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GitHub Battle

GitHub Battle Clone with Vue.js and GraphQL


Popular Repos




  • Enter in two Github usernames, and it'll declare a winner.
  • Validate each username entered with the GitHub API to make sure they exist.
  • user score = (3 * nb_followers) + nb_stars_for_his_repos
  • show each user's info
    • avatar
    • username
    • full name
    • location
    • followers count
    • following count
    • public repos count
    • blog url

Popular Repos

  • View a list of popular repos.
    • filter by language(s)
      • all languages
      • or type a language (JavaScript, Java, Python, etc.)
    • sort results by stars in descending order
    • show each repo's info
      • name
      • link to the repo
      • owner
        • name
        • avatar
      • star count

Why do we need a Backend/Web Server?

In order to protect the GitHub API key(s) in the production environment, the API calls are done with the help of a backend/web server. Unlike in the frontend, we can hide the API token(s) in the backend.

Frontend Setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve


Create your project in the Firebase console.

Install the Firebase CLI

npm install -g firebase-tools

Login to Firebase.

firebase login

Build the app for production

npm run build

Initialize Firebase Project

firebase init

Deploy the app

firebase deploy

Backend Setup

  • Create an Express Project on Glitch
  • Add your GitHub API Token in the .env file.
  • Add these dependencies in the package.json file:
    • cors
    • body-parser
    • axios
  • Create a new route to serve as an intermediate between the frontend and the GitHub API, as shown below.

Backend API Route Example Code"/api", async (req, res) => {
  let config = {
    "headers": { "Authorization": `Token ${process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN}` }
  let response = await"", { "query": req.body.query }, config);

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


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