Tags: cccs-kevin/cuckoo
version with a few issues fixed cuckoosandbox#2336 (thanks se… …cusoc)
resolve xss upon crafted url cuckoosandbox#2094 (thanks Roy Kokkelkoren) Seems another XSS slipped through. Only accessible if the attacker is able to submit tasks through the API but critical nonetheless. Thanks to Koen Houtman for providing the patch.
fixup latest monitor symlink issue cuckoosandbox#2008 (thanks hendl d… …oomedraven)
revert mongodb sorting tweaks cuckoosandbox#2006 This was a good proposal by sebdg, however, it turns out that MongoDB requires quite some (or at least, too much) memory for such sorting rules, rendering this kind of useless on bigger'ish installations. For what it's worth, these sorting rules were put in place so that, after reprocessing an analysis, the latest results would be visible in the Web Interface. Naturally the better and longterm solution will be to completely delete any previous results. This is (still) a TODO item. Thanks to seantree, nicpenning, and sebdg for identifying this issue and providing a proper workaround. Keeping in mind the above the best way forward seems to revert these changes for now, though.