- Colorado
- https://chasedooley.com
chasedooleycomv7 Public
The seventh edition of my website. I have an addiction to recreating new versions of it.
HTML UpdatedMay 14, 2024 -
A list of mostly free resources for almost anyone.
chasedooleyv7beta Public
Testing a new design for my website. This is version 7, I think. Biggest change is the edition of a new, professionally-devleoped typeface.
HTML UpdatedMar 22, 2021 -
design-resources-for-developers Public
Forked from bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developersCurated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
MIT License UpdatedAug 23, 2020 -
completeoutdoorsolutions Public
Website solution for a landscaping company. Designed with Bulma CSS and hosted on Netlify.
HTML UpdatedFeb 3, 2020 -
personal-site Public
This is my personal site. Designed and developed to showcase my projects, content, and professional documets.
UpdatedAug 30, 2019 -
Learning Public
Collection of projects for learning programming in Python, HTML/CSS and JavaScript from teachers on Youtube
HTML UpdatedApr 4, 2019 -
netlify-code-demo Public
This repo is for demoing code on a published domian. Using default Netlify for hosting.
HTML UpdatedApr 2, 2019 -