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Release 3.5.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 04 Jul 09:46
· 223 commits to main since this release

3.5.0 (2024-07-04)


  • libre-office: add support to new page properties introduces in Gotenberg version 8.8.0 (bb5e890)
Key Description Default
allowDuplicateFieldNames Specify whether multiple form fields exported are allowed to have the same field name. false
exportBookmarks Specify if bookmarks are exported to PDF. true
exportBookmarksToPdfDestination Specify that the bookmarks contained in the source LibreOffice file should be exported to the PDF file as Named Destination. false
exportPlaceholders Export the placeholders fields visual markings only. The exported placeholder is ineffective. false
exportNotes Specify if notes are exported to PDF. false
exportNotesPages Specify if notes pages are exported to PDF. Notes pages are available in Impress documents only. false
exportOnlyNotesPages Specify, if the form field exportNotesPages is set to true, if only notes pages are exported to PDF. false
exportNotesInMargin Specify if notes in margin are exported to PDF. false
convertOooTargetToPdfTarget Specify that the target documents with .od[tpgs] extension, will have that extension changed to .pdf when the link is exported to PDF. The source document remains untouched. false
exportLinksRelativeFsys Specify that the file system related hyperlinks (file:// protocol) present in the document will be exported as relative to the source document location. false
exportHiddenSlides Export, for LibreOffice Impress, slides that are not included in slide shows. false
skipEmptyPages Specify that automatically inserted empty pages are suppressed. This option is active only if storing Writer documents. false
addOriginalDocumentAsStream Specify that a stream is inserted to the PDF file which contains the original document for archiving purposes. false

What's Changed

Prevent unnecessary warnings during configuration loading for the config package.