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Roadmap to new Sorting Hat

Santiago Dueñas edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 4 revisions


Sorting Hat was been used as a command line tool but also as a library. Despite this usage, Sorting Hat was not conceived for the simultaneous access of multiple actors to its data. This causes many problems and produces complex workflows to operate it.

To solve these problems, Sorting Hat will be converted into a web service. This implies many changes in the project. This is a summary of these changes:

  • Implement the web service (using Django framework) [done]
  • Improve the data model (currently implemented using SQLAlchemy) [done]
  • Define an API to access data and execute operations (using GraphQL) [mostly done]
  • Implement a basic client library to avoid the usage of wire protocols [done]
  • Create a UI web interface based on Hatstall tool [done]


Completed tasks



Unscheduled tasks

  • Log command [not supported]
  • First UI [done]
  • Remaining commands [done]
  • Sync command [sync done with other datasources]
  • UI improvements [done]
  • Release [done]
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