinking on ways to solve PICKLISTS #technique#radio#checkbox#tag#form#pattern
- Fast and Portable Llama2 Inference on the Heterogeneous Edge #rust#llm#tutorial#performance
- Bulletpapers Understand complex papers easily with LLM summary, conceptual exploration, stunning AI generated art #llm#gooddesign#knowledgebase#service#searchengine
- Spain lives in flats: why we have built our cities vertically interactive infographics project for urbanism #visualization#inspiration#gooddesign
- Unpacking some Rust ergonomics: getting a single Result from an iterator of them #technique#rust
- The proper design process in web development #opinion
- ruffle-rs/ruffle Flash player emulator in Rust #tool#animation#library
- Vectorpea Online Vector Editor with Figma, Adobe, and PDF support #tool#image
- AI for Web Devs: Faster Responses with HTTP Streaming #tutorial#technique#performance#chat#llm
- asciinema terminal session record and share #tool#cli
- Matter.js 2D physics engine for browser games #gamedev#library#simulation
- A free and open source map of the world Single static file based progressive rendered #map#performance#jamstack
- The Negative Impact of Mobile-First Web Design on Desktop density and content dispersion problem #uxresearch
- Textpattern CMS WordPress alternative #free#selfhosted#cms
- Animated knots Knots tutorial for climbing, boating, fishing #reference#tutorial
- So you want to write a GUI framework Complexity of GUI framework programming #os#introduction#reference
- netbootxyz/netboot.xyz Network boot into any Linux OS #tool#os
- Ventoy USB bootloader for multiple OS images #tool#os
- Medicat Computer Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit, booting, partition, diagnosis, backup recovery #tool#password#os
- SpiderMonkey Embedded JavasSript engine in Firefox and Servo browsers #browser#language#repl
- ChimeraOS Turn PC into gaming console #os#gaming#selfhosted#free
- Death by a thousand microservices Case against Microsoft service #opinion#architecture
- CloudCannon/pagefind Static low-bandwidth search at scale, works with static site generators #searchengine#library#jamstack#wasm#performance
- Effect-TS/effect concurrent, composable, functional, async programming in typescript, compare to rxjs #library#functional
- shadow A browser entirely written in javascript #browser#wasm
- AndrewWalsh/openapi-devtools API schema discovery by observed network requests #extension#tool#api#scraping
- We have used too many levels of abstractions and now the future looks bleak A case against framework-specialized developers #opinion
- Avatar as a service gravatar, unavatar, vervel, tiley, boring avatar #avatar#service#reference
- Chrome Music Lab real time spectrogram visualization with 3d and heat map #tool#audio#visualization
- Variable Fonts With dynamic preview and licensing info #typography#resource
- Wei Ren (Yui) personal website #art#gamedev#inspiration
- stateful/runme Execute commands inside your runbooks, docs. Interactive and literate programming extension to vscode #notebook#repl
- Learn to Read Korean in 5 Minutes #resource#mnemonics
- radio-browser.info Open source crowd sourced internet radio database with API and apps #radio#api#platform
- ffmpeg-online Run ffmpeg encoder with wasm #video#tool#compression
- shuttle-hq/shuttle rust based api hosting for backends without writing any infrastructure files. #rust#platform#free#service
- twentyhq/twenty Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community #selfhosted#crm#saas#startup
- berry-lang/berry A ultra-lightweight embedded scripting language optimized for microcontrollers. #language
- ShellCheck debug lint static analysis for shell scripts #shell#linux#tool#devexperience
- mifi/lossless-cut Lossless video/audio editing #tool#nativeapp
- Crafting Self-Evident Code with D D language improvement on top of C for better usability #devexperience#language
- ckolderup/postmarks Tag based personal bookmark manager hosted on glitch #knowledgebase#selfhosted#service#url
- GNU/Linux Aviation HOWTO Flight training and tools in for open source users #resource
- Chonky Menu Re-Creation Prototype of spring loaded hover menu #technique#menu#pattern#prototyping
- Ron Cobb Sci-fi concept artist, with alien, weapon, robot, spaceship design #resource#inspiration#art
- OpenRA Open source rebuild of Red Alert, Command & Conquer, Dune 2000 #gamedev#fun#nativeapp
- Get favicons from any domain using a hidden google API #technique#favicon#scraping
as a Static Site Generator with html templating #technique#tool#selfhosted#indieweb#minimalist- HTTP Status Dogs fun list of http status codes #reference#beginner
- Common Terminal Commands #reference#cli#beginner
- clauderic/dnd-kit Accessible rag & drop toolkit for React #dragndrop#library
- Fetch download progress with web native Stream API Clone http response stream #technique
- Exercism Community based programming tutor and learning #service#beginner#resource
- Make Your Renders Unnecessarily Complicated Simulate optical lens and film chemistry in blender #gooddesign#inspiration#simulation
- smolsite Generate a URL from zipped site #compression#url#tool
- Hashify Encode and store Markdown page in URL with Base64 #url#tool#compression
- Getting from Generative AI to Trustworthy AI: What LLMs might learn from Cyc Desiderata for building LLM #llm#knowledgebase#machinelearning#ai
- How to add syntax highlighting to code as a user types in realtime with vanilla JavaScript Prism js overlay above textarea #technique#highlight#editor
- RFC 3339 vs ISO 8601 Exhaustive documentation on timestamp format #datetime#standard#tool#reference
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names Handle user names with minimum assumptions #i18n#a11y#opinion
- Saving Lives Measure the impact by user's lifetime saved #performance#opinion#philosophy
- Just normal web things url, zoom, and history handling on the web #a11y#opinion
- Internet Speed Test by Cloudflare #tool#network
- Transhumans Open Source Punk Sci-Fi Art Collection by Pablo Stanley #illustration#resource#free
- Role Of Algorithms List of algorithms for software engineering, including string search, sort, dynamic programming, tree, FSM and regex #algorithm#reference
- normal-computing/outlines Syntax grammar guided text generation #llm#library#python
- PDF Tool split merge rotate PDF offline #tool
- pawelsalawa/sqlitestudio #tool#database
- Patterns for Building LLM-based Systems & Products LLM architecture, design pattern, and theorical basis #reference#pattern#llm
- beeware/briefcase Bundle Python project into a standalone native application, alternative to electron #nativeapp#desktop#python#devexperience#tool
- darkreader/darkreader Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension with an API #extension#darkmode#library
- react95-io/React95 Windows 95 style UI component library for React, built with styled components #pattern#theming#library#gooddesign
- FIGlet Text based ASCII art generator for banners #tool#cli#plaintext
- mark-when/markwhen Make a cascading timeline from markdown-like text #markdown#knowledgebase#language#visualization#tool
- coding-horror/basic-computer-games Modern implementation of "Basic Computer Games" book #reference#gamedev#demo
- Fantasy Meets Reality Consider human playfulness and rule breaking #opinion#design
- Scripting with Go Implementing basic git repo operation #git#versioning#reference#database#knowledgebase
- cerebroapp/cerebro open-source launcher with web search and plugin #ricing#desktop#tool#searchengine#productivity
- Coding Randomized Zelda Patterns concentric circles and parallel grooves #technique#canvas#background
- Michal Zalobny Physics based fragment shader animation at 60FPS #animation#visualization#webgpu
- CSS number ticker per digit with view transition API by Adam Argyle #technique#animation
- Free Vector Illustrations For Your Projects Human style with Figma source #svg#resource#illustration
- pubkey/rxdb Reactive Database for JavaScript with offline sync and flexible backend #sql#database#library
- OSA Icon Library For cyber IT security related concepts #icon#resource#free
- sysexits UNIX command line program exit code convention #reference#linux#cli#standard
- Using emoji on the web fix monochrome and missing font issues #emoji#technique#typography
- eigilnikolajsen/commit-mono programming typeface focused on creating a better reading experience. #typography#free#gooddesign
- Lissy93/web-check All-in-one website tool for analyzing any website for its networking and tech stack #tool
- Pines Alpine and Tailwind UI Library #pattern#designsystem
- GradientGenerator multi-layer CSS gradient generator #tool
- microsoft/TypeChat Typescript and JSON based LLM function calling control #llm#chat#library
- Swordfish90/cool-retro-term emulate CRT terminal displays #ricing#gooddesign#tool#terminal#cli
- automerge/automerge A JSON CRDT library for distributed editing and version control #library#rust
- ShreyaR/guardrails Adding guardrails to large language models with an XML declarative constraint language #library#llm
- CSS HD Gradients color picking and gradient visualization for oklch and oklab by Adam Argyle #tool#visualization
- Linux keymapping with udev hwdb #technique#keyboard
- jdxcode/rtx Runtime Executor for selecting node, python, ruby, and go runtime versions #tool#devexperience#cli
- wangfenjin/simple A SQLite3 fts5 tokenizer which supports Chinese and PinYin #extension#database#searchengine#library
- Kakoune code editor Efficient modal code editing, in the spirit of the vim and unix philosophy #editor#devexperience
- Local and regional eSIMs for travelers cost efficient mobile data service for international travel #service
- juliangarnier/anime for DOM, SVG, CSS, and headless JavaScript objects #animation#library#svg
- parcel-bundler/lightningcss fast CSS parser, transformer, bundler, and minifier written in Rust, replacing postcss #library#devexperience#tool#compiler
- lorenzodifuccia/safaribooks Download and generate EPUB of your favorite books from O'Reilly Learning (aka Safari Books Online) library. #tool#conversion#ebook
- Val Town Runnable and composable gist like functions #service#gooddesign#lowcode#automation#knowledgebase
- Plate Customizable Rich text editor for React #wysiwyg#library
- Free Faces Curated type faces preview with fonts download #typography#resource#free
- Rauno Craft UX prototype portfolio with technical depth and attention to details #demo#prototyping#gooddesign
- Thinking on ways to solve a MORPHING BUTTON View Transition API for setting inner HTML #technique#animation#dom
- Browsertech Digest: Figma is a File Editor Hybrid of S3 storage and Postgres. With Protobuf json serialization #technique#sync#database#realtime
- ronami/meta-typing Functions and algorithms implemented purely with TypeScript's type system #reference#library
- Firefox address bar tips Special character prefix syntax for search query semantics #technique#knowledgebase#browser#searchengine#input
- Design for the web without Figma Direct design with HTML and CSS #opinion#prototyping
- CSS only floating labels with placeholder-shown selector #form#input#technique#a11y
- egstad-construct/detect-scroll high performance scroll detection library #library#webcomponent
- Windows Update Restored Fix Windows Update on Windows 95. 98, ME, 2000, and XP #tool
- Bootstrap Icons SVG icons optimized for the web, with Figma source #resource#icon
- Modern Font Stacks system font stacks with platform specific font availability detection by width comparison #typography#browser#reference
- poteat/hkt-toolbelt Functional and composable type utilities #typescript#library#functional#devexperience
- binpash/try Inspect a command's effects before modifying your live system #tool#cli#linux
- A Syntax for Self-Tracking Micro-syntax for timestamp based journal with context-free grammar #technique#knowledgebase#writing
- imgly/background-removal-js with wasm, alternative to photoshop #tool#image
- zellij-org/zellij tmux alternative, terminal workspace manager with layouts, modal, tab, plugins #terminal#tool#customization#ricing
- jtroo/kanata Layered keyboard re-mapping tool in Rust #keyboard#productivity#tool
- mfeemster/keysharp AHK alternative with cross platform support #keyboard#tool#productivity
- MERN Crash Course JWT Authentication, Redux Toolkit, Deployment, PM2, nginx #tutorial#nodejs
- TypeCell Notebooks Typescript alternative to Jupyter notebook with interactive cell based UI #service
- vriteio/vrite WYSIWYG with markdown backend, powered by tiptap and prosemirror #editor#wysiwyg#markdown#library#knowledgebase
- Style your RSS feed Use XML and XSLT to style machine readable feed #technique#rss#selfhosted#indieweb
- minijinja rust implementation of jinja template #library#template#html
- AST explorer Analyze AST for popular programming languages #tool#language
- ueberdosis/tiptap The headless text editor framework for web artisans #editor#blockeditor#customization#knowledgebase#library#wysiwyg
- steven-tey/novel Notion-style WYSYWIG editor with AI-powered autocompletions #editor#service#knowledgebase
- speed-highlight/core javascript syntax highlighter, with automatic language detection and theming #editor#highlight#language#library
- Rebuilding a comment component with modern CSS Handling recursive comment tree structure with left rail and connector lines between the nodes #technique#comment#pattern#tutorial
- Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture Comprehensive guide for full project setup with focus on css variables and components #methodology#technique#guide#beginner#reference
- sandstorm-io/sandstorm self-hostable web productivity service, alternative to nextcloud #selfhosted#knowledgebase
- The origin private file system concept and tutorial for simple file I/O operations #beginner#browser#file#database
- Cyclic Dependency Space Toggles Allow multiple css variable based values for a single property by intentional use of cyclic dependency to produce empty value #technique#cssvariable
- Progressively Optimized Local Radiance Fields for Robust View Synthesis High performance video stablization #machinelearning#video#graphics#technique
- Effective Rust Intermediate best practice #guide#language#rust
- Track HN: analyze the survival rate of 120,396 Show HN stories Helps determine when to post Hacker News announcement #datadriven#analytics#businessstrategy#startup
- openai/evals Rubric based prompt to evaluate LLM output #technique#machinelearning#library
- Mind-Video fMRI scan to stable diffusion rendering #machinelearning
- Handbooks for Startup Founders #resource#businessstrategy#legal
- Nyxt browser: Learn Lisp Lisp Learning resources by nyxt #resource#beginner#language
- Nyxt browser: The hacker's browser With inspiration from VIM and Emacs lisp #browser#tool#keyboard
- kochrt/qr-designer Robust QR code generator #tool
- SpaceBadgers Modular SVG badge designer with color and icon options #tool#gooddesign
- tomnomnom/gron Make JSON greppable! by converting tree into list of assignments #tool#cli#database#searchengine
- uidotdev/usehooks A collection of modern, server-safe React hooks #react#library
- GoogleChromeLabs/ProjectVisBug Browser visual debug extension with floating toolbar for css tweak, inspection, measurement #tool#devexperience#gooddesign#browser
- eth-sri/lmql A query language for programming (large) language models. #language#compiler#nlp
- extractus/article-extractor extract main article from given URL, wrapper for Readability.js #rss#library
- web-synth/src/signalAnalyzer Audio synthesizer built with SIMD and atomics #audio#wasm#webgpu#rust
- C2 The original wiki concept #searchengine#progressive#gooddesign
- nomic-ai/gpt4all Open-source chatbots trained on a massive collections of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue #machinelearning#nlp#chat#library#free
- Batocera.linux Retro gaming platform #gamedev#emulator#linux
- yashash-pugalia/win11-svelte Recreating Windows 11 with Svelte #demo#prototyping#mock
- vadimdemedes/ink-ui tui widget library for node.js with input components #tui#pattern#input#select#list
- Raw WebGPU Compressive tutorial to WebGPU with detailed code #beginner#graphics#3d#tutorial
- ivanreese/visual-programming-codex Waypoints to the past and future of visual programming. #research#visualization#devexperience#nocode
- Glamorous Toolkit interactive programming and exploration environment #gooddesign#tool#datadriven
- FinalizationRegistry Invoke callback when object is garbage collected #api#dom#language
- The seven programming ur-languages ALGO, Lisp, ML, Self, Forth, APL, Prolog as type specimen languages #language#reference#philosophy
- trpc/trpc End-to-end typesafe APIs library #typescript#api#devexperience
- Starlink satellite tracker #gooddesign#map#tool
- sampsyo/bril educational compiler intermediate representation, used by Cornel CS 6120 #compiler#language
- Learn WebGPU For C++ #tutorial#graphics#3d#webgpu
- 50 Shades of Rust, or emerging Rust GUIs in a WASM world #survey#reference#rust
- emilk/egui immediate mode GUI in Rust that runs on both web and native #library#webgl#framework#rust
- nbdev Turn Jupyter Notebook into full application #library#lowcode#machinelearning
- Bash Shell Scripting/Whiptail #dialog#tui#linux
- JSON-LD A JSON convention for Linking Data used in ontology engineering #standard#knowledgebase
- Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous. #machinelearning#demo#nlp
- BoredReading.com RSS reader as a service with focus on keyboard and information density #rss#gooddesign
- mlc-ai/web-llm Run large-language models and chat to web browsers, using WebGPU #nlp#machinelearning#library
- Data Rabbit Visual programming environment for data analysis, written in Clojure #service#gooddesign#functional
- Livebook.dev Automate code & data workflows with interactive notebooks. Jupyter notebook with real-time focus #tool#machinelearning#datadriven
- reworkd/AgentGPT Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser. #ai#demo#automation
- marqo-ai/marqo Tensor search with image, audio, code support. Alternative to embedding vectors #searchengine#machinelearning#library
- Pirate Weather Dark Sky alternative API for weather data #api
- Prompt Engineering Summary of prompt engineering techniques with paper citations as of March 2023 #technique#nlp#machinelearning#guide
- ThumbHash A very compact representation of an image placeholder #algorithm#library#compression#image
- Transformers.js Run hugging face transformers inside browser with model caching #library#nlp#machinelearning
- Why some GitHub labels illegible CSS only auto contrast algorithm bug #color#a11y#theming#technique
- Everything You Need to Know About the Gap After the List Marker with browser differences #list#pattern#reference
- Iconhunt Free icon library #icon#resource#free
- Pure CSS Loader Generator with code snippets for loading indicator #reference#spinner#pattern
- Godot Engine Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine #library#gamedev
- nalgeon/sqlean The ultimate set of SQLite extensions #database#library
- What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work? Technical explanation on GPT architecture and its fundamental limits #explanation#beginner#nlp
- TabFS Mirror browser tabs as folders in a file systems to expose API control #tool#browser
- Openverse Openly Licensed Images, Audio by WordPress #resource#free
- grep.app Fast code search on public GitHub repos #searchengine#tool#reference
- How to Favicon in 2023 with SVG and dark mode support #favicon#technique#guide
- Poline Esoteric color palette generator with non-linear interpolation #tool#color
- ScrollyVideo.js Control and scrub video play with scroll #library#video#pattern
- salesforce/CodeGen CodeGen is an open-source model for program synthesis. Trained on TPU-v4. Competitive with OpenAI Codex. #devexperience#machinelearning#model
- GPT in 60 Lines of NumPy #beginner#tutorial#machinelearning
- CrowdView Human intelligence powered search engine based on experts, opinions, and folk knowledge #tool#searchengine#machinelearning
- sw-yx/ai-notes notes for my AI studies, writing, and product brainstorming #reference#machinelearning
- BIG-bench collaborative benchmark intended to probe large language models and extrapolate their future capabilities #machinelearning#reference
- Shapecatcher Draw the Unicode character you want #tool#icon#gooddesign
- eBoy TiliX Design system for isometric pixel art #pixelart#3d#designsystem
- All Programming Philosophies Are About State Compare OOP, functional, declarative, imperative #philosophy#statemanagement
- The Cab Ride I'll Never Forget Musing on death, empathy, and chance. #philosophy
- Teach Yourself Computer Science CS subjects books and online education video #resource#education
- GPT Index Data structure to compose GPT components #library#technique#machinelearning
- The Media Equation how people interact with media and establish trust #reference#ai
- karpathy/nanoGPT Light weight GPT model for training on PC #model#nlp#machinelearning
- Accessible hamburger buttons without JavaScript - Pausly blog a css only solution #technique#navigation#menu#a11y
- Logggos designs from real companies #reference#logo#inspiration
- OpenJourney Alternative to Midjourney #generative#ai#tool
- Dev Container Templates List of VS Code Dev Containers maintained by Microsoft #reference#tool#editor#vm
- Weaviate Vector search engine #searchengine#machinelearning
- Pinecone Vector Database for Vector Search #database#machinelearning#service
- Prompt Engineering Template For generative image models #reference#ai
- Konjer Talk to a book via GPT-3 #ai#tool
- Agile and the Long Crisis of Software reflection on the rise and fall of Agile #opinion#methodology#projectmanagement
- Async: What is blocking tokio runtime as an example #rust#performance#beginner
- mxgmn/MarkovJunior Probabilistic language based on pattern matching and constraint propagation with examples, applied markov chain #generative#algorithm#performance
- A Guide To Command-Line Data Manipulation with Miller for tabular data in csv and json #tool#cli
- Hacker Typer fake hacking tool, similar to Hollywood #tool#cli
- ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} Inner workings of ripgrep #explanation#gooddesign#searchengine#tool#cli#performance
- Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library #library#3d#visualization
- picoCAD by Johan Peitz low-res 3d modeling #tool#3d#pixelart
- List of Chromium Command Line Switches For running chrome as a program #reference#browser
- wg/wrk Modern HTTP benchmarking tool #performance#network#tool
- reanimate/reanimate Haskell library for building declarative animations based on SVG graphics #animation#functional#visualization
- Center for the Study of the Public Domain Compiled list of books, movies, music released to the public each year #free#reference
- Death by AI Jobs, industries, tools, companies threatened by AI #businessstrategy#ai#inspiration
- wtfutil/wtf The personal information dashboard for your terminal #tool#visualization#cli
- zquestz/s: Open a web search in your terminal. #cli#tool#searchengine
- Riffusion Stable diffusion generated music #ai#tool#algorithm#audio
- NodeToy Create and share shader graphs with the world #3d#saas#tool
- Blockbench Low poly modeling #tool#saas#3d
- Scan of the month Industrial CT Scan project #gooddesign#typography#3d
- llimllib/wasm_sqlite_with_stats Documentation and demonstration of how to build WASM versions of SQLite with extensions embedded #technique#database#sql
- sqlite-lines SQLite extension for reading files line-by-line #database#performance#sql
- Tools for Online Speech feed, publishing, indie web #selfhosted#tool
- Shipnix NixOS hosting with free plan for open source project #paas
- LosslessCut Lossless video audio cut, merge, editing #tool#video#free
- OpenDroneMap Convert drone footage and geo-tagged image to models and surface images #tool#graphics#3d
- From type to logotype #logotype#typography#casestudy
- Complementary Space A rational approach to spacing, with usability in mind #technique#layout#cssvariable#designsystem
- Readability Knowledge about the usability of fonts, by Google Font team #beginner#typography#a11y
- Hello: Search engine for developers Structured AI search with source citation #tool#machinelearning#productivity
- LGUG2Z/komorebi A tiling window manager for Windows #tool#desktop
- Asynchronous Reprojection exploit perception to create illusion of high frame rate #technique#performance#gpu#graphics
- Tech Jobs in Japan #resource#jobhunting
- nektos/act Run your GitHub Actions locally for debugging #cicd#tool#test
- antonmedv/llama Terminal file manager #tool#cli#file
- The BBC's 15 Web Principles #guide#gooddesign#usability#principle#philosophy
- oEmbed Open embed protocol #standard#html#url#api#reference
- You don't need HTML implement table, chart, color, image, all in Unicode #demo#technique#plaintext
- amandaghassaei/gpu-io A GPU-accelerated computing library for physics simulations and other mathematical calculations #simulation#library#gpu#graphics
- Vim Commands: A Beginner Guide with Examples progressive from 0 to expert #guide#beginner#reference
- ericchiang/pup Parsing HTML at the command line #tool#cli#html
- Counting unique visitors with HTTP header timestamp without using cookies, UIDs or fingerprinting. #analytics#privacy#technique
- Tree sitter with reference to incremental parsing algorithm design #algorithm#library#reference#technique
- apihero-run/jsonhero-web JSON explorer with browse, search and media preview #tool#knowledgebase#visualization
- PCjs Machines Collection of PC emulators for OS and hardware #emulator#reference
- Orange-OpenSource/hurl alternative to postman. Run and test HTTP requests in command line #cli#tool#network#test
- AlexandroMtzG/remix-page-blocks Remix and Tailwind block editor and page builder #wysiwyg#lowcode#blockeditor#library
- Opinionated Guides On programming, philosophy, math, physics, hardware #opinion#tutorial#beginner
- Almost monospaced: the perfect fonts for writing Use 25% increments of monospace width for better vertical alignment #typography#technique
- Cobalt Web rendering platform as Electron alternative #library#nativeapp
- terrastruct/d2 Declarative diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams with REPL. #tool#visualization#diagram#ide
- Named Colors Wheel for CSS names #tool#color
- Moving away from UUIDs URL safe Base64 as random ID #technique#url#knowledgebase
- Tree views in CSS #pattern#tree#visualization#technique
- A star rating widget in CSS #rating#form#input
- wbkd/awesome-node-based-uis For node link graph like UI building #visualization#library#resource
- Apple Rankings Crowd sourced ratings #tool
- The PARA Method A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information #knowledgebase#methodology
- Easy Rust #rust#beginner#reference
- hak5 White hat hacking utilities #tool#hack
- Potluck Dynamic documents as personal software #knowledgebase#demo#realtime#plaintext
- The Best PiHole Blocklists #privacy#resource
- anudeepND/blacklist Curated and well-maintained hostfile to block ads, tracking, cryptomining #privacy#resource
- I Don’t Believe in Sprints #opinion#methodology#projectmanagement
- shubhamgrg04/awesome-diagramming A curated collection of diagramming tools used by leading software engineering teams #tool#resource#diagram#chart#visualization
- merbanan/rtl_433 Program to decode radio transmissions from devices on the ISM bands #hack#iot#wireless
- Hosting SQLite databases as static files with built-in sharding and page size control #technique#database#jamstack#searchengine
- Compression and decompression in the browser with the Compression Streams API #technique#tutorial
- Muse app tool for thoughts with infinite canvas and touch first design #service#gooddesign
- Infinite Canvas Literature and history review for tools for thought #reference#gooddesign
- Ink & Switch HCI industrial research program, similar to PARC #gooddesign#resource
- HTML includes with web components #technique#progressive#performance
- github/mona-sans Mona Sans, a variable font from GitHub #typography
- Linen Slack alternative designed for communities #chat#saas#free
- Engagespot/heroku-free-alternatives Free full stack application hosting for starter projects, alternative to Heroku #reference#paas
- Crystal based on C and Ruby, with Go's concurrency model #language
- Swurl Parallel Search from Google, Wikipedia, Twitter, YouTube #tool#searchengine
- Generative art Open Graph preview images Eventually spaced flow lines #generative#algorithm#technique
- Boldly link where no one has linked before: Text Fragments Deep link into text fragment #technique#url#browser
- UI2: Figma's Design System Icons and Colors used by Figma UI #resource#gooddesign#designsystem
- Bulletproof Background Images Generator for email banner image HTML and VML code #tool#responsive#email
- A Guide to HTML Background Images in Email Background size contain #technique#email#responsive
- cozodb/cozo Datalog graph database with embed binary like SQLite #database#library#rust
- binwiederhier/ntfy: Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST opena-source notification service for apps #notification#library#saas#free
- Learn X in Y Minutes quick start for languages, computer science topics, data structure, and tool #reference#beginner#language#tool#algorithm
- RawTherapee alterative to photoshop #image#tool#photo
- The Myers Difference Algorithm Convert diffing to BFS graph search problem #algorithm#editor#gooddesign#visualization
- ds300/patch-package Fix broken node modules instantly in the lack of timely maintenance #tool#devops#library#monorepo
- GeoJSON format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures with map preview on GitHub. Good for location tracking #map#standard#reference
- Zettelkasten-Method/10000-markdown-files 10,000 markdown files. Useful for stress testing note-taking tools.
- Pandoc Universal document converter, with programming API #conversion#tool#markdown#knowledgebase
- charmbracelet/vhs command line recorder that outputs gif #tool#terminal
- pacocoursey/cmdk Fast, unstyled command menu React component. #menu#modal#library
- answerdev/answer Open-source alternative to Stack overflow and discourse #knowledgebase#community#chat#selfhosted
- Programming Portals Divide between programmer and end user. Coding and TUI in the low-code environment. #pattern#opinion
- krausest/js-framework-benchmark Comparison matrix for rendering speed #performance#framework
- Foo to Bar Naming Conventions in Haskell #technique#documentation#functional
- html.to.design convert web URL to figma #tool
- Mocking is a Code Smell use functional composition instead #opinion#philosophy#test
- Elements of JavaScript Style Naming convention inspired by Elements of Style #naming#reference
- Why Composition is Harder with Classes Replace javascript class with factory #opinion#technique#language
- Functional Mixins for javascript object composition #technique
- Component patterns by web.dev Superset of GUI Challenges #reference#pattern#button#carousel#dialog#multiselect#breadcrumb#notification#tab
- Stellarium Astronomy Software cross platform, for stargazing and astronomy #tool
- vercel/satori HTML and CSS to SVG #library#svg
- Files and directories patterns #reference#file
- DiscMaster Search through internet archive #tool#searchengine
- Just for Fun. No, Really. Joy of programming vs. Commercial culture #opinion#jobsatisfaction
- lodash style issue management #reference#devops#technique
- Magiconch Lab Collection of tools around anime, image processing, language processing for Chinese #tool#image#resource#nlp#generative
- vaporwave Image processing with advanced filters #tool#image
- A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages #opinion#history
- WebMemex/freeze-dry Snapshots a web page to get it as a static, self-contained HTML document. #library#knowledgebase
- Syntax Design Aspects to consider when analyzing the pros and cons of a language #language#reference
- bliki: CQRS Command Query Responsibility Segregation #architecture#reference
- Projectbook Project ideas with specifications, mock-ups, and assets for learning any programming language #reference#inspiration
- Feather open source iconset #icon#resource
- Lose the Very replace very + any word with a more eloquent word #tool#content#writing
- Low Earth Orbit Visualization #tool
- They Called It LISP for a Reason: List Processing recursive data structure and algorithms #functional#language
- Using a Framework will harm the maintenance of your software #opinion#maintenance#methodology#framework
- A tiling window manager for Windows #rust#productivity#tool
- How Brian Eno Created "Ambient 1: Music For Airports" #audio#gooddesign#synth
- Canary in the Photo Mine Open source Google photo and cloud storage alternatives #selfhosted#storage#sync#backup#photo
- Thinking on ways to solve TOOLTIPS directional animation, reduced motion, keyboard focus #pattern#tooltip#hover#a11y
- iced-rs/iced A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm, used by Pop OS #library#rust
- The Elm Architecture design pattern for highly interactive UI application #functional#reference#gooddesign
- valinet/ExplorerPatcher Improved Windows 11 task bar #tool#productivity
- How to Safely Share Your Email Address on a Website Prevent bot and spam but allow user to get email #pattern#email#form
- antfu/retypewriter Record, replay, and revise coding steps with diff editor #productivity#tool#editor#vscode#extension
- muted.io Magical Music Theory Tools to Learn Music Online for Free. Good for guitar and piano #tool#reference#audio
- When going somewhere does a thing: on links and buttons On choosing link vs button #pattern#a11y#opinion
- I turned JS into a compiled language from js to wasm and C++ #technique#wasm#tutorial
- Fisher–Yates shuffle #algorithm
- Cloudflare Turnstile Alternative to CAPTCHA #service#privacy#antispam
- Fluid type scale calculator Configure, visualize, and generate code #typography#responsive#tool
- From data to Viz Help decide what visualization to use to the data you have #tool#reference#visualization
- The Data Visualisation Catalogue detailed guide on how and when to use each type of visualization #guide#reference#visualization
- Castopod open-source podcast hosting with community and social features #library#platform#podcast
- shoelace-style/shoelace Cross-platform UI components built with lit #library#webcomponent#pattern
- Nature 150 Interactive Visualize 150 years of citation network #gooddesign#visualization#knowledgebase
- snaplet/postgres-wasm: Linux VM and PostgresQL server running in your browser using Web Assembly, #database#wasm
- Doug Engelbart Institute Insights for building revolutionary technology that augments collective intelligence #history#reference
- Timeline of Computer History Visual stories by Computer History Museum #reference#history
- chromium/badssl.com Comprehensive list of SSL configs hosted in real sites for client testing. #security#tool#network
- Making Disabled Buttons More Inclusive #button#disabled#pattern
- HTML attribute: autocomplete List of supported autocomplete values #autocomplete#reference#form#pattern
- Enhance for full stack html and javascript apps #framework#progressive#serverless
- A decision tree for choosing form input #form#pattern#guide#radio#checkbox#toggle#tab
- Digital Journalism Style Guide of Inclusive Language Considering class, disability, Gender, Mental health, and Race #content#reference
- 58 bytes of css to look great nearly everywhere Minimal stylesheet for Content heavy HTML pages, without reset or normalize #technique#performance
- pdfgrep Search into PDF files #cli#tool#searchengine
- Starter Story Database for startups, with good search and filter #tool#reference#businessstrategy#startup
- Game UI Database great for UI design #reference
- JSCheck Randomized property-based testing for javascript, inspired by Haskell QuickCheck #test#library#functional
- gcanti/fp-ts fully typed FP library #functional#library
- Purify Functional programming library for TypeScript with focus on data types #library#functional
- Visual product comparison For PC, Laptop, SSD, Camera, Monitor #gooddesign#tool
- Statistics Estonia Good search UX #inspiration#searchengine#gooddesign
- rclone data sync for cloud storage #library#tool#distributed#storage
- Typesense In memory full text search #library#searchengine#selfhosted
- hanzala123/arch2appimage Python script that converts arch linux package to appimage #linux#tool#production
- Wilfred/difftastic a structural diff that understands syntax #algorithm#library#editor
- Cyclic.sh full stack hosting for hobby project #service#cicd#free
- Congress.gov API Query bills, amendments, members, committees, treaties #api#resource
- Kamby Language ergonomic lisp in 400 LOC #language#compiler
- Goodbye, useEffect: David Khourshid effects below in even handler, below in state management, separate from rendering #opinion
- Checklist Design A collection of the best design practices, with links to evidence articles #reference#resource#pattern#guide
- Gotenberg Docker image that converts any document to PDF #library#tool
- WikiHouse Modular design systems for house #inspiration#gooddesign#designsystem
- fantasyland/fantasy-land Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript #reference#functional#language
- maps.earth open source maps for everyone #library#map
- TIOBE Index Overall assessment of programming languages usage and usability #reference
- jaspervdj/hakyll A static website compiler library in Haskell #library#jamstack
- Why ContentEditable is Terrible medium engineering blob on text editor design #wysiwyg#reference
- Why your website should be under 14kb tcp package size consideration #performance#network
- CompVis/stable-diffusion Open-source alternative to DALL-E 2 #deeplearning#generative#library
- Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks interactive #visualization#deeplearning#beginner#gooddesign
- ImageMagick/ImageMagick programmatic image editing #library#tool#image
- google/sentencepiece: Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation. for non-english tokenization #library
- subconsciousnetwork/subtext: Markup for note taking reduced from markdown #language
- Pyxel Edit: pixel art and tileset creation tool #pixelart#tool
- AI Weirdness Funny results when AI training when wrong, joke on AI #deeplearning
- Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know for estimation of algorithm performance #reference#performance
- donjon; RPG Tools generate map, name, and other gaming assets #tool#gamedev
- Polygon map generator #tool#gamedev
- quantleaf/probly-search In memory full-text search library written in Rust that provides full control over the scoring calculations #searchengine#library#wasm
- Zellij Terminal workspace with panels and multiplexer, replacement for tmux #tui#terminal#tool#productivity
- radix-ui/primitives An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps #pattern#library
- You Don’t Need A UI Framework Utility first approach to frontend engineering with headless frontend libraries #library#pattern#a11y#opinion
- Open Cognition Project (OpenCog) for solving Artificial General Intelligence #ai
- Zazow Algorithmic Generative Art showcase and hosting #generative#art#reference#inspiration
- LibreSprite/LibreSprite Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool based on Aseprite #pixelart#tool#free
- Pixilart Online pixel art creation #tool#pixelart#gamedev
- Aseprite Pixel art and sprite animation #tool#gamedev
- MathisBullinger/froebel A strictly typed utility library. lodash alternative. #functional#library
- Matrix Multiplication Visualization #beginner#gooddesign#machinelearning
- Gradio UI toolkit for ML apps #library#machinelearning
- Gradio + HuggingFace Spaces ML service deployment #tutorial#beginner
- ramda/ramda: Practical functional Javascript #library
- Function.prototype.length - JavaScript Get number of parameters defined in a function, used for auto-currying #language#technique#functional
- damianavila/RISE: RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension Turn Jupyter notebook into slide presentation #library#tool
- rwightman/pytorch-image-models: PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights integrated in fast.ai #resource#deeplearning
- My HCI toolbox: Methods for designing and evaluating UIs A Microsoft PM's personal playbook for UX research #uxresearch#guide#hci
- aidenybai/million-react Fast virtual DOM for React using Pre-compilation #library#performance#dom
- tabler/tabler Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap #designsystem#visualization#library
- Clipboard Inspector inspect all formats within the clipboard #tool#debug
- bokeh/bokeh Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python. Replacement for D3 #library#visualization
- Subheadings, subtitles, alternative titles and taglines in HTML Practical solution to semantic subtitle and subheading using hgroup #a11y#technique
- carbon-language/carbon-lang C++ improved #language#compiler
- Levels.fyi Crowd sourced compensation and career ladder comparison #career#tool#interview
- jawerty/myAlgorithm A self hosted recommendation feed generated from your browsing habits, with LDA model #extension#selfhosted
- Lofi.co Lofi streaming from custom browser tab #tool#productivity
- stedolan/jq Command-line JSON processor #cli#tool
- Speak Human Generate friendly message for UI copy and messaging #content#tool
- UX Core Large database for UX patterns, cognitive biases, heuristics, psychological effects #reference#pattern#psychology
- Memory Management Reference with diagram and glossary list #reference#systemprogramming
- hemanth/functional-programming-jargon Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms #reference#language
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong! API design for better composition #functional
- An event for CSS position:sticky Build sticky header stack #technique#tutorial
- Jarred-Sumner/bun alternative javascript runtime to node and deno, optimized for edge function #language#performance
- Building tabs in Web Components elegantly handle overflow and keyboard #pattern#tab#a11y#webcomponent#tutorial
- Human Eyes Only prevent machine readability on PDF #tool#security
- Defensive CSS improve edge case handling and error recovery #pattern#progressive
- tsl0922/ttyd Share local terminal over the web #tui#tool#collaboration
- Common Crawl open source web crawling project #searchengine#resource
- How to Build a Low-tech Website? Static host, Dithered image, No logo and default font #performance#indieweb#selfhosted
- utterances Use github issue tracker as comment service #community#chat#collaboration#service
- Single Element Loaders: Going 3D! 3D cube and progress bar in plain CSS #3d#technique#progress
- keeweb/favicon-proxy: CORS-enabled favicon proxy Render favicon from other hosts #service#favicon
- LeaVerou/color.js: Color conversion & manipulation library by the editors of the CSS Color specifications #library#color
- The really important job interview questions engineers should ask (but don't) #career#startup#jobsatisfaction#guide#interview
- n3r4zzurr0/svg-spinners #resource#animation#progress
- kochrt/markwhen Make a cascading timeline from markdown-like text #library#markdown#visualization
- Building forms with custom elements review of browser support, and polyfill #form#technique#a11y#webcomponent
- A look at search engines with their own indexes comparison across search engine APIs and services #searchengine#comparison#reference
- Search My Site Open source search engine and search as a service for personal and independent websites. #searchengine#saas#indieweb
- Microsoft Donated Money to GNOME: Let's Remember How They Attacked Open Source Before With a brief history of software licensing legal cases #reference#opinion
- privatenumber/ts-runtime-comparison Comparison of TypeScript runtimes #reference
- crabtyper speed typing game written in rust for practice touch typing #wasm#tool
- Using WebAssembly threads from C, C++ and Rust #wasm#performance
- NirSoft Utilities Panel Huge collection of windows debugging tools #tool#resource#desktop#browser#network
- Cool desktops don’t change A case for using old stable programs #opinion#editor
- Ask HN: Is it still conceivable to remain an anonymous developer nowadays #resource#privacy
- sciter Electron alternative, HTML/CSS/JavaScript UI Engine for Desktop and Mobile Application. No V8 engine #desktop#nativeapp#framework
- The Wails Project Electron alternative in Go #desktop#nativeapp#framework
- A Git Origin Story How Linux wrote Git out of necessity #versioning#git#story
- jessegrosjean/mobydickworkout Large markdown testing file #resource#markdown
- Best practices for inclusive CLIs Consideration for man page, interoperability, and unix convention #cli#tui#guide#a11y
- UX patterns for CLI tools Modern CLI design practices #guide#cli#tui
- tldr-pages/tldr Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands, complements man page #cli#reference#documentation#devexperience
- espeak-ng/espeak-ng open source speech synthesizer that supports more than hundred languages and accents. #nlp#library
- Damerau–Levenshtein distance Edit distance, for error recovery, spellcheck, and CLI argument suggestions #algorithm#cli
- Should I Use A Carousel? satire passive aggressive demo #opinion#carousel#pattern
- Inlining literally everything for better performance inline css and javascript for Hugo SSG #tutorial#performance#technique
- Tools for better thinking system thinking, decision making, problem solving #resource#tool
- The Comprehensive List of Window Managers for Unix #linux#desktop#resource
- How to build undo/redo in a multiplayer environment #undoredo#technique#guide#collaboration
- Hakim El Hattab | CSS Day 2019 Hover menu SVG Exit Area Path, improved on Amazon dynamic path #menu#hover#technique
- Monorepos in JavaScript & TypeScript Introduction, architecture overview #monorepo#devexperience#architecture#devops#beginner#tutorial
- todotxt/todo.txt: A complete primer on the whys and hows of todo.txt. Plaintext format for TODO #productivity#tool#standard#plaintext
- pyscript/pyscript Run python in browser with wasm and GUI binding #language#wasm
- Firefly III Personal finance manager with accounting for tax reporting #tool#free
- Turborepo npm monorepo framework, alternative to lerna #devops#workflow#tool#library
- 3dicons #icon#resource#3d
- The Block-Paved Path to Structured Data Comparing block-based editors and knowledge bases #opinion#philosophy
- Named access on the window object Element with id becomes a variable on window object #reference#standard#technique
- Dialog Components: Go Native HTML or Roll Your Own? #a11y#tutorial#technique#dialog#pattern#progressive
- Block Protocol Schema based data driven block registry #standard#library#reference#lowcode
- BlurHash Convert image to a short string for placeholder display #image#performance#progressive#library#algorithm#technique
- fastify/fastify-vite Sever side rendered vite app with React streaming. Alternative to Next.js #library#devexperience#fullstack#serverless
- VectorWiki Brand logo SVG lookup and download #free#tool#svg#resource
- parcel-bundler/parcel-css A CSS parser, transformer, and minifier written in Rust. #compiler#library#devexperience
- Jitsi Free Video Conferencing Software for Web & Mobile. Open source alternative to zoom. Self-hostable. #saas#tool#videoconference
- Raven Reader open source rss feed reader made with electron #rss#free
- nolanlawson/emoji-picker-element A lightweight emoji picker for the modern web #library#emoji
- Render emoji on the web challenges and hacks #technique#emoji#icon
- Useful Tools for Creating AVIF Images for compression, one-off or batch conversion #tool#image#performance
- flickz/newspaperjs mercury parser alternative #scraping#library#knowledgebase#nlp
- Dialog (GUI Challenges) #pattern#dialog#a11y#tutorial
- Look Scanned Add the scanner look and feel to a PDF document #tool
- Progressively Enhanced Builds apply progressive enhancement principles to content authoring in markdown #opinion#philosophy#progressive#webcomponent#technique
- ruilisi/fortune-sheet A drop-in javascript spreadsheet library that provides rich features like Excel and Google Sheets #table#library
- Insanely Useful Websites toolbox for tasks on the web, mostly unknown unknowns #tool#resource
- SVG generative mountain ridge dividers #demo#technique#visualeffect#divider
- jondot/hygen scalable code generator #library#devexperience
- Building the Google Photos Web UI High perf grid layout in javascript #algorithm#reference#performance
- The Knuth/Plass line-breaking Algorithm Layout algorithm for word wrapping and grid layout #algorithm#reference
- mozilla/readability Mercury parser alternative by Mozilla, html content and metadata extraction, mining, crawling #library#nlp#scraping
- 30 Days Of HTML semantic html elements, one per day #reference#html#beginner#a11y
- Broadcast Channel API Browser native pubsub across tabs, workers, iframes #reference#api#technique
- Async iteration and generators #reference#language#paradigm
- jesseduffield/lazygit terminal UI for git commands, written in Go #tui#git#tool
- TLDRLegal Software Licenses Explained in Plain English #legal#tool#reference
- alyssaxuu/screenity Screen recorder & annotation #extension#tool
- Feedback Ladders The Code Review System at Netlify. Mountain, Boulder, Peddle, Sand, Dust #codereview#methodology#opinion#collaboration
- Project Fugu API showcase Demos for Native system APIs on the web #reference#nativeapp#file#api#demo
- Leaflet Open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps #map#library
- DiceBear Avatars Programmatically generated avatar, profile image, initials, icons #service#library
- Building a Vaporwave scene with Three.js Animated retro style splash UX for landing and home page #hero#3d
- Hash string UX Base 58 encode URL for better copy and reability #url#technique#algorithm
- Designing A Better Carousel UX #pattern#carousel#guide
- react-forked/dnd Forked from beautiful dnd #dragndrop#library
- Lens Flare Effects CSS only solution #technique#visualeffect
- discourse Open source solution for discussion based community #library#service#community
- mb21/panwriter Markdown editor with pandoc integration and paginated preview, powered by Electron #markdown#tool#editor
- Avvvatars Open Source React UI Avatar Library for user profile images #library#resource
- Optical Effects in User Interfaces optical imbalance between round and square objects #technique#design
- Preventing layout shift with numbers using CSS Use tabular-nums to display monospace numbers in proportional font #typography#responsive#technique
- Those HTML Attributes You Never Use stylesheet title, enterkeyhint for virtual keyboard, async decoding for img, lazy loading for iframe, detach form action from form body, group select options #html#reference#performance#a11y#form#pattern#select
- LUME CSS based 3d, WebGL and AR/VR declarative #library#3d
- Spline Figma for 3D. In browser modeling and animation #tool#3d
- Claymorphism 3D based design trend after Neumorphism #trend
- quickemu-project/quickemu Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux desktop virtual machines. UI on top of QEMU #tool#virtualization
- How to automatically size a textarea based on its using vanilla JavaScript auto-grow with initial auto sizing #textbox#input#responsive#form#pattern
- Bottles Run Windows application in Linux. Alternative to Wine #vm#linux#emulator
- Comment tagged templates syntax highlight for template literals #extension#devexperience#webcomponent#template
- Minze Native web component rendering with template literal #library#webcomponent
- ashutosh1919/react-awesome-shapes Drawing shapes in React #library#cosmetic
- Charm Toolkits for command line #tui#library#git#gooddesign
- text-size-adjust Use 100% to prevent mobile browser inflating text #ios#typography#responsive#technique
- An Overview Of The Most Common UX Design Deliverables understand what UX designers do, for career reference #beginner
- Thoughts On Markdown history and comparison with block editor #wysiwyg
- catdad/canvas-confetti on-demand confetti gun #library
- vitest-dev/vitest A Vite-native test framework #test
- Partytown Run third-party scripts in web worker #performance#library#extensibility#container
- Waveform Free digital audio workstation band editing software #soundengineering#free#tool
- Vital Spectral Warping Wavetable Synth #audio#tool
- nukeop/nuclear Streaming music player that finds free music for you, built with electron #tool#free#audio
- Form Validation Using JavaScript's Constraint Validation API Comprehensive guide for client-side use #reference#form#validation
- OpenReplay Session replay Open-Source #service#library#telemetry
- ColorBrewer: Color Advice for Maps #tool#color#visualization#a11y
- The Symphony of Blockchains Visualize blockchain, mempool, transaction #crypto#gooddesign#webgl
- Laws of UX cognitive biases, design and engineering principles #reference#principle#psychology
- Crafting Organic Patterns With Voronoi Tessellations #algorithm#generative#art#tutorial#background
- text-size-adjust in CSS reset and a compilation of popular resets/normalize #browser#typography#resource#technique
- The New CSS Reset minimum stylesheet for normalizing browser differences #technique#browser
- folke/esbuild-runner ts-node alternative #tool
- Building a sidenav component #pattern#navigation#technique#responsive
- Listboxes vs. Dropdown Lists #pattern#select#multiselect#uxresearch
- Color Spaces Interactive guide to learning color space concepts #explanation#color
- A Guide to Recognizing Font Styles Old style, transitional, neoclasscial, slab, grotesque, gemmetric, humanist, etc. #typography#reference#beginner
- Breaking Out of the Box CSS for styling title bar #pwa#browser#nativeapp#technique
- Free E-Books on Web, App and Logo Design #resource#design#logo#guide
- notifirehq/notifire Open-source notification infrastructure for products #library#notification
- Star Atlas NFT-powered space exploration concept game #webgl#gooddesign#crypto
- CSS-Based Fingerprinting Serve asset from unique URL #technique#security#privacy#telemetry
- How to Create a Browser Extension With manifest v3 and locale support, in Chrome #tutorial#i18n#extension
- Vitest Fast unit-test framework powered by vite #library#test
- jondot/hygen: The simple, fast, and scalable code generator that lives in your project. scaffolding with ejs and markdown templates #library#devexperience#tool
- Spicy Sections Implementation of tabs/pivots with headings and paragraphs #pattern#tab#webcomponent
- GUI Challenges Toast CSS Grid based toast with FLIP #pattern#notification#technique#reference#animation
- Bartosz Ciechanowski Interactive blog #gooddesign#demo#webgl
- Defensive CSS Ways to gracefully handle error and edge cases #technique#responsive
- Layout patterns by web.dev Basic, modern layout by Google team #reference#layout#beginner
- Learn Forms by web.dev Comprehensive and systematic intro to HTML forms #beginner#tutorial#course
- Open Props: sub-atomic styles Expertly crafted CSS custom properties #library#cssvariable
- md-block Render styleable Markdown in your HTML #library#markdown
- Anthony Fu Beautifully designed developer home page #gooddesign
- antfu/unocss Atomic CSS engine #library#performance#designsystem
- Interactive Rebase Git workflow to clean up commit history #workflow#reference
- Remove Background from Image #tool
- Brooooooklyn/swc-node Faster ts-node without typecheck, powered by swc rust #tool#nodejs#devexperience
- Glassmorphism in user interfaces Trend after neumorphism #design
- Make Sure Browsers Only Download the SVG Version #favicon#performance
- fabiospampinato/cash Tiny jQuery alternative #performance#library#dom
- enterkeyhint customize primary CTA for a form field on mobile device #mobile#form#input
- QEMU A generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. Run any vm on any platform #tool
- accesskey HTML attribute that allows browser to support keyboard shortcut without javascript #a11y#reference
- microsoft/vscode-custom-data Machine readable language spec for HTML and CSS used by vscode #reference
- angus-c/just Single-purpose dependency-free JavaScript utilities that do just one thing. #functional#library#performance
- Object-oriented UX (OOUX) How system modeling intersects with user research and UI design #uxresearch#database
- Swup Page transition with bare DOM API #library#animation
- Identifont Decision tree for identifying fonts #typography#tool
- NASA Color Usage Research Lab Design methods, color science, and color guidelines #color#tutorial
- Blue perception is weaker than other colors #a11y#color
- 200ok-ch/organice An implementation of Org mode without the dependency of Emacs - built for mobile and desktop browsers #saas#editor#progressive
- GPU.js GPU accelerated Javascript for parallel computation #library#performance
- seek-oss/vanilla-extract: Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript #library#cssinjs#performance
- wslutilities/wslu A collection of utilities for Windows 10 Linux Subsystems. Create shortcut. Open files. #linux#tool
- MD Nichrome Typeface site with gradient and noise background effect #background#gooddesign#demo#typography
- ct.css CSS debugging bookmarklet for element #tool#performance
- Running WSL GUI Apps on Windows 10 Installing X windows server #tutorial#reference#linux
- Memex Web bookmarking and annotation #tool
- Comparing HTML Preprocessor Features Templating, partial, slots, for static site #language#html#jamstack#comparison
- lucydsl/liblucy State machine C to wasm compile #library#performance#statemanagement
- Omatsuri Collection of browser tools for design and web dev #generative#tool
- Haikei Generate unique SVG design assets #tool#generative
- Tiny Helpers Collection of single purpose design and web dev tools #tool#generative
- Designing Beautiful Shadows in CSS dynamic light source, colored shadow, and layering #shadow#technique#tutorial
- W3C Design System with vanilla js and basic css primitives #gooddesign#designsystem#methodology#itcss#bem#form
- KBar ctrl+k or command+k to open command box #pattern#library
- Flatseal Flatpak permission management #tool#linux
- You want enabling CSS selectors, not disabling ones use
to author positive selectors, rather than negating ones for better maintainability and readability #technique#maintenance - CSS Pseudo Commas css-only solution to display a list separated by commas and joined by and in the end #technique#content#text
- writewithocto/octo Markdown editor for connected note taking #editor#markdown#saas#gooddesign
- christianliebel/paint Open source, Web Components-based remake of MS Paint using modern web capabilities. #demo#webcomponent#file
- hybridsjs/hybrids html rendering library with template literal. Compare to lit-html #library#webcomponent
- wikimedia/VisualEditor Rich text editor used by wikipedia #library#editor
- gdbgui Browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger). Good for C, C++, Go, Rust, and Fortran. #tool#debug
- highlightjs/highlight.js JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection and zero dependencies. Used by rust documentation site #highlight#documentation#library
- steveruizok/perfect-freehand: Draw perfect pressure-sensitive freehand strokes. #library#draw
- Star Rating SVG solution to star ratings control with half star #rating#pattern
- Cut-Out Effect: CSS or SVG circular cutout for persona or avatar display #technique#tutorial
- Free Open-Source Icons Flag, avatar, health, weather, people, vector art #icon#resource#illustration
- Unicode Arrows #reference#typography
- petersalomonsen/wasm-git git in the browser using libgit2 compiled to WebAssembly #git#wasm#library
- kufii/CodeSnap take beautiful screenshots in VS Code #tool
- Thinking on ways to solve SWITCHES #pattern#toggle
- Fermat's Library Crowd sourced paper annoation #gooddesign#tool#community#knowledgebase
- mermaid Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs. #chart#markdown#visualization#library
- Cycle.js Observable based framework for building UI #functional#framework
- browsh-org/browsh A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers. Using headless browser as backend. #tui#browser#tool
- microsoft/PowerToys Tiling window manager, color picker, keyboard mapping tool #tool
- Disabled Buttons #pattern#disabled#button
- nextapps-de/flexsearch Next-Generation full text fuzzy search library for Browser and Node.js. Come with indexer. Used by MDN. #searchengine#performance
- Refactoring CSS CSS refactor strategy that deals with leaky, global, and high specificity selectors, using override.css and defend.css #technique#methodology#refactoring#datadriven
- Astro GitHub projects board Documentation, RFC, Bug as separate projects #reference#devops#projectmanagement
- Conjuring Generative Blobs With The CSS Paint API #houdini#library#technique
- Solid Reactive Javascript Library. React without Virtual DOM. Compare to Crank.js #framework#performance
- vuejs/petite-vue 5kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement. Compare to Alpine.js #framework#progressive#performance
- jwasham/coding-interview-university Computer science study plan to become a software engineer. #beginner#resource#interview#education
- How to set up Neovim 0.5 + Modern plugins Status line, Gutter, LSP, Completion, File browser, Font #tutorial#editor
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands. #resource#tool
- linuxserver/webtop Run linux desktop environment in browser served from docker #container
- Kdenlive Libre Video Editor Open source #free#tool
- The Hidden Power of ES6 Generators: Observable Async Flow Control From zero to rxjs #beginner#explanation
- ultralight-ux/Ultralight Tauri and Electron alternative #framework#nativeapp
- DOMPurify HTML sanitization #security#library
- Custom deep clone function #technique#performance
- Frustrating Design Patterns: Broken Filters Design and engineering considerations on filtering #pattern#filtering#reference
- html-to-text/node-html-to-text Convert HTML to clean plaintext #library
- Breadcrumbs (GUI Challenges) HTML + CSS based, mobile friendly #pattern#responsive#navigation#breadcrumb#demo
- System Things Use system fonts color icon for web #technique#customization#a11y
- HTML rendered desktop app framework replacement for Electron #framework#nativeapp
- Full stack means I'm a programmer who knows how to do some devops A thread that expanded to interpreting full stack as a masculinity toxic construct by capitalism #opinion
- Asynchronous Design Critique Process for giving/collecting feedback #process#collaboration
- Making Tables With Sticky Header and Footers Got a Bit Easier #responsive#table#pattern
- Crazy, Powerful TypeScript Tuple Types Wrap unwrap each tuple item #technique#tutorial
- AngelList Startup hiring and job posting platform #resource
- argyleink/roving-ux stateful roving index for web ui #keyboard#a11y#library
- Control focus with tabindex Arrow key controlled focus with Roving tabindex #technique#keyboard#a11y
- OWASP Cheat Sheet Series Open source security best practice for various vulnerabilities e.g. CSRF, XSS, injection #security#reference
- CSS-in-JS analysis Analysis of CSS-in-JS solutions with comparison and pros and cons #reference
- Links on Web Components Usage and considerations #webcomponent#reference
- Wox The dmenu for windows. quick launcher #tool#keyboard#productivity
- Learn CSS Google's learning path #beginner#course#guide
- xivmap Minimap for websites, a la Sublime Text #library#visualization
- pagemap mini map for web pages #library#visualization
- SVGator Free SVG Animation Creator Online - No Coding #tool#svg#animation#free
- Ocean noise generator Background sound effect #tool#3d#sounddesign
- RustBooks based on difficulty level #resource#rust
- Inspect Debug iOS from WIndows with Chrome devtool #tool#browser#ios#devexperience
- Auto-Generated Social Media Images for open graph cover photo #technique
- Atomico web component with hooks, vdom, and optional jsx #webcomponent#framework
- Nord color scheme #theming#color#gooddesign
- WinBox - HTML5 window manager modal window with HTML content, good for lightweight embed #modal#dialog
- patriksimek/vm2 node vm with full access control #sandbox#security
- QuickJS Javascript Engine Written in C, can cross compile to web assembly. Secured with no browser or os API #sandbox#wasm
- How to build a plugin system on the web and also sleep well at night Figma security solution for running user generated javascript #extensibility#sandbox
- Variable Aspect Ratio Card With Conic Gradients Meeting Along the Diagonal engaging colorful background using css gradient #responsive#placeholder#emptystate#technique
- Building a Settings component Browser native slider and checkbox styling #pattern#form#slider#checkbox
- Lorem Picsum random photo placeholder #api#service#mock#image
- Localtunnel expose localhost to the internet, with node cli #free#tool#pairprogramming#devexperience
- ngrok expose localhost to the internet #tool#devexperience#pairprogramming
- Gruvbox themed wall papers for various operating systems #gooddesign#resource#darkmode
- Tokio Binding for v8 used by deno. #gooddesign#library#rust
- Shields.io metadata badges for open source projects and GitHub readme #tool#svg
- A Complete Guide To Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) With Next.js #performance#guide#beginner
- ProseMirror crowd funded rich text editor for the web. Has monorepo version manager builtin #editor
- Declarative shadow dom use shadow dom without javascript #technique#html#webcomponent
- focus-visible backward compatible #technique#keyboard#focusmanagement
- lage JavaScript topological npm script task runner #monorepo#library#devops#cicd
- An In-Depth Guide To Measuring Core Web Vitals #performance
- Lightweight syntax highlighting code editor with transparent textarea and prism #technique#wysiwyg#editor
- CSS Container Queries intro to spec, motivation explained #beginner#responsive#tutorial#technique
- CSS Specificity Graph Generator visualize the low-to-high trend #tool#visualization
- SVG Generators visual patterns for algorithmic and parametric design #tool#visualization#color
- A Complete Guide To HTML Email #guide#reference#beginner#email
- SmolCSS Minimal snippets for modern CSS layouts and components #reference#layout#responsive
- Ping attribute on anchor links For tracking and analytics #technique#analytics
- Live vs. static NodeLists and HTMLCollections in vanilla JS getElementsByTagName returns live collection #technique
- Starship Cross-shell prompt, replace zsh, fish. #shell#cli#tool
- Handling Text Over Images in CSS Overlay gradient #technique#a11y#image
- Using JavaScript module system for state management #statemanagement#technique
- vue-lit @vue/reactivity and lit-html #statemanagement#library
- Takes on State Statement management with low overhead javascript #statemanagement#technique
- A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components #pattern#a11y#reference
- In Praise of the Unambiguous Click Menu Drawbacks of mega hover menu #technique#navigation#menu
- Better Line Breaks for Long URLs with
element and string replacement #technique#responsive#url - The Rust Programming Language #beginner
- React TypeScript Cheatsheets #reference
- Shortstack minimal setup for using future css features in vanilla js app #template#library#devexperience
- Building a Tabs component Handle scroll, snap, animation, reduced motion, by Chrome team #technique#pattern#tab#tutorial#scroll
- URL validation regex Comparison table of all URL regex matchers #reference
- How to Animate the Details Element rotate chevron and expand details content #technique
- How to Animate the Details Element Using WAAPI web animation api for height #technique
- cubic-bezier visualization generator for css animation timing function #animation#timing#tool
- Developer Roadmaps #guide#resource#reference#beginner
- Programming Guides Visualized learning paths for software technologies #guide#beginner
- Getting Deep into Shadows realistic css styling #explanation#shadow#technique
- Systems design explains the world: volume 1 Career path, rewrite vs refactor, and disruption theory #philosophy#businessstrategy
- Desirable Streets MIT Senseable City Lab. Computer vision and big data analytics #visualization#datadriven#gooddesign
- The documentation system by divio tutorial vs. guide vs. explanation/topic vs. reference #documentation#guide#tutorial#gooddesign#content
- Scrollbars on Hover With css mask #scroll#technique
- Houdini.how visual effects packaged as Houdini paint worklet with node connection graph #houdini#resource#background
- DevOps Crash Course (Docker, Terraform, and Github Actions) github tag based release trigger setup #devops#tutorial#beginner
- Label in Name WCAG 2.1 addition. aria-label to match visuial text #a11y#technique#demo
- Detecting when focus leaves a group of elements with vanilla JS onFocusOut implementation for dialog #technique#dialog#modal#focusmanagement#keyboard
- ESM javascript native module CDN, similar to skypack #cdn#prototyping
- Aleph.js Next.js for Deno, without npm overhead #framework
- Vanilla javascript Event Bus using Native DOM events with EventTarget to implement pubsub, emitter-listener. #technique
- Using CSS Custom Properties to Adjust Variable Font Weights in Dark Mode text appears heavier due to rendering artifact #typography#darkmode#technique
- Coding Fonts monospace, with ligatures, free and paid #typography#resource#variablefont
- Super Tiny Icons product logo and icons under 1KB each in svg and png #logo#icon#resource
- swc javascript/typescript compiler written in Rust #tool#compiler
- Mixing Colors in Pure CSS using animation time as input #color#technique
- utterances github styled comments anywhere, stored as issues #library#gooddesign
- The Art of Code - Dylan Beattie epic talk on quine, algorithm, recursion, computer language design, and interactive art #inspiration#algorithm
- React is Fiction Jenn Creighton applying creative writing technique to React component composition. Be more declarative and less DRY #opinion#react#philosophy#architecture
- Lateral knowledge block detection, tagging, and grouping #ai#nlp#saas
- The Silver Searcher high performance full text file search utility #searchengine#tool
- Technical debt as a lack of understanding justify refactoring/rewriting after reorganization #philosophy#opinion
- Technical Credit anticipating emergent technology #philosophy#opinion#progressive
- Lean Web Principles criticism on "best practice" of framework based tech stack and promotion of vanilla js #philosophy#performance#opinion
- Copying is the way design works Matthew Ström musing on copy, open source, and creative learning #opinion#philosophy
- Marked A mature markdown parser and compiler #markdown#library#editor
- Starting a Small Business as a Web Developer legal and logistics #entrepreneur#startup
- How to Build HTML Forms Right: Styling details in cross platform accessible plain html css #technique#pattern#form#a11y#input#select#radio#checkbox
- How to sanitize third-party content with vanilla JS to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks #technique#security
- Bokeh for modern web browser #visualization#library
- Example Gallery json to SVG #visualization#library
- ungap/custom-elements-builtin A polyfill for Custom Elements builtin extends #webcomponent#library
- WordPress and Jamstack comparison #opinion#jamstack
- Nathan Shipley AI and technology artist #inspiration#machinelearning
- Popmotion: The animator's JavaScript toolbox high performance utilities with javascript transfroms #animation#library
- Layout projection: A method for animating browser layouts at 60fps simpler than FLIP #animation#technique#performance
- link-to-qr QR code generator #tool#qrcode
- Handsfree.js.org head tracking with tensor flow demo #machinelearning#headtracking#hci#demo#library
- Phosphor Icons duo tone icon set #icon#free#resource
- Daily.dev developer news feed as a service, open sourced #platform#news#rss
- Old, Good Database Design entry level explanation of database design basics #beginner#database#reference
- Hands-Free Coding talon dictation and eye tracking #a11y#editor#humanfactor#tool#productivity
- Fig - Visual Apps & Shortcuts for your Terminal augment terminal with GUI and autocompletion #tool#tui#devexperience#terminal#gooddesign
- Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies native low-tech for better maintenance #opinion#devexperience
- Faster Web App Delivery with PRPL optimized for SPA architecture, server push, pre-cache, lazy-load #performance#caching#technique
- molefrog/wouter minimalist-friendly ~1.3KB routing for React and Preact. Nothing else but HOOKS. #library#lightweight
- The shared component cloud · Bit searchable repository of components from many frameworks #resource#saas#pattern
- armandsalle/butter-slider Butter is a simple drag and hold slider. With 0 dependencies #carousel#webcomponent#library#lightweight
- Radix Icons optimized for high density interface design tool 15x15 #free#resource
- Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode note taking extension for Emacs #tool#editor
- beachball Semantic version bumper by Microsoft #tool#versioning#monorepo
- An alternative to single page apps: multi-page apps with service workers A case against SPA router and for service worker #technique#routing
- Beautiful CSS 3D Transform Examples 3d surface with light and shadow #technique#3d#transform#pattern#reference
- css clamp() for typeramp continuous function exported at quantum steps #technique#typography#responsive
- Full bleed layout using simple CSS #technique#layout
- Why Tailwind CSS arguments for and against utility-first methodology #opinion#methodology
- How To Name Things swyx guide for naming functions and variables #reference#opinion
- Full Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid span entire row with max width clamp #technique#layout
- Designing Fluid Interfaces WWDC 2018 Apple Motion design principles with extreme attention to designs, human psychology, behavior, and emotion. #motion#animation#hci#gooddesign#inspiration
- Org mode for Emacs – Your Life in Plain Text todo agenda and calendar management in emacs #editor#plaintext#tool#gooddesign
- Checkbox as toggle buttons binary boolean stateful buttons #pattern#technique#checkbox#button#a11y
- Modfy Wasm Video Transcoder for editing and combining and resizing #tool#video
- visx airbnb open source data visualization library for React, alternative to D3 #visualization#library#react
- IconPark 1k+ high quality general purpose multi-color icon for app building by ByDesign #icon#free#resource
- a11yresources A growing list of accessibility tools and resources #a11y#resource
- The failed promise of Web Components ignore HTML standard, heavy dependency and javascript requirement #opinion#webcomponent
- Github Elements web components by Github, time, menu, autocomplete #pattern#webcomponent
- Keyboard Simulator color theme design for mechanical keyboards #tool#keyboard
- Meta Tags meta tag generator and preview for social media share #tool#seo
- How does the TypeScript Angular DI magic work? Reflect metadata, TypeScript emiDecoratorMetadata, dependency injection #technique#framework
- Building Jeremy Keith drawing parallelism between building and web development, covering layers of technology and the moral responsibility of developers #philosophy#inspiration#architecture#principle
- Mono Icons #icon#free#resource
- Tools should not only be for experts – they should turn us into them how to improve developer experience #philosophy#devexperience
- Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle interactive parametric algorithmic design with a time dimension and real-time feedback, code and pixel two-way lookup, and finding your principle and purpose of life #philosophy#tool#gooddesign#devexperience
- The tangled webs we weave trade off between modularity and complexity of dependencies #opinion#philosophy
- Sombras.app 3D projection shadow design #tool
- Forms best practice #pattern#button#checkbox#datetime#error#radio#select#input#form#reference#notification
- BGJar SVG background generator #tool
- Michael Blackwood Productions high quality architecture and art documentaries #resource
- Build your own React React internal explained: createElement, render, fiber, Reconciliation, Hooks #tutorial#reference#gooddesign
- strategy business, disruption, consumer technology blogs #resource
- TypeScript: Create a condition-based subset types #technique
- vercel/pkg Package your Node.js project into an executable #tool#container
- Overmind State management library for any framework
- Build your own React deep dive of react internals: render, fiber, diffing, hooks #react#tutorial
- Most common words in English useful for stop words in NLP, search engine, tokenizer #nlp#reference
- Examine.com Independent Analysis on Supplements & Nutrition with scientific evidence #tool#reference
- Styling Complex Labels style radio button option as cards #technique#radio#form#pattern
- Support password manager in password form new-password and current-password hints #form#password#technique
- web-padawan/vanilla-colorful A tiny color picker custom element for modern web apps. #webcomponent#library
- Custom, accessible radio/checkbox buttons with perfect alignment align checkbox and radio marker with multiline text using line-height #technique#pattern#radio#checkbox
- How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations palette and theme design #technique#theming
- Stitches tiny size css in js library with server-side rendering (ssr), compare to styled components #library
- shadeed/headers-css The blueprint HTML and CSS for website headers #pattern#reference#layout
- Omatsuri base64 encoding, fake/mock/dummy data with profile image, symbols with unicode, and keyboard event debugger #tool
- Web Brutalism, Seamfulness, and Notion Hide vs reveal of internal material and structure in the context of web design #opinion#philosophy
- Guidelines for Brutalist Web Design #brutalism#opinion
- React JSON Graph node link graph drawing #library
- Accordion Icons use down caret or plus for inline expansion. use side arrow for links #pattern#accordion
- Gradient Magic Fantastic and Unique CSS Gradients #resource#background
- Flume React based node and link canvas editor #library#diagram
- umami self hosted analytics for modern web stack #library
- Eponymous Laws Heuristics and rules in software, hardware, business, and technology world #reference#philosophy
- swyx Writing | Developer Exception Engineering Deep analysis on developer experience #devexperience#process#tool
- Copy the Browser’s Native Focus Styles #technique#a11y
- JavaScript Design Patterns object oriented #reference#language
- The Decline of Usability criticism on how desktop app design were influenced by mobile app trends #opinion
- ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript #coding#reference#methodology#guide#beginner
- jxnblk/mdx-deck React MDX-based presentation decks #tool#library
- Spectacle MDX based slide presentation maker for jsx and markdown #tool#library#mdx
- Carbon code snippet screenshot generator #tool#marketing#mock
- HTML for Subheadings and Headings how to markup subtitle with aria role doc-subtitle #technique#a11y
- System UIcons outline styled icons for modern apps #icon#free#resource
- Natively Format JavaScript Numbers units, percent, currency #reference#technique
- Kinopio collaborative canvas mind mapping app with cards/nodes and edges/links #service
- Creating 3D Illustrations with CSS #technique
- OK-Cancel or Cancel-OK? Order of actions in dialog #uxresearch
- theheadless.dev E2E testing code snippets for Puppeteer & Playwright #test#reference#library
- Manolo ide Generative artist portfolio #processing#inspiration
- Logo Design Free E-Book by Tubik Team #resource
- New insights on poverty early application of data visualization #visualization#gooddesign
- The Component IDE for Web Platform Developers host, demo and IDE #saas#ide#tool#webcomponent
- Generative Logo Design variable shape, overlay, frame, typograph with svg #technique
- CUBE CSS Composition, Utility, Block, Exception #methodology
- How I Structure My CSS (for Now) an implementation of ITCSS #itcss#methodology
- Full-Text Search engine index, tokenize, stem, query #tutorial#searchengine
- Previewed device mocks with frames for iphone, android, mac. Great for app store and marketing site #tool
- Free Vector Illustrations & Animations animated image for error 404 page #illustration#resource#free
- Different versions of your site can be running at the same time handling conflict, offline, deploy, conflict #technique#versioning#pwa
- phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view stream HTML between server and client in realtime #framework#gooddesign
- gcanti/io-ts Runtime type encode, decode, assertion #typescript#language#library
- Immer immutable state mutation #library#immutable#statemanagement
- react-spring/zustand Minimal flux pattern for React and non-React #statemanagement#library#react
- React Query Query library with state management, caching, error handling #react#statemanagement#api#library
- interact.js JavaScript drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures for modern browsers #dragndrop#touch#resize#snap#canvas
- React state management roundup Pros and cons of libraries #statemanagement#library#react#flux
- josh-richardson/cadmus Pulse Audio real-time noise suppression plugin #audio#tool
- Graceful degradation versus progressive enhancement when to use which #responsive#progressive#philosophy
- A Lightweight Masonry Solution with native css grid #technique#layout
- Noyaki (open burning) to kill insect and maintain life #philosophy
- Teenyicons Tiny minimal 1px icons 15px grid with svg and figma asset #free#icon
- jamiebuilds/tinykeys for cross platform keybindings and keyboard shortcuts #keyboard#library
- The 100 Day Project Learning journey for 3D, Motion design, illustration, lettering #gooddesign#tutorial#beginner#resource
- What does 100% mean in CSS? padding top and bottom is percentage of parent's width #reference
- Pausing a GIF with details/summary css only #technique#a11y
- Unholy Albatross Improved Holy Albatross with css clamp and max function #responsive#technique
- Bold on Hover Without the Layout Shift use hidden pseudo element with bold weight #technique#hover
- CSS Vocabulary concepts and terminology dictionary with demo code #reference
- isomorphic-git A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers #git#library
- Rich HTML in markdown on Github embed any HTML as SVG foreignObject #technique#image#markdown
- Modern CSS Techniques To Improve Legibility sizing, line-height, color, measure #typography#technique
- Import non-ESM libraries in ES Modules, with client-side vanilla JS let
#technique - What the fuck is JavaScript concept explained #reference#language
- primo all-in-one IDE, CMS, component library, and static site generator. Free and open source. #cms#service
- On dependency a self-sufficient approach to tooling and tech stack #opinion#philosophy#maintenance
- grapesjs Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding #dragndrop#library#nocode
- Stages of team formation Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing #model#leadership#humanfactor
- Lemon.io A developer to startup broker freelancing platform #gooddesign#freelance#platform
- Design showcase websites Submit design to website for award and showcase #resource#marketing
- Node Target Mapping set up typescript for node environment #reference
- AudioMass web based audio editor, replace Audacity for noise reduction, clipping, splicing #tool#audio
- Foam opensource vs code extension for knowledge management #knowledgebase#tool
- Zettelkasten A method to organize knowledge #knowledgebase
- Zettlr opensource markdown editor for the desktop #tool#markdown#free
- Tabler Icons Customizable stroke and size SVG icons #free#icon#resource
- The Wet Codebase by Dan Abramov – Deconstruct A case against DRY principle with pragmatic reason from project organic growth #philosophy#opinion
- Video players and services #video#resource#library#service
- robinmoisson/staticrypt Password protect a static HTML page #library#jamstack
- Tauri Studio electron alternative for native apps built with html css and javascript #nativeapp#framework
- ThreeNodes.js vvvv "clone" in javascript/webgl, with node based editor. UI is good for parametric pipeline building #visualization#library#cgi
- VVVV.js Visual Web Client Programming with in browser node editor #visualization#library#webgl#cgi
- PixiJS WebGL renderer for 2D #library#webgl
- Apply different color to favicon for dark mode #darkmode#favicon#technique
- The Fastest Navigation Layout for a Three-Level Menu Perfer left nav or Left-top nav #navigation#pattern#uxresearch
- Ten modern layouts in one line of CSS applied grid and flex box #technique#layout#demo
- Lights and Shadows WebGL demo for physics based light and shadow effects #webgl#3d#physics#demo
- Free Faces Free fonts collection #typography#free#resource
- HTML Systems Components built with plain html and css #library#webcomponent#reference#pattern
- Webring connect Indie publishers with a shared navigation component on all participating websites #standard#social#gooddesign
- RSS Box subscribe to RSS feeds for websites that do not support RSS themselves, by using the respective website's API and then translating that data to RSS feeds #rss#service#free
- Selection controls — UI component series comprehensive ux guide #form#input#radio#checkbox#select#multiselect#toggle
- ttalvitie/browservice proxy a browser by streaming its screenshot to a chromium client #technique#library#browser
- keen-slider native-like smooth slider and datetime picker #library#animation#slider#carousel#datetime
- diagrams.net (drawio) powerful diagraming tool with github-backed data persistence #tool#draw#diagram#free
- 12 Ways To Improve User Interview Questions how to ask productive unbiased questions #interview#uxresearch
- turbolinks Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster by ajax dom body swapping head merging #performance#jamstack#routing#library#navigation
- AssemblyScript compile typescript into wasm #language#wasm
- Modern DNS Hosting for Everyone free and open source #service#infrastructure
- I Don’t Care What Google or Apple or Whoever Did don't copy design patterns from large companies #opinion#a11y
- Better Form Inputs for Better Mobile User Experiences #pattern#form#input#a11y#technique
- Delete all node_modules directories a utility script #tool
- Inclusively Hiding & Styling Checkboxes and Radio Buttons advanced technique for custom checkbox styling #a11y#checkbox#pattern#technique
- Artvee high res art and illustrations in the public domain #free#illustration#image#resource
- Collection of free software development tutorials Collection of tutorials for software development #tutorial#beginner#resource
- Dexie.js A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB running in node and browser #library#database
- Multi-room audio casting system with Raspberry Pi support AirPlay and bluetooth #tutorial#iot
- Ricing resources - Ricepedia customizing desktop enviroments #ricing#resource#customization#theming
- Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max() sticky sidebar below header #technique#scroll
- Grid.js developer friendly table for any framework #library#table
- No Design Development #typography#hero#illustration#icon#color#video#resource
- Fenced Code Blocks language names for markdown code block #reference
- Docusaurus documentation generator for react and markdown #tool#library#documentation
- Zipcall P2P video call based on webrtc #tool#gooddesign
- microsoft/roosterjs roosterjs is a framework-independent javascript rich text editor. #wysiwyg#library#text#editor
- Headless CMS Break Down & Roundup collection of many cms services and libraries #cms#resource
- TinaCMS real-time editing on static site backed by github #cms
- Roam Research A note taking tool for networked thought. #tool#gooddesign#knowledgebase
- Semilattice design concept for personal knowledge management system #gooddesign#knowledgebase
- CUBE (Composition Utility Block Exception) CSS Using bracket or pipe character in class string to enable grouping #technique
- Here’s what I didn’t know about “content” css pseudo element deep dive #technique#reference
- Sorted CSS Colors by hue, lightness, and saturation #tool
- Iconfinder huge collection of high quality iconsets #icon#resource#free
- htmx - high power tools for html update dom with server rendered html snippet #framework
- Tools for better thinking system thinking, decision making, and problem solving tools #tool
- The Third Age of JavaScript evolution of tooling and dev experience for js #philosophy
- new.css classless css framework that uses only semantic HTML #library
- Neon Mode: Building a new Dark UI dark mode with glowing light emitting effect #darkmode#technique
- The Kawaiization of product design healing and positive emotion from cute design
- Welcome to Hoogle Haskell API search engine for all libraries built in the language #reference
- JS Comparison Table javascript weak identity table #reference
- Excalidraw Ergonomic box drawing for low-fi wireframe and mockup #tool
- Pepsi logo redesign A great presentation of rationalizing art direction choices #gooddesign#logo
- Visual Vocabulary How to visualize data with the right tools #visualization#resource
- terminal.sexy Terminal Color Scheme Designer #tool#theming
- Solving the N+1 Problem for GraphQL through Batching unpredictable performance caused by nested query #graphql#database
- Progressively enhancing radio buttons with SVG whilst staying accessible #radio#form
- Open Peeps #illustration#resource
- A case study of complex table design For financial data with sticky header and side column #table#demo
- Container Queries With watched-box & resizeasaurus Web components for adding resize capability and element query #responsive#technique
- List Style Recipes styling ol, ul, li elements with custom bullets #list#technique
- Using CSS to Control Text Selection click to select all, click again to custom select #technique#text
- alpinejs/alpine: A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. #framework#library
- Formik For React #form#validation#library
- microsoft/playwright Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. E2E testing. Same team that built Puppeteer acquired by Microsoft #test#automation#library
- Bookmarkleter Generate bookmarklet for Chrome #tool
- You-Dont-Know-JS Deep dive into JavaScript language design #tutorial
- gothinkster/realworld Full stack example apps clone of Medium showing for framework evaluation and comparison #framework#demo
- chjj/blessed A high-level terminal interface library for node.js #gooddesign#tui#library
- gqless A GraphQL client that auto generates queries based on reference in code #library#graphql#gooddesign#database
- Blitz.js Rails-like framework for monolithic, full-stack React apps — built on Next.js. Compete with Redwood.js #framework#monolithic#fullstack
- Prisma DB query builder that bridges GraphQL, node, Next.js server with SQL database #database#library
- themer well designed tool that generates themes for text editors, terminals #gooddesign#tool#theming#color
- 40 Free HTML landing page templates home, hero, welcome design #inspiration#resource#marketing
- 67 Free device icons phone, screen, media #free#icon#resource
- pattern.css Hero pattern background, separator, font, and image container #library#resource
- 98.css A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs (windows 98) #designsystem#gooddesign#a11y
- CSS for internationalisation text emphasis per character, writing direction and East Asian language considerations, and "lang" attribute #technique#i18n
- Spacing in CSS spacer, layout, card, article, flexbox, and grid #technique#beginner#reference
- Crank.js reactive ui framework with vanilla javascript generator and promise #framework#gooddesign
- Plausible Analytics Light weight alternative to Google Analytics #analytics#service
- Heydon/watched-box Container query implemented with ResizeObserver by Heydon Pickering #library#responsive
- A minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements No class names, no CSS frameworks, just semantic HTML. For hackathon and one pager #library#gooddesign
- Screely Generate Beautiful Mockups with browser window #tool#marketing#mock
- BEM Naming Cheat Sheet with example blocks #reference#bem#naming
- LCH Colour picker #tool#color
- CSS Findings From The New Facebook Design use image for box-shadow to improve performence #shadow#performance#technique
- HTML DOM Common tasks of managing HTML DOM and building web app with vanilla JavaScript #reference#form#technique#tutorial
- Animockup Animated mockup inside a device frame support custom video upload #tool#marketing
- ashthornton-gc/asscroll Ash's Smooth Scroll #scroll#library
- Exciting Multi-line Highlights Background repeat on inline multiline paragraph #technique#highlight#text
- Styling Scrollbars with CSS: The Modern Way to Style Scrollbars #technique#scroll
- tabler/tabler-icons A set of over 450 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. 24px grid. 2px stroke #free#resource#icon
- Payforlayers Minimalist human figure drawing #illustration#free#resource
- jaredpalmer/tsdx Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development #tool#library
- RedwoodJS Full-stack JAMStack framework similar to Blitz.js built on Prisma #framework#jamstack#library#monolithic#fullstack
- How To Use The HTML Drag-And-Drop API In React #beginner#dragndrop#technique#file
- Technical writing courses by Google #resource#documentation#writing
- tannerlinsley/react-query Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React #react#hook#library
- Getting Started | React Table Documentation Hooks for building lightweight, fast and extendable datagrids for React #renderless#library#table#pattern#react#hook
- Window.matchMedia() Detect screen size and dark mode using media query in JavaScript #api#documentation#technique#responsive
- Brain.js: Neural networks in JavaScript User friendly neural network framework #beginner#library#machinelearning
- Advanced Design System Considerations - Alex Sexton | JSConf Hawaii 2020 Prevent complexity leaking to end user with token, context, and theming by stripe #react#component#architecture#designsystem#technique
- Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed Intrinsic web design inception talk with history reviews #responsive#beginner#layout
- How to animate scrolling to anchor links with one line of CSS Smooth scroll to hash anchor tags with css #technique#scroll
- Conversation Check and use local font before download from remote #typography#technique#performance
- css-only fluid modular type scales responsive type ramp without media query #typography#responsive#technique
- midori animated background with special cinematic effects #library#background#image#video
- vecta.io Powerful, online SVG editor for teams, come with symbols #tool#svg
- Stop Using ‘Drop-down’ select, datalist, combobox, autocomplete #pattern#a11y
- Discount for student dev discount, credit, and trial for services and products #beginner#resource
- Transform Web format converters for svg css json typescript react typing #tool
- Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use #pattern#dragndrop#reference
- Pure CSS Responsive Browser Template stick side column #responsive#technique#layout#demo
- Heroicons SVG icon for UI development #icon#resource#free
- Revealing Hero Effect Use negative bottom sticky position #technique#hero#pattern#sticky
- Avengers Endgame Characters Rendered in Ukiyo-e Style by Illustrator Takumi Japanese traditional art rendering for comics heros #gooddesign#inspiration#art
- Open UI Open source documentation of components (API, parts, behavior) across design systems #designsystem#reference#pattern
- basekick An mixin for realigning your typographic elements with proper graphic design baseline #typography#library
- Drag 'n' drop content builder for web apps Open source drag n drop interface #library#dragndrop#wysiwyg
- Styling The Good Ol' Button Element comprehensive guide to button styling. Focus and hover ordering. #pattern#button#technique
- premieroctet/openchakra visual editor and code generator for React using Chakra UI #wysiwyg#library#tool
- Begin platform for web apps and apis all in one #serverless#platform#service
- Framer Motion developer friendly animation library #animation#react#library#motion
- Neumorphism.io soft realistic 3d shadow generator #tool#design
- downshift-js/downshift Primitive to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant enhanced input React components with hooks #library#form#a11y#input#autocomplete#select
- Baretest An extremely minimalistic alternative to Jest, fast and small #library#test
- Making setInterval Declarative with React Hooks #technique#timing#react#hook
- meeDamian/country-emoji Converts between country names, ISO 3166-1 codes and flag emojis. #library#text
- hapijs/joi The most powerful data validation library for JS using without json schema #library#validation#form
- Kikobeats/unavatar Get unified user avatar from multiple sources #service#avatar#free#api
- nickdeny/darkmode-js auto detect user's time and switch theme #darkmode#library
- There Is No Design System Think of design system as a way of work, not object. Put people above all #designsystem#philosophy
- design systems, agile, and industrialization criticism of agile and organization culture for distorting the value of design systems #philosophy#designsystem
- The design systems we swim in. Concern of design system not empowering playful situational decision making #philosophy#designsystem
- Architects, gardeners, and design systems The dehumanising risk of design systems #philosophy#designsystem
- Redesign: Gardening vs. Architecture descriptive vs prescriptive work #philosophy
- Light and dark themed SVG favicon using the CSS prefers-color-scheme media feature adapt to dark mode #technique#favicon#icon
- krasimir/octomments A small library that offers GitHub issues as comments for your site/blog #hack#comment#library
- Building an accessible autocomplete control #a11y#pattern#autocomplete#input#form#technique#demo
- Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface Interaction should be replaced by context sensitivity #philosophy#gooddesign#tool
- Dynamicland Computer as an ubiquitous medium, made of components with agency #iot#gooddesign
- zipdecode zip code visualization search with immediate feedback #gooddesign#demo
- Browser Functions: A new serverless platform using Web Browser execution engines Using browser web api as server runtime #technique#hack#gooddesign
- Improve Your Sign-Up Form with Off-White Text Fields avoid white box on white background #design#pattern#textbox
- Why Infield Top-Aligned Labels Beat Floating Labels Use simple static infield labels #pattern#textbox#a11y#design
- A Whole Bunch of Places to Consider Contrast in a Single Paragraph how to style text for enough contrast during selection, link, background, underline states #a11y#pattern#text
- How To Empower Design Teams By Measuring Value correlates strategy with outcome #process#strategy#communication#datadriven
- Standards for Writing Accessibly chronological vs spatial, action vs behavior #a11y#writing#reference
- Sticky Table of Contents with Scrolling Active States using IntersectionObserver #pattern#scroll#technique
- Web development with React: from zero to hero! roadmap, milestones, and resources for new dev #resource#beginner#react
- Lingua Franca Design Language and framework for AI with Handbook, principles, and elements #designsystem#ethicaldesign#ai#reference
- Animating CSS Width and Height Without the Squish Effect 9-slice scaling for width and height scale and transform #animation#performance#technique
- Parsoid markdown editor used by WikiMedia #wysiwyg#text#library
- CSS-Only Carousel touch friendly, with scroll snap, and anchor links #technique#scroll#pattern#carousel
- Ableism Language mindful use of language depending on audience #a11y#reference
- Today, the Trident Era Ends Microsoft IE was light years ahead in browser war #businessstrategy#browser
- How to copy to the clipboard using JS and the Clipboard API Copy on click #technique#pattern#input
- Userbase: Logins and persistence for static sites basic authentication and user management as a service #service#auth#jamstack#serverless
- CSS layouts without using media queries flex email name sign-up form #pattern#responsive#form#technique
- Neumorphism in user interfaces more realistic shadow and natural surface than material #technique#gooddesign#pattern#card
- CSS Contain Property Helping Browsers Optimize #performance#technique
- terkelg/exifer A lightweight Exif meta-data decipher #library#image
- 30 seconds of code Code snippets for all development needs #reference
- Carbon Create and share beautiful images of source code #tool
- The Apple Archive Historical videos and interviews of Apple #resource#gooddesign
- Streams for reactive programming A small library built with browser native reactive utilities. Source #library
- Design System Checklist Open-source checklist for planning, building, and growing design system #reference
- Generative Placeholders parametric algorithmic art for placeholder #saas#tool
- Multi-Thumb Sliders: Particular Two-Thumb Case #pattern#slider
- EscherSketch Symmetric pattern drawing for background and hero #tool
- Calcolor Calculate colors. Share palettes. Mix and blend. Tint levels. #tool#color
- Programming quotes wisdom from computer scientists and programmers #resource#inspiration
- Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation vanilla javascript side navigation #pattern#scroll#nav
- Aria Tablist accessible WCAG compliant tabs with vanilla javascript #pattern#tab#a11y
- ggerganov/imtui Immediate Mode Text-based User Interface
- NestJS A progressive Node.js framework with TypeScript #library#framework
- avajs/ava test runner for node.js #library#test
- A Blind System Administrator’s Journey to Microsoft Microsoft C + AI A11y expert Ryan's story #a11y
- Happy Hues Curated colors in context #tool#color
- woobro 3D stock illustration #free#resource
- The Benefits of Orthogonal React Components separation of concerns #methodology
- BEEPLE politically charged dystopian art #art#inspiration
- LICEcap screen to gif cross platform tool #tool
- Use traditional boxed text input with rounded border instead of solid or underlined #pattern#input
- Simplified Fluid Typography min, max, and increase rate #responsive#typography
- Browser Default Styles cross browser comparison of default styles on built-in elements #reference
- Shadow generator multi-layer natural smooth shadow #tool
- Advent of Code Vintage text interface design TUI #gooddesign
- CSS Layout Pattern samples made in CSS #pattern#reference
- Diagram.Codes Generate svg diagram with plaintext language. Sequence, Flow, Graph, Tree, Timeline #tool
- AppLibsList Collection of Libraries, Tools and Components for React #library#resource
- Flowy The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts #library
- Faster apps with JSON.parse JSON.parse is faster than object literal #performance#technique
- Design APIs: The Evolution of Design Systems early experiments and predictions #philosophy#designsystem
- Simplifying code with Maps replace switch...case with map data structure #technique
- Hexabeat: A music sequencer using commits great use of Space Mono font #gooddesign#typography#reference
- Avoiding jagged edges on gradients. use subpixel linear gradient to smooth for antialias #technique
- A Pixel Is Not A Little Square The underlying physics and optics for pixel display #reference
- Multiline truncated text with "show more" button Using resize observer and line clamp #technique#text#pattern
- How to Section Your HTML Site search form with
#technique - Lite YouTube Embed A progressive enhanced YouTube Embed element #progressive#library
- Fresh Folk illustration of people and object #free#resource
- Open source illustrations kit stock illustrations #free#resource
- SWR React Hooks for Remote Data Fetching using optimistic ux #library
- Metronomes in JavaScript setInterval setTimeout timing stability #technique
- The Aesthetic-Accessibility Paradox Find the balance point #a11y#opinion
- Mailinator Receive email at a disposable address #tool
- Send free anonymous email online #tool
- The power of progressive enhancement don't work backwards from the best browser #philosophy#performance
- Beedle Super light weight state management for vanilla js #library
- Disabled buttons suck poor usability and accessibility #a11y#pattern#button
- Show Search Button when Search Field is Non-Empty with
selector #technique - Draft.js Open source rich text editor for React by Facebook #library
- Free templates for freelancers legal, administrative, business, financial #resource
- Guide to Computing Vintage computer art project #gooddesign
- airbnb/Lona A tool to generate design system and export to multiple platforms #tool
- A successful Git branching model feature, dev, release, and master branches in version management #technique#methodology
- Fractal Pattern lab and style guide for web components #library#tool
- A Business Case for Dropping Internet Explorer reasons for stop supporting IE11 #opinion
- Bidirectional horizontal rules in CSS inline-start and inline-end for rtl and ltr languages #technique#i18n
- docsify Documentation site generator for markdown #library
- Free for developers collection of free resources and tools for web dev #free#resource
- Glaze royalty free illustrations #resource#illustration
- Duospace writing font based on IBM plex mono #typography#free
- Better Markdown in Visual Studio Code #tool#reference#typography
- An Illustrated Guide to Some Useful Command Line Tools POSIX command line tools in rust #reference
- aholachek/mobile-first-animation Performant gesture-driven animation on the mobile web written in React #performance#mobile#touch#motion#demo
- The “Developer Experience” Bait-and-Switch Dev experience is not an excuse for js bloat #opinion#performance
- Line Awesome font awesome alternative flat line art icons #resource#icon
- Accessible Drop Caps #typography#technique#a11y
- plexis-js/plexis powerful, community-driven string manipulation library. #library#text#pattern
- typical Animated typing in 400 bytes of JavaScript #library
- Box alignment and overflow Justify content to one end of the flex box while maintaining overflow scroll bar #technique
- Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS using native
element #technique#responsive#a11y#pattern#table - Open Doodles Free sketchy illustrations #resource#free
- The Freelance Life by Sidesupply Comprehensive guidance on pricing, crm, and time management #freelance#beginner#reference
- Oracle Database 12.2. Dev horror. Working in legacy code base #opinion
- Moveable Make anything moveable, draggable, resizable, scalable, rotatable, warpable, pinchable, groupable, snappable #library
- This, Bind, Call, and Apply in JavaScript explained in detail #beginner#reference
- Breakout Buttons Next a link or button inside another clickable target #pattern#technique#card
- Mozilla Protocol Design system used by Mozilla and Firefox #designsystem#reference#gooddesign
- Fauna A serverless cloud database for modern applications #saas#serverless
- Lunr Self hosted search solution #library
- Grifter bold display font #free#typography#resource
- Animate.css css only animations #reference#animation
- unDraw high quality illustrations #resource#free
- JAMstack Themes for all static site generators and cms #resource
- A Modern CSS Reset #technique#reference
- Pixelbuddha icon, illustration, logo #free#resource
- uiprint low fi device mock and draft template #resource
- Devices device mocks by facebook #resource
- Semantic “breakout” button to make an entire element clickable #technique#pattern#button
- Designer + Developer Workflow Dan Mall and Brad Frost collaborating live #philosophy#handoff#communication
- useScript react hook that injects 3rd party library js into document #technique
- Thinking in React Hooks plus a set of commonly used hooks #opinion#tutorial#beginner
- Generative Artistry coding algorithmic art sample, podcast, demo #tutorial
- Moving Your JavaScript Development To Bash On Windows setup linux on windows
- IP Geolocation API including countries raw data #reference#api
- Creating Tables In Figma #tutorial
- Variable Fonts Link Dump! #typography#resource
- Table with Expandable Rows #pattern#table#a11y
- A Comparison of Static Form Providers #library
- Syntax/182 Practical stack for new SaaS email, auth, media, payment #reference
- Where to put buttons on forms cancel, secondary, tangential, destructive, back #pattern#form
- Optional/conditional spreading to include/exclude specific key value pairs when creating an object #technique
- overscroll-behavior: contain prevent parent scroll on mobile #scroll#technique
- Smoother & sharper shadows with layered box-shadows #technique
- Responsive hamburger menu #a11y#technique
- AI-Generated Faces #free#resource
- Ghost Buttons with Directional Awareness in CSS #technique
- ECMAScript new features list es6 es7 ... es10 #reference
- Reverse interview questions to ask your interviewer #resource
- Can I email caniuse for email html dev #resource#tool
- Two Browsers Walked Into a Scrollbar unobtrusive styling #technique#pattern#scroll
- Simplicity (II) consider your js tool chain in 5-10 years #opinion
- Source Sans Variable #typography#free
- Array.from() init array with number of items #technique
- Google Engineering Practices Documentation for code review #reference
- js-noisy-gradient prevent banding in linear-gradient backgrounds. #library
- Email inspiration, resources and discovery #reference#resource#inspiration
- Navbar Nudging on @keyframers Expand/collapse for icon only buttons #technique
- Luxon DateTime formatting built on browser native Itnl API #library#i18n
- dark-mode-toggle Custom element that uses prefers-color-scheme value as default #library
- X3D + X3Dom Declarative 3D for the Web #library
- Leon Sans geometric sans-serif typeface rendered with code #typography#tool
- Buildless web component app using import maps #technique#library
- Delaunay Bowyer-Watson algorithm to perform the Delaynay triangulation #technique#algorithm
- svg stroke and fill animation #tool#svg
- Better tooltip design hover tooltip isn't a good solution #pattern#tooltip#technique
- How DNS works a comic primer #beginner#reference
- Console.assert() for error catching #technique#reference
- mini map for web pages with canvas on a beautiful personal website #library#reference#gooddesign
- Postal addressing conventions Universal Postal Union #reference
- SVG waves pattern generator #tool
- Marketing Examples Real world marketing case studies #reference#resource
- Using requestAnimationFrame with React Hooks #technique
- Full Stack Open open course for modern web development #tutorial#beginner#gooddesign#free
- Roll Your Own Comment System for a Static Site #tutorial
- SimpleID Authentication and storage as a service #free#saas#library
- Startup decks business strategy of success startups #resource
- line-clamp ellipsis overflow for multiline text #technique
- Block Formatting Context BFC contain float, prevent margin collapse and float wrapping #technique#reference
- Everything You Need To Know About CSS Margins margin collapse #technique#reference
- Ten principles for good design by Dieter Rams #philosophy#gooddesign
- Copychar copy unicode character to clipboard #tool
- Snapboard.io Dashboard as a service #gooddesign#saas
- Animated favicon using canvas API #technique
- TinyMCE HTML WYSIWYG rich text editor #library
- WPGraphQL, ACF, and React #tutorial#beginner
- Handle grid single column overflow in minmax() with min() #technique#responsive
- UX Movement heuristic patterns for form, navigation, button, and content #reference
- Inter high quality UI font #free#typography
- Dashblock turning web url into API with manual tagging and machine learning #tool#gooddesign
- Phone number input i18n format and validate phone number #library#input
- Predictably Random visualizing randomness #gooddesign#tool
- Case study factory ux portofolio templates no longer works #opinion
- Oliver sans serif free font #typography
- Free Mockups and Design Tools device mockup and frames #resource#free
- paaatterns Free collection of beautiful patterns for all vector formats #resource
- Verby Create and download natural voices as mp3 audio files #a11y#tool
- comlink web worker abstraction implemented in es6 proxy #library
- Components AI Experimental platform for exploring generative design systems #tool
- Charlie Owen's personal website brutal, simple, fast, and functional #gooddesign
- Writing a Simple MVC App in Plain JavaScript #beginner#tutorial
- The Elements of UI Engineering the problems that frameworks are designed to solve #opinion#philosophy
- Simplest way to load CSS async #technique#performance
- Flexible data table with CSS Grid #pattern#table
- Quantum computing for the very curious experimental menmonic medium as an alternative to textbook #gooddesign
- 10 Usability Heuristics for UI design #reference#research
- Contain prevent layout change to bubble up in css #technique#performance
- Nodes algorithmic parameteric design tool #tool#philosophy
- Isometric free isometric illustration #resource
- jExcel javascript lightweight excel table #library
- Flexbox and padding prevent last item padding cropped in horizontal scroll area #technique
- Accessible inline list with bullets between items interpunct #a11y
- Progress Tracker component #pattern#library
- Design tools are holding us back lack box model, inheritance, code handoff, database connection, unrealistic motion #opinion
- Multi-column layout prevent scrolling by quantity query #technique#responsive
- The Challenges with Single Toggle Buttons show both state and action #pattern#toggle
- Responsive Iframes with aspect ratio wrapper #technique
- Truncate multiline text #technique#reference
- Use Datalist on different types of input date, color #reference
- You don't know JS Deep dive into the javascript language #reference
- Free open source typefaces #resource#typography
- CSS Animation Libraries #reference#library
- Component Styling API A comprehensive list of stylable properties of any element #reference
- Photoshop in Versions Museum visual evolution of graphics WYSIWYG tool #reference
- Clean code javascript patterns and best practice for js #reference
- Chaos design generative, evolutionary, AI assisted design process #philosophy#opinion
- Frontend design, react, and a bridge over the great divide by Brad Frost #opinion
- Inconsolata monospaced font designed for high resolution code printing #typography
- Sproutsocial seeds design system for a social marketing management app #designsystem#gooddesign
- Lona Airbnb's code-driven design system environment #tool
- Figma design system #reference#pattern
- Use output element as aria-live regions for toast bubbles #pattern#a11y#technique
- Grid cheatsheet #reference#gooddesign
- LottaTools PDF tools run in browser #tool
- Interactive hoverboard game phone as sensor, web socket as P2P communication #gooddesign
- Shape React and SVG icons and illustrations #resource
- Pexels free stock image #resource
- Retain aspect ratio for an element percentage padding is based on parent width #technique
- Photopea free wasm based photoshop alternative web app #tool
- Pages.xyz gallery of web designed pages organized by type #reference#inspiration#gooddesign
- The Designer’s Growth Model five states of design career: producer, architect, connector, scientist, visionary #opinion
- Balance in Framework Design A Vue.js perspective by Evan You #philosophy#gooddesign
- reveal.js HTML slides presentation #library#tool
- Hover menu safe path prevent unwanted mouse out from trigger path #technique#pattern#popout#hover
- The Technical Side of Design Systems sketch file != design system #opinion#pattern
- Eva deep learning color generator #tool
- Fonts in use real world font pairing examples #reference#typography
- CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns" design thinking behind tailwind project #opinion#philosophy
- JavaScript event loop high level conceptual overview #reference
- a11y css reset #library#technique
- TinyURL create short URL with API #saas#free#tool
- Staggered animation use inline css custom property and calc #technique
- Bounds.js lightweight intersection observer for lazy loading and boundary detection #library
- Code-surfer code slides author and demo tool in react #library
- Generate PDF from HTML #reference#beginner
- Learning Synths Ableton recipes for sounds effects #resource#tutorial#beginner
- CSS Inheritance, The Cascade And Global Scope: Your New Old Worst Best Friends #opinion#technique
- SeaMonkey Project HTML authoring WYSIWYG #tool#gooddesign
- Serif vs SansSerif theories based on perception of motion #typography
- freezeframe.js animate gif only on hover #library#gooddesign
- Use a resizable textarea to implement drag and drop #demo#technique
- Baseline Grid for the web #technique#demo
- A complete guide to iconography practical icon design guide #tutorial#beginner
- Check if element has class, attribute, and id with js element.matches API #technique
- Refactoring UI practical rational design tips for web developers #resource#tutorial#beginner#gooddesign#technique
- Site inspire web design gallery for #inspiration#resource
- Hero Patterns A collection of repeatable SVG background patterns #free#resource#tool
- Duotone generate two color high res hero images #free#tool
- Readme generator CLI #tool
- basier mono free monospaced font #typography#resrouce
- Google Fonts optimization #typography#technique
- Google Fonts repo for self hosting #typography#resource
- electron boilerplate with publishing and auto-update #reference
- Don't misuse -webkit-font-smoothing especially on dark background #a11y#technique#typography
- Marking required fields in forms all the time #research
- The Noun Project free SVG Icon library #resource#icon
- Green sock (GSAP) the best animation library and tool for SVG #tool
- unstated a super light weight redux replacement for react built for hooks #library
- Every layout responsive composable CSS layouts #resource#reference#technique
- Pika modern es6 javascript module CDN #saas
- Beautiful Web Type free webfonts #typography#resource
- Free tools for makers freemium #resource
- Figma redline kit #resource
- Versus find competitive products #tool
- Black and white paintings by Indonesian artist Elicia Edijanto #inspiration
- Design with motifs logo, typography, empty space filler, divider, special text element #design#technique
- Array sort reverse, tie-breaker, random, advanced use #technique#reference
- Functional css perils rational criticism on functional css methodology #philosophy#opinion
- The Flexbox Holy Albatross achieve container query with flexbox #technique#responsive
- This page is a truly naked, brutalist html quine. display raw html with css #technique#inspiration
- Theme UI constraint-based design system for React #library#philosophy
- Victor Mono free font for code editor #tool#typography
- Improve scroll performance with passive event handler #technique#performance#scroll
- Github switch from icon font to inline SVG #opinion#performance
- Swap GIF to static picture with reduced motion preference #a11y#technique
- mixkit Beautiful Art & Illustration #resource#free
- JavaScript built-in i18n API for number, currency, and time #reference
- svgo: Node.js tool for optimizing SVG can replace color to currentColor #tool
- Wrapping long words with CSS or HTML #typography#technique
- National Park Typeface #typography
- Accessible Icon Buttons #a11y
- Contextually Marking up accessible images and SVGs #a11y#reference
- CSS Grid shephard use grid and counter to display multiple columns of different types #technique
- CSS Counter display auto generated number. #reference
- Mavo create web app with HTML + CSS only. State management and storage as a service using Github or Dropbox #library#gooddesign
- Generative Planets beautiful algorithmically generated planet #experiment#gooddesign
- Zdog canvas and SVG 3D animation library #library
- Against strong opinions loosely held #opinion
- Fluid typography #technique#responsive#typography
- Document interactive react components in MDX #technique
- codyhouse open source components library with customization and theming as a service #library
- RunKit REPL playground, endpoint hosting, live documentation for node #saas#free
- Tornis viewport and pointer state observer/watcher #library
- Art direction for the web using CSS shapes #technique
- Annotate regular expression for human #tutorial#technique
- A11y Style Guide #a11y#pattern#reference
- How to meet WCAG #reference#a11y
- Full bleed background when parent is any centered element #technique
- Edge to edge full bleed background #technique
- Bigfoot JQuery library for converting footnote links into inline hover buttons #library
- Use inputmode to select keyboard layout for input #form#pattern#technique
- Using Bootstrap in React without technical debt by wrapping in styled-components #technique
- Ways to add color for SVG elements #technique#reference
- Generate SVG filter to convert from black to target hex color #technique#reference
- CSS Triggers layout, paint, and composite changes for animating attribute #performance
- Expandable side nav slide in animation #technique#performance#tutorial
- Swipeable card dismiss slide up animation #technique#animation#tutorial
- Material dark theme design system thinking #technique#gooddesign
- Intersection Observer for lazy load image, auto pause video, and track reading progress #technique#scroll#tutorial
- THe Web's Grain philosophical musing on responsive design #opinion
- Bret Victor - Stop Drawing Dead Fish computer as a medium to create interactive art without coding #philosophy#opinion
- CSS SVG Progress spinner #pattern#progress#technique
- Progressive enhanced css grid #technique#tutorial
- Generate CAD interactive generative design tool for manufacturing #tool#inspiration#philosophy
- Project Phoebe open source mutative design #inspiration #philosophy#opinion
- Generative design as a bridge between design and code #opinion#philosophy
- Svgbob convert ascii art or characters to svg
- Sticky hero with position sticky and intersection observer #pattern
- Flex layout break new rows or columns #technique
- Let's make a design system Brad Frost demo using pattern lab as a design tool #tutorial#tool#pattern
- Author SVG without design tool #reference#tutorial
- Split Developer experience at the cost of user experience #opinion
- Crawler for JavaScript websites #tool
- Animate icons with CSS and SVG SVG stroke animation #technique
- Lorem picsum Random image placeholder service #saas
- display: contents to hoist child elements without losing parent-child semantics #a11y#technique
- Podcasts Repo podcast list for on dev, design, and startup #resource
- Ways to display SVG #technique#reference
- Ribbon shape CSS #pattern#breadcrumb#technique
- Styled System a constraint-based design system consumable as react props #library
- Line height playground compare line height treatment across web ios and android #tool#typography
- Line height in Figma great communication on a disruptive change in product #gooddesign#tool#typography
- Passport.js authentication for Node.js #library
- Use a grid of hover triggers to make css-only interactive experience #technique
- Should I use aria-role in addition to Semantic HTML? test results and recommendation #a11y#reference
- Accessible Landmarks Landmark explained #a11y#reference
- React UI foundation for building accessible React components #a11y#library
- Get progressive web app into Google Play store #tutorial
- Rebass the bootstrap for react, a design system #library
- A Friendly Introduction to Font Licenses understanding font licenses #reference#typography
- Inclusively hidden hide elements for icon, skip links #a11y#icon
- Restyling form controls #a11y#pattern#technique
- When Cancel Buttons Should Not Say “Cancel” #content
- Killed by Google projects killed by Google #reference
- A system for establishing principles and use principles to guide difficult decisions #opinion
- Johnny Five JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework #library
- HTTP Caching with request headers a #beginner#introduction
- Conditional insert properties into an object literal at the cost of readability #technique
- replies.cc Tracking RSVP by CC an email address #service#gooddesign
- Generative art with CSS for icon and background image #technique
- Front-end Developer handbook with roadmap, learning resources, and tools #resource
- Design at Scale: Figma at Liferay lessons and tips for design process at scale #tool#technique#pattern#library
- Figma redline and flowchart kit by Liferay design #resource#tool#library
- Rules for Autocomplete principles, rules, and tips for the best autocomplete algorithm and ux #technique#reference#pattern#autocomplete
- Simplify designs practical tips #technique
- Inline SVG with caching using service worker and SVG symbol #technique
- Get and parse css custom properties in JavaScript #technique
- features enabled with Chromium Edge #reference
- Inclusive stock photos #resource
- Nolt User feedback user voice and roapmap hosting #saas
- Ethical alternatives to mainstream software and services #resource
- Ternary statement to simplify if statement by using
#technique - Accessible toggle implementation including indeterminate state, high contrast, dark mode, and rtl support #a11y#pattern#toggle
- A case for css-in-js by The Guardian for scale, maintainability, and collaboration #opinion
- z-index and stacking context why storing all z-index in one place won't work #technique
- shape-rendering: crispEdges resolve blurry edges in SVG after scaling #technique
- Design Pattern Patents from Tech Companies #reference
- GOV.UK UK Government design system #a11y#pattern#library
- USWDS US Goverment design system #a11y#pattern#library
- Public Sans open font used by US Gov #typography#resource#free
- Color.review Visualization for color contrast tweaking #a11y#tool#gooddesign
- Console API for debugging and creative use #tutorial#reference
- Web dev concepts illustration #gooddesign#beginner
- Empathy for developers how interdisciplinary team fueled the success of Material Design #opinion
- FontForge open source font creation #tool#typography#icon
- History of JavaScript libraries from Ajax, to Prototype, to jQuery, to MooTools #opinion#reference
- Responsible JavaScript use SSR and html and css instead of JavaScript #opinion
- Glitch full stack free app host for prototyping #saas#serverless#free
- How to align in CSS distribute space vs. align object #tutorial#beginner
- Web Components series HTML Template, Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, and Libraries #introduction
- Ecode svg to background iamge url #tool
- Appearance vs Layout decouple appearance from layout in CSS #technique#opinion
- Netlify CMS a library that gives a CMS UI for any github static file repos #library#saas
- Simple & boring boring design and engineering is important for the web #opinion
- Firefox Send send large files with expiring download links #tool#saas
- Avataaars avatar generator #tool#free
- document.activeElement track currently focused element #technique#debug#a11y
- React icons popular icon sets ready to be consumed as react components #library
- CSS hyphens hyphenation #technique#typography#text
- Checklist Design UX patterns with examples #pattern#reference
- Http cache control headers and cache busting #reference#technique
- How to use mailto #reference
- Font Map AI font similarity map #tool#typography
- Understanding screen reader modes #beginner virtual/browser mode, form/focus mode, and application mode #a11y#reference
- Semantics to Screen Readers a developer #beginner guide for understanding how html translates into screen reader announcement with additional #a11y#reference
- Deque University a11y resources coding patterns and screen reader shortcuts #reference#pattern
- Screen reader and browser usage survey #a11y#reference
- Accessible name and description computation mapping from HTML to AT announcement #a11y#reference
- Flatten container with children with display:contents useful for nested grid items #technique
- Dev.to A beginner friendly dev community with positive culture #gooddesign#beginner
- Details dialog element Github's light weight web component for dialog #library#pattern#dialog
- A JavaScript-Free Frontend Use checkbox, label and id for modal ux #technique
- True Blue stunning illustration in web media behind the scene #gooddesign
- Machine learning to colorize black and white photo #gooddesign#saas
- CSS Grid course by Wes Bos #free#tutorial
- Interneting is hard good html/css/js #beginner#tutorial
- Uppy file uploader from local and cloud #library
- Barnimages royalty free stock photo #free#resource
- Sheety Google sheet to JSON API #saas
- Tachyons great design system for developers #library#gooddesign
- Draw triangles #technique
- CSS Remedy an alternative to reset and normalize: mordern common sense css rules to start every project #library#opinion
- The original NeXT browser a replica #gooddesign
- pseudo element for external link how to prevent orphan on next line #technique
- Game-icons free game icons that are stylish and unique #free#resource
- Content-based grid tracks and embracing flexibility min-content and max-content based grid and challenges #performance#technique#opinion#responsive
- Responsive grid without media query with template-auto and minmax() #technique
- Responsive grid and CSS variables replacing bootstrap grid with css grid #technique
- Ant Design a well documentated design system organized by purpose #library
- Instant.page prefetch a url on hover #performance#library
- Auto accessible text color with CSS variable #technique#a11y
- IconSvg svg icon library for copy, edit, and use #tool#resource
- Using CSS Grid the right way named columns and fr units #technique#tutorial
- 15-1255 Web and Digital Interface Designers acknowledged as a job by Bureau of Labor Statistics
- 11ty.io simple static site generator running on node #library
- Upcoming front-end design and developement #resource
- Webhosting uptime ranking #reference
- Wakamai Fondue font capability inspector #tool#typography
- Font Inspector #tool#typography
- Intro to Font Metrics ascender and baseline alignment #typography#introduction
- SVG Filters 101 #beginner#tutorial
- Inclusive components #pattern#a11y
- The A11y Project #opinion#resource#pattern#a11y
- Paint the picture, not the frame use browser default scroll, highlight, text sizing, theme, focus, and clipboard #opinion#a11y
- A case against theming and a progressive solution with custom properties #a11y#opinion
- Why we shouldn't take JavaScript for granted and why to prepare for no-js #opinion#a11y
- line-height should be unitless #typography#opinion#technique#text
- Scrollytelling is a good technique that respects native behavior. Scrolljacking is bad. #technique#opinion#pattern#scroll
- Consistency default scroll bar is external consistency with the system #a11y#opinion
- Mixkit HD video asset #free#resource
- Lapa Ninja La gallery featuring the best landing page examples from around the web #resource
- How To Architect A Complex Web Table systematically plan design and document a #table#pattern
- figure element semantic and accessible usage #technique#a11y
- Newsletter guide One-stop resource for publishing newsletters #tutorial
- airtable cms + project management as a service #saas#free
- tinyfaces crowd-sourced avatar gallery #resource#free#saas
- Robust Client-Side JavaScript error prevention and handling #reference
- HTML, CSS and our vanishing industry entry points a case for inclusion #opinion
- Tooltip Guidelines #pattern#tooltip
- Programmatically select content in textbox #technique
- Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS #opinion
- deno native TypeScript interpreter #tool#gooddesign
- Statecharts: a visual formalism for complex systems #philosophy
- Digital psychology minimalist text based interface #gooddesign
- Poor design in automotive industry parking, turn signal, standarization #gooddesign
- Pure UI Control apply pure UI to a calculator control example #opinion
- Pure UI video player as an example, state driven design dev documentation #opinion
- XState javascript finite state machine #library
- Achieve container query with flex-basis stack flex box when container is narrow #technique
- Box drawing characters charting unicode #typography#reference
- Responsive Patterns Brad Frost collection of #pattern#reference
- tablesaw filament responsive #table#pattern#library
- Design better data tables #pattern#table#technique#gooddesign
- Indicate scrollability with shadow background-attachment #scroll#technique
- Icons8 icons and photos #resource#free
- Laws of software development #opinion#reference
- Rule of least power information reuse vs language capability #opinion
- A visual history of computing machine as art objects #gooddesign
- Is Houdini Ready Yet status of implementation by vendors #reference
- The Great Divide between JS dev and HTMl/CSS dev #opinion
- doka high quality image editor component with a license fee #library
- filepond high quality file uploader with drag and drop and image editor #library#file
- Dimensions Guide for physical objects and architecture #reference
- Making dialog and tooltip with react portal #tutorial#technique
- Designing For Print With CSS #introduction#tutorial
- amChart for data visualization #library#free
- Making Future Interfaces: Algorithmic Layouts foundation of responsive design is not media query #opinion#beginner
- Serverless cost calculator AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, and IBM OpenWhisk #tool
- Chris Coyier - The All Powerful Front End Developer video: serverless architecture by example #introduction#beginner
- Serverless ecommerce shopping cart and payment stripe and azure functions #demo
- The power of serverless a collection of resources for serverless stack or jamstack #saas#free#resource
- Turn off animation/transition globally respect reduced motion preference with css variables #technique#a11y
- Masonry layout css only solutions #technique
- anime.js powerful JavaScript animation engine #library
- CSS Doodle web component library for drawing patterns and shapes in CSS #library
- Clippy CSS clip-path generator #tool
- Shapy gradient generator #tool
- coolors color palette generator #tool
- The Directors Bureau vintage console like brutalist interface #gooddesign#inspiration
- Engineering process at Google #opinion#gooddesign
- SiteInspire a collection of beautifully designed websites #inspiration
- Alignment techniques #technique#reference
- SVG donut circle fill and number transition #technique#tutorial
- quicklink prefetch links in viewport for better #performance#library
- box-decoration-break give each line box an separate background, border, shadow, margin, padding #technique
- How To Learn CSS resources on systematically (layout, sizing, alignment) learning CSS #beginner#resource
- Understanding sizing in CSS Layout grid and flex sizing algorithms #reference#beginner
- Animista discover a variety of css animations and export code #tool#resource
- European Space Agency hypothetical redesign #gooddesign#inspiration
- Carrd a one page website builder #gooddesign#saas#free
- Meta Tags preview url in social media open graph cards #saas#tool
- Select styles with CSS only #technique#pattern#select
- CodePen Radio unique icon for podcast album cover #gooddesign#icon#inspiration
- What makes a good front-end developer? problem-solving critical thinking, googling, empathy, communication #opinion
- The Vanilla JS Toolkit snippets, helper, boilerplate, polyfill for vanilla JavaSript #reference
- Modernizr overkill for feature detection and browser sniffing #library
- preload font to fight FOIT and FOUT together #technique#typography
- Gradient border multiple ways to implement gradient borders #technique
- CSSOM manipulate style from JavaScript via CSS Object model #introduction#tutorial
- I Used The Web For A Day Using A Screen Reader case studies, tips, screenreader shortcuts #a11y
- Material intelligence how material and craft brings out the beauty of simple objects #opinion
- Operation Jane Walk NYC history and architecture tour in Tom Clancy’s The Division #gooddesign#inspiration
- typo/graphic posters typographical and graphical poster collection #resource#inspiration
- EZGIF animated gif editor, maker, converter #tool
- Intercom customer engagement and support through a chat interface #gooddesign#saas
- London Underground Signs manual a design system for physical application #gooddesign#inspiration#designsystem
- Fathom Analytics open source self hosted telemetry library #free#library#telemetry
- Getform decoupled form submission handling backend as a service #free#saas#gooddesign
- Remove image background #free#tool
- DIY Ad Sponsorspot manager for newsletter built with Google sheet, Formsite, Zappier #tutorial#free#hack#gooddesign
- Plex a font designed by IBM #typography#free#gooddesign
- Deseat.ms scan email via OAuth2 and delete accounts from service providers #gooddesign#saas
- Output font optimised for screen reading #typography#gooddesign#resource
- Input font optimised for programming #typography#gooddesign#resource
- CSS in JS to CSS Modules to PostCSS In depth introduction to css stack #introduction#tutorial
- CSS Modules intro 3 part tutorial on setting up CSS Module for client and server side react #tutorial#introduction
- Humaaans stock SVG for human body illustrations #library#free
- Why Performance Matters part2 part3 on perceived #performance#technique
- Webtask serverless endpoints by auth0 #saas#free
- nivo nivo provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of the awesome d3 and Reactjs libraries. #library#visualization
- Practical Cryptography for Developers how private/public keys, hashing, cyphers or signatures work #reference#beginner
- Include variable font in font stack #typography#performance#technique
- CSS Background-clip spec shrink background to text, content box, or border box #technique
- Squoosh image optimization compression #tool#free#performance
- CSS and Network Performance fastest way to load css styles #performance#technique
- web.dev Google official guide to modern web dev #performance#spa#a11y#seo#tutorial#beginner#security#production
- How to build a color palette with good examples #tutorial#color
- No style design system progressive enhanced accessible form patterns by Adam Silver #form#pattern#a11y#demo#reference
- Show progress for FileReader show feedback when reading large file with file input #pattern#form#file#technique
- Cross platform triangle chevron unicode #reference#icon#form#pattern#select
- Fieldset and legend when to (not) use #pattern#form#a11y
- Momentum scroll on iOS #technique#pattern#scroll
- Active descendant for indicating selected child within a composite control that keeps focus on root #a11y#technique
- Visually hidden hide visually but visible to screen reader #a11y#technique
- Registration form #demo#form#email#password#validation#pattern
- Web Design Museum archive of old landing pages for influential companies #reference
- State of JS 2018 Survey #reference#survey
- Spellbook of Modern Web Dev #reference
- Shopify eCommerce and business tools logo, naming, slogan, ops, legal, billing, logistics, branding, image #free#tool
- flow a font that renders characters as a shapes, perfect for greeking or shimmering or placeholder #typography#free
- Pixels vs. Ems: Users DO Change Font Size #opinion#survey
- focus-visible polyfill for showing focus ring only on keyboard focus #library
- Facon create nested DOM elements using template literals and extract references. #library
- When to Use Which User-Experience Research Methods attitudinal to behavioral, qualitative to quantitative. #reference
- Kendo UI robust enterprise ready UI controls #gooddesign#library
- ag-Grid robust enterprise ready grid/table control #gooddesign#table#library
- Use subset and unicode range to load icon, emoji, and numberals fonts #technique#typography#performance
- Palx open source color palette generator using a single brand color #tool#free
- Design, track, and analyze 404 no found page #tutorial
- Design tools are running out of track. Here’s how we can fix them. #opinion
- The Design Tool Dilemma code vs vector as source of truth #opinion
- Tags to DOM part 2 of the URL to Interactive series #introduction#beginner
- The correct usage of
#reference - Consently The privacy-friendly and GDPR compliant way to add tracking to your website #gooddesign#saas
- 33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know #reference#beginner
- URL to Interactive a series of articles on the end to end flow of web: Server to Client, tags to DOM, braces to pixels, var to JIT #introduction#beginner
- FontBase font management tool #tool#free
- Negative Grid Lines position item relative to the end of a grid #technique
- 8 Tips for Great Code Reviews #codereview#communication
- The Psychology of Design Hick's law to cognitive load, Miller's law to chunking, Jakob's law to mental models #introduction
- Use reduce() to sequentially resolve promises #technique
- Create CSS border radius for artistic shapes #tool
- Dealing with Dependencies Inside Design Systems Decomposing Features to Master Change Up the Chain #tutorial#designsystem
- Visual Breaking Change in Design Systems We Respect Code APIs. But What About Color, Type and Space? #tutorial#designsystem
- Versioning Design Systems Communicating Change Clearly to People Using Systems #tutorial#designsystem
- Design System Release Cadence Modeling How Often and Regularly Your System Delivers #tutorial#designsystem
- Releasing Design Systems Delivering Interconnected Outputs to Adopters Over Time #tutorial#designsystem
- Book Cover Archive as visual design inspiration #inspiration#resource
- ColorBox A color gradient picker by Lyft #tool
- Build dialog with the native dialog element #technique#reference
- remarkable Markdown parser #library
- A Brief Guide About Competitive Analysis #introduction
- JavaScript timers setTimeout,requestAnimationFrame,requestIdleCallback #technique
- Input element properties defaultValue,indeterminate,selectionStart,selectionEnd,selectionDirection, tri-state checkbox, retrieve default value #reference#technique#pattern#radio#checkbox#textbox
- Best Practices For Mobile Form Design #technique#pattern#form#textbox
- sanitize.css a CSS library that provides consistent, cross-browser default styling of HTML elements alongside useful defaults. #library
- Accessible Breadcrumb Navigation Pattern #pattern#a11y#breadcrumb
- The Mighty Ellipsis how and why the ellipsis is used #technique#pattern#text
- The Ecological Impact of Browser Diversity the core engines of each browser #introduction#opinion
- ::before vs :before pseudo-elements vs. pseudo-selector #reference
- The Complete CSS Demo for OpenType Features #typography#reference
- Helping a Beginner Understand Getting a Website Live explain domain, web host, CMS, CDN, repository, deployment #introduction
- Design with Difficult Data fake data < real data < difficult data #opinion
- Designing A Textbox, Unabridged differentiate change,keypress,keyup,input events #pattern#technique#textbox
- Lobe - Deep Learning Made Simple intuitive UX for complex deep learning applications #free#library#saas#machinelearning#gooddesign
- Brutalist Websites #resource#inspiration
- Solving All the Wrong Problems tech industry's bias to innovate for themselves #opinion
- Shrink Me - Compress JPG, PNG and WEBP Images image optimization #tool#free#performance
- What Is This Thing Called Design? what is ui/ux design, how we got here, what's next--a historic and evolutionary review. #introduction#opinion
- Are we designers shamelessly good at self promotion? — UX Essay #1 An analysis of the state of design publishing and community building in the era of personal branding. #opinion
- Coding with Clarity practical tips and techniques for object oriented coding. #oop#technique
- Myth: All pages should be accessible in 3 clicks #opinion
- Principles of writing consistent, idiomatic CSS order CSS rules by function, not alphabet #opinion#technique
- Large scale css system design principles #itcss#technique
- Let device adjust color color-adjust allows device e.g. printer to save ink #technique#print#responsive#ethicaldesign
- Prevent overscroll bouncing disable rubber-banding or elastic scroll on touch device #scroll#mobile#technique
- CSS Scroll Snapping snap to scroll positions so target items are in full view #technique#scroll
- Mac OS X White/Light Text Sub-Pixel Antialiasing Bug white text blurry and bold on Mac #technique#typography
- How the shared family computer protected us from our worst selves #opinion#antitech
- Display After Effects animation in Android, iOS, React Native, and Web #animation#library
- Everything You Need To Know About Alignment In Flexbox align-item vs. align-content #responsive#introduction#reference
- Accessible Components cheatsheet for building accessible form control #component#pattern#a11y#reference
- Automatically switch font color for different backgrounds with CSS variable #a11y#designsystem#theming#cssvariable
- Use media query in SVG as container query #svg#responsive
- Sanity Headless CMS solution #saas#library#cms#editor#realtime
- List of storage or database services #free#saas#database#resource
- Mlab: Database-as-a-Service for MongoDB #free#saas#database
- Various styled accessible form controls #component#pattern#a11y#reference#library
- Sticky, smooth, active nav sidenav that highlights current section #technique#scroll
- Math and physics for iOS Fluid Interface including: spring, button, rubberband, momentum #technique#animation
- Math and physics for dragging animation #technique#animation
- Fix 100vh cropped by mobile url bar #technique#responsive#mobile
- Typeform interactive form for user-friendly data collection #gooddesign#saas#free
- Writing Less Damned Code video digest #a11y#responsive#opinion
- Running untrusted script in Node VM runInNewContext #security#nodejs#technique
- MIT licensed SVG illustrations #resource#free#svg
- Subsetting font with unicode-range #typography#performance
- On-demand live regions make screenreader announce text on demand #a11y#library
- Announce page titles in a Single Page App #a11y#technique
- Accessibility for Teams US Goverment guide for embedding accessibility and inclusive design practices into your team’s workflow #a11y#introduction#wcag#reference
- Beacon API browser built-in telemetry API #api#browser#telemetry#reference
- Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code cheatsheet for #vscode#reference
- Font playground play with variable fonts #typography#variablefont#playground#tool
- 2018 Developer road maps frontend, react, backend, vue #roadmap#reference
- Notion: CMS, kanban, calendar, notes #gooddesign#businessstrategy#startup#saas#free#editor#cms
- Cloudinary Image management CDN and optimization #saas#responsive#image#performance
- pointer-events delegation change parent or sibling style on hover #technique#hover#eventdelegation
- Editable CSS and JavaScript source use
display: block
elements #technique#editor#wysiwyg#demo#sandbox#playground - The Secret Law of Page Harmony geometric techniques for perfect ratio on paper #technique#layout#gird
- Dotgrid: vector drawing app for icon design #minimalist#tool#gooddesign#svg#icon
- Public APIs request data for anything #api#free#resource
- Improving the usability of multi-selecting from a long list #pattern#multiselect#pill#select
- SimpleBar lightweight scrollbar #library#scroll
- Animating Layouts with the FLIP Technique #animation#performance
- Code review best practices #codereview#communication
- Improve resume reader experience #writing#resume#content
- Hyperlinking Beyond the Web deeplink into apps #url#deeplink#nativeapp
- Email recipient experience design #email#content#technique
- Better Collaboration By Bringing Designers Into The Code Review Process #process#opinion#communication
- 4kb frontend UI framework #library#minimalist
- System Font Stack #typography#fontstack#systemfont
- Font Stacks #typography#fontstack
- Itty bitty sites are contained entirely within their own link #tool#url
- PQINA designs and builds performant, responsive and polished web components #startup#component#library#minimalist#businessstrategy#gooddesign
- I Used The Web For A Day With JavaScript Turned Off #progressive#a11y
- I Used The Web For A Day With Just A Keyboard #a11y#keyboard
- Techniques for WCAG 2.0 #technique#a11y#wcag#reference
- Making the DOM order match the visual order #technique#a11y#wcag
- To cure affluenza, we have to be satisfied with the stuff we already own consumerism vs materialism #opinion
- Order Out of Chaos: Patterns of Organization for Writing on the Job #ia#writing#documentation#content
- What Is Redux: A Designer’s Guide #redux#undoredo#optimisticui#introduction
- Multi-colored icons with SVG symbols and CSS variables #icon#svg#cssvariable#tutorial
- Integrating and styling icon systems — SVG sprites, SVG symbols and icon fonts #icon#svg#svgsymbol#iconfont#tutorial
- Integrating and styling icon systems — inline SVG and icon components #icon#svg#tutorial
- ChartGen: generate mock svg line chart #svg#mock#tool#prototyping#chart
- Prototyping in the Browser
to compose HTML from components in codepen #prototyping#codepen#technique
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