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Cerus edited this page Aug 10, 2022 Β· 1 revision


Routine Visibility
concatenate 🌐 Global
concat 🌐 Global
reverse 🌐 Global
contains 🌐 Global
count 🌐 Global
trim_end 🌐 Global
trim_start 🌐 Global
trim 🌐 Global
trim_whitespace 🌐 Global

🌐 concatenate

Concatenate (combine / join) two strings together

Takes Gives
String 2 (str) Combined string (str)
String 1 (str)

🌐 concat

Alias for .concatenate

Takes Gives
String 2 (str) Combined string (str)
String 1 (str)

🌐 reverse

Reverses the string

Takes Gives
String (str) String (str)

🌐 contains

Counts the amount of times a char is present in a string - Can be used for contains checks

Takes Gives
Character (int) Occurrences (int)
String (str) String (str)

🌐 count

Alias for .contains

Takes Gives
Character (int) Occurrences (int)
String (str) String (str)

🌐 trim_end

Trim the specified character away from the end of a string

Takes Gives
Trim char (int) String (str)
String (str)

🌐 trim_start

Trim the specified character away from the start of a string

Takes Gives
Trim char (int) String (str)
String (str)

🌐 trim

Trim the specified char away from the start and end of a string

Takes Gives
Trim Char (int) String (str)
String (str)

🌐 trim_whitespace

Trim space, linefeed and tab away from the start and end of a string

Takes Gives
Trim char (int) String (str)
String (str)