this is a just english version of linuxcheck.
Linux emergency response/information collection/vulnerability detection tools, support basic configuration/network traffic/task planning/environment variables/user information/Services/bash/malicious files/kernel Rootkit/SSH/Webshell/mining files/mining process/supply 70+ inspections in 13 categories such as chain/server risk
- Basic configuration check
- System configuration change check
- System information (IP address/user/boot time/system version/Hostname/server SN)
- CPU usage
- Login user information
- CPU TOP 15
- Memory TOP 15
- Disk free space check
- Hard disk mount
- Commonly used software check
- /etc/hots
- Network/traffic inspection
- ifconfig
- Network traffic
- Port listening
- Open ports to the outside world
- Internet connection
- TCP connection status
- routing table
- Route forwarding
- DNS Server
- Network card promiscuous mode check
- iptables firewall
- Task plan check
- Current user task plan
- /etc/system task schedule
- Task plan file creation time
- crontab backdoor investigation
- Environment variable check
- env
- path
- User information check
- Can login user
- passwd file modification date
- sudoers
- Login information (w/last/lastlog)
- Historical login ip
- Services check
- SystemD running service
- SystemD service creation time
- bash check
- History
- History command audit
- /etc/profile
- $HOME/.profile
- /etc/rc.local
- ~/.bash_profile
- ~/.bashrc
- bash rebound shell
- Document check
- ...hidden files
- System file modification time detection
- Temporary file check (/tmp /var/tmp /dev/shm)
- alias
- suid special permission check
- process exists file not found
- File change mtime in the past seven days
- File change ctime in the past seven days
- Large files >200mb
- Sensitive file auditing (common tools used by hackers such as nmap/sqlmap/ew/frp/nps)
- Suspicious hacker files (programs such as wget/curl uploaded by hackers, or changing malicious programs into normal software such as nps files into mysql)
- Kernel Rootkit check
- lsmod suspicious module
- Kernel symbol table check
- rootkit hunter check
- rootkit .ko module check
- SSH check
- SSH brute force
- SSHD detection
- SSH backdoor configuration
- SSH inetd backdoor check
- SSH key
- Webshell inspection
- php webshell check
- jsp webshell inspection
- Mining file/process check
- Mining file check
- Mining progress check
- WorkMiner detection
- Ntpclient detection
- Supply chain poison inspection
- Python PIP poison check
- Server risk check
- Redis weak password detection
Internet status:
- apt-get install silversearcher-ag
- yum -y install the_silver_searcher
Offline status:
- Debian:dpkg -i silversearcher-ag_2.2.0-1+b1_amd64.deb
- Centos:rpm -ivh the_silver_searcher-2.1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
git clone
chmod u+x
If ag and rkhunter have been installed, you can directly use the following command
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
The file will be saved in the format of ipaddr_hostname_username_timestamp.log
The writing of this tool mainly refers to the following tools/articles and is completed in combination with personal experience