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Drivers Compatibility

chrilith edited this page Oct 19, 2019 · 5 revisions

If you are running a 64-bit version of Windows, there are some known compatibility issues depending on the driver you are using. After version of the 64-bit driver, Saitek removed support for x86. The installer will not provide the required 32-bit dependencies and you will not be able to use the Saitek module for Lua if the host application runs a 32-bit version of Lua.

Here is a list of currently tested drivers:

Driver Vendor 32-bit 64-bit
FIP v7.0.39.0 Saitek Yes Yes
FIP v7.0.40.9 Mad Catz No Yes
FIP v7.0.42.12 Mad Catz No Yes
FIP v7.0.47.1 Mad Catz No Yes
FIP v8.0.132.0 Logitech No Yes
FIP v8.0.134.0 Logitech No Yes

How to Workaround this Limitation

Well, the fact is that a 32-bit driver refuses to be installed on a 64-bit system which means that you cannot enjoy the benefits of this great module for Lua if you host application is a 32-bit application.

But there is a solution in order to support both versions on your x64 Windows!

Installing x86 and x64 Versions Side by Side

It fairly simple to use the latest version of your favorite driver to support 32-bit and 64-bit host applications. First get the two versions of the driver i.e. x86 and x64 versions. These executable files are self-extracting installers and thus you can easily unpack them with a software like 7-Zip.

This example will use a standard installation of 7-Zip and driver v7.0.40.9, with file name Saitek_Pro_Flight_Instrument_Panel_7_0_49_9_x86_Full_pfw.exe:

  • Right click on the x86 version of the file
  • Select 7-Zip, then Extract to Saitek_Pro_Flight_Instrument_Panel_7_0_49_9_x86_Full_pfw

A new folder with the same name will be created and you'll find the DirectOutput_x86*.msi driver in the Drivers folder if you unpacked a Saitek/Mad Catz driver, or Msi folder for a Logitech driver.

Run the msi file. There will be no specific message but you'll find in your C:\Program Files (x86) folder a new Saitek of Logitech folder with the proper DirectOutput driver.

Advanced Way to Check Installed Components

Some keys are created after the installation of the drivers in the Windows System Registry, and accessible with the regedit.exe tool.

On a 64-bit system, the location of the DirectOutput drivers are in the following paths. Simply replace Saitek by Logitechfor a Logitech driver.

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Saitek\DirectOutput (same on x86)
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Saitek\DirectOutput

The DirectOutput service location can be found in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SaiDOutput.

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