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Releases: choderalab/nano-drugbank

nano-drugbank v1.0

17 Dec 23:40
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This release contains the version of analysis that is identical to that used to obtain the data for the following article:

Yosi Shamay, Janki Shah, Mehtap Işık, Aviram Mizrachi, Josef Leibold, Darjus F. Tschaharganeh, Daniel Roxbury, Januka Budhathoki-Uprety, Karla Nawaly, James L. Sugarman, Emily Baut, Michelle R. Neiman, Megan Dacek, Kripa S. Ganesh, Darren C. Johnson, Ramya Sridharan, Karen L. Chu, Vinagolu K. Rajasekhar, Scott W. Lowe, John D. Chodera, Daniel A. Heller. Quantitative Self-Assembly Prediction Yields Targeted Nanomedicines. Submitted to Nature Materials (2017).