🚀 Features
- Modify login api - by @chansee97 (14a1c)
- Modify login logic - by @chansee97 (35dbb)
- Remove axios - by @chansee97 (9b3e3)
- Add new route meta - by @chansee97 (dac65)
- Add theme and search - by @chansee97 (6af26)
- Support change multiple colors - by @chansee97 (28824)
- Perfect demo - by @chansee97 (b3269)
- Add i18n - by @chansee97 (ec28d)
- Add menu type - by @chansee97 (446d6)
- Add menu management - by @chansee97 (d4902)
- Add multi layout - by @chansee97 (4d27f)
- Add release action - by @chansee97 (d57c9)
- about:
- Add about page - by @chansee97 (ebe48)
- auth:
- 侧边栏改为根据返回路由动态渲染 - by @chansee97 (ba443)
- component:
- 封装分页器 - by @chansee97 (c6dd8)
- components:
- 增加全局loading、修改侧边栏样式 - by @chansee97 (42bd2)
- 增加面包屑导航 - by @chansee97 (a56b0)
- 增加头部的操作按钮 - by @chansee97 (04cea)
- 增加头部通知点击弹出层 - by @chansee97 (c6b3c)
- 增加黑白模式切换功能、完善appstore类型 - by @chansee97 (f3364)
- 增加刷新、搜索的头部按钮 - by @chansee97 (c8321)
- 变更面包屑动态生成 - by @chansee97 (b2a94)
- 增加错误页组件,美化原有错误页 - by @chansee97 (02541)
- 完善了动态tabs的逻辑处理 - by @chansee97 (51868)
- 增加列表展示页 - by @chansee97 (a0226)
- 增加列表弹出表单 - by @chansee97 (39339)
- 增加百度地图,高德地图功能 - by @chansee97 (c0d33)
- Add
- by @chansee97 (56511)
- dashborad:
- 完善仪表盘 - by @chansee97 (264cc)
- derective:
- 增加权限指令 - by @chansee97 (dd408)
- eslint:
- Add antfu eslint - by @chansee97 (0449e)
- header:
- 增加动态标签栏 - by @chansee97 (30ef0)
- hooks:
- 增加路由操作hook - by @chansee97 (c9703)
- 增加布尔,loading相关hooks - by @chansee97 (4f022)
- 抽离剪贴板hook方法 - by @chansee97 (097a8)
- 完善useEcharts - by @chansee97 (6ef49)
- layout:
- 增加基本三分布局 - by @chansee97 (b1bfe)
- 增加侧边导航 - by @chansee97 (b6894)
- list:
- 增加表格示例 - by @chansee97 (89434)
- login:
- 增加login的轮播图 - by @chansee97 (0cd8f)
- 增加记住账号功能 - by @chansee97 (bba1b)
- 修改登录样式,增加注册、重置密码 - by @chansee97 (53351)
- menu:
- 修改菜单高亮自动更新 - by @chansee97 (8a24e)
- object:
- 修改根据返回路由表动态生成路由和菜单 - by @chansee97 (e4dc7)
- preoject:
- 增加页面缓存支持,外链菜单支持 - by @chansee97 (af8ce)
- project:
- 增加工作台页面结构 - by @chansee97 (4c9d8)
- 丰富工作台内容 - by @chansee97 (3c39c)
- 完善监控页内容 - by @chansee97 (debed)
- 丰富卡片列表内容 - by @chansee97 (58205)
- 增加侧边菜单页面 - by @chansee97 (f5f5d)
- 增加md编辑器和富文本编辑器 - by @chansee97 (09579)
- 增加剪贴板复制功能 - by @chansee97 (68ffc)
- 增加图标选择器 - by @chansee97 (9c0b8)
- 增加外部文档页面 - by @chansee97 (7055c)
- 增加tab右键菜单 - by @chansee97 (d0d6a)
- 重构载入动画和系统结构样式 - by @chansee97 (c5705)
- 修改路由模式,增加vercel配置 - by @chansee97 (a1ffb)
- 移除页脚,增加全局水印 - by @chansee97 (8ea29)
- 增加权限控制管理 - by @chansee97 (299d8)
- 优化axios和请求类型 - by @chansee97 (2d390)
- projects:
- 增加路由守卫和系统错误页 - by @chansee97 (ee471)
- 增加错误页和layout布局 - by @chansee97 (a8807)
- 增加登录页,修改主题色 - by @chansee97 (d9a23)
- 添加全局消息提示msg、dialog、loadingbar、notification - by @chansee97 (eb328)
- 增加页面重载功能 - by @chansee97 (25471)
- 增加登录鉴权 - by @chansee97 (5e9e3)
- 添加路由拦截判断权限 - by @chansee97 (4acb5)
- 修复了路由跳转问题,增加了新页面 - by @chansee97 (d4581)
- 修改路由为根据角色动态添加 - by @chansee97 (94b22)
- 增加静态路由 - by @chansee97 (c611f)
- 增加消息中心相关组件 - by @chansee97 (1ad77)
- 增加系统布局样式配置 - by @chansee97 (b2a9f)
- 增加echarts图表示例 - by @chansee97 (6db8b)
- 封装二维码组件,增加系统设置菜单 - by @chansee97 (0d2d9)
- router:
- 去除router next参数 - by @chansee97 (32be1)
- 完善路由显示和meta字段功能 - by @chansee97 (d0108)
- service:
- 完善axios的网络错误处理 - by @chansee97 (204cb)
- 添加请求数据格式转换 - by @chansee97 (014f7)
- 完善request方法 - by @chansee97 (310dc)
- 去除请求虚值字段 - by @chansee97 (2dbea)
- service.utils:
- 完善axiso处理流程,loacal存储 - by @chansee97 (b33cb)
- store:
- Add darkmode animal - by @chansee97 (5d069)
- styles:
- 增加项目加载loading动画 - by @chansee97 (47b70)
- userCenter:
- 增加个人中心demo - by @chansee97 (ac066)
- utils:
- 增加本地存储加密及控制 - by @chansee97 (65db1)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- 修改tab逻辑 - by @chansee97 (a0fbe)
- Modify readme - by @chansee97 (ebb86)
- Fix eslint format - by @chansee97 (639a7)
- Localstorage encode error - by @chansee97 (adb1e)
- Modify env var to string - by @chansee97 (2f7e8)
- Modfiy githook to husky - by @chansee97 (2f814)
- Resolve prod load error - by @chansee97 (96fc4)
- Modify env name - by @chansee97 (9ff34)
- Modify readme - by @chansee97 (d9a95)
- Optimize readme - by @chansee97 (e02db)
- Readme img - by @chansee97 (bb000)
- Build error - by @chansee97 (5fbc6)
- Simplied
- by @chansee97 (fa3c3) - Remove appRouter hook - by @chansee97 (3a539)
- Router permission - by @chansee97 (1a263)
- Remde typo - by @chansee97 (02aee)
- Simplified store - by @chansee97 (d96ac)
- Optimize routing logic - by @chansee97 (a607b)
- Modify fecth demo - by @chansee97 (17338)
- Optimize app setting - by @chansee97 (1b42f)
- Layout style error - by @chansee97 (ad252)
- Modify request format - by @chansee97 (e81c0)
- Typo - by @chansee97 (673c7)
- Type error - by @chansee97 (0a0c0)
- Netlify config - by @chansee97 (c5b89)
- Readme img - by @chansee97 (d9cd9)
- Async static routes - by @chansee97 (a9580)
- Fetch demo layout - by @chansee97 (ca768)
- Fecth type error - by @chansee97 (03ad2)
- Modify to dynamic router - by @chansee97 (a2ed8)
- Fetch demo error - by @chansee97 (609a2)
- Contributors - by @chansee97 (0df23)
- Naive i18n - by @chansee97 (a8b6e)
- I18n config error - by @chansee97 (651d1)
- Perfect i18n text - by @chansee97 (ea9ff)
- Vscode setting - by @chansee97 (e43e4)
- Top-level error path - by @chansee97 (c0801)
- Avatar fallback position error - by @chansee97 (b521e)
- Avatar fallback position error" - by @chansee97 (790ca)
- Modify icons import - by @chansee97 (33c1d)
- Perfect menu manage - by @chansee97 (de368)
- Perfect constants - by @chansee97 (2353b)
- Extract storage prefix - by @chansee97 (3d29e)
- breadcrumb:
- 修复类型错误 - by @chansee97 (75cb8)
- build:
- 修正了打包分析的路径 - by @chansee97 (89da9)
- Resolve build error - by @chansee97 (446ee)
- components:
- 修复了布局的导入错误 - by @chansee97 (b5c7d)
- darkmode:
- Modify to useDark - by @chansee97 (74f90)
- header:
- 修复面包屑类型错误 - by @chansee97 (c7249)
- layout:
- Layout error - by @chansee97 (01b2d)
- lint:
- Resolve eslint error - by @chansee97 (6bc16)
- mdeditor:
- Fix dark mode - by @chansee97 (82846)
- mock:
- 修复mock引入错误 - by @chansee97 (f124c)
- project:
- 修改了一些事件错误 - by @chansee97 (4bb35)
- Modify proejct name - by @chansee97 (9525f)
- projects:
- 修复mock生产环境数据问题 - by @chansee97 (32adc)
- 修复store的部分字段引用错误 - by @chansee97 (19bd3)
- 修改固定路由类型错误 - by @chansee97 (5ce92)
- 修改路由错误 - by @chansee97 (8e100)
- 修复路由重定向问题 - by @chansee97 (5b26d)
- 修复了登录页重定向到404的问题 - by @chansee97 (fd7ef)
- router:
- 修正路由系统跳转错误 - by @chansee97 (cd966)
- store.auth:
- 修复登录不跳转问题 - by @chansee97 (f2173)
- styles:
- 修复首屏加载动画滚动问题,添加加载字样 - by @chansee97 (b4d55)
- typings:
- 删除多余类型 - by @chansee97 (60439)
🏎 Performance
- Router system - by @chansee97 (35b4b)
- Optimize style - by @chansee97 (95ae0)
- components:
- 增加登录按钮载入效果 - by @chansee97 (599cd)
- project:
- Remove lib import - by @chansee97 (f061f)
- projects:
- 优化了lint-staged命令 - by @chansee97 (8842a)
- 重置全局样式 - by @chansee97 (054b0)
- 添加unocss配置,添加打包分析插件 - by @chansee97 (ada95)
- 修改了unocss配置,添加naiveUI - by @chansee97 (0e79a)
- 加naiveUI本地化、自动导入组件 - by @chansee97 (6d8fd)