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Frontend for Budget Basics developed using Next.js. Search is handled using Meilisearch.


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Budget Basics

Part of the Open Budgets India Project

Budget Basics Logo

MIT License

Budget Basics aims to demystify concepts and processes of Government budgets in India. Built as a documentation platform, it provides the content in easily digestible form. This is the front end of the platform built using nextjs. We welcome all contributions and pull requests!

Visit Budget Basics


  • πŸ“± Responsive: Use Desktop, Laptop or Mobile devices. It's optimized for all.
  • β™Ώ Accessible: The platform is screen-reader friendly.
  • πŸš€ Performant: It's fast!
  • 🌐 JAMStack: Next.js with Strapi headless CMS to make development process fast and efficient.
  • πŸ” MeiliSearch: Super fast search by using Meilisearch as a micro-service.
  • πŸ’„ BEM & SASS: The platform utilizes BEM methodology with SASS to make styling efficient and maintainable.
  • πŸ’Ž Modular: Easy to add or remove components based on usage -
    • Highlights to show multiple important content/news on the header
    • Custom lightweight carousel to show Youtube videos that are lazy-loaded.
    • Sticky sidebar to list all sections and sub-sections available.
    • Footer Buttons to navigate to the next or previous chapter.
    • and more...

Getting Started

Make sure to have a recent version of Node. You'll need Node 10.13 or later.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to create a new .env file on the root directory add the following environment variables.

NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_URL - required to fetch content. Setup the strapi instance

NEXT_PUBLIC_MEILISEARCH_URL - required to enable search functionality

NEXT_PUBLIC_MEILISEARCH_API - required to enable search functionality



Follow the steps at budget-basic-strapi first to set up the backend instance before booting up the frontend. This should set up Postgresql database, Strapi CMS and Meilisearch Instance.


Directory Structure

┣ components/
┣ lib/
┣ pages/
┣ public/
┃ ┣ assets/
┃ ┃ ┣ fonts/
┃ ┃ ┣ icons/
┣ style/
┃ ┣ pages/
┃ ┣ tools/
┣ utils/


This project follows BEM Methodology with Sass Preprocessor to make styling more efficient and future maintainable. Have a look around different files to know more about it. You can learn more about styling directory here


It is a component-based project which makes it easier to add, edit or remove features in the future.

All the components are available at /components. Each component has its folder with its styling file is included. This makes it easier to use that component on some other project. Learn more here


To handle styling on scroll for sidebar in desktop and menubar for mobile, GSAP is used. You will find following function in /pages/[chapter].js:

  • handleSidebarAnimation
  • handleSubheadingAnimation

and the following in /components/menu.js:

  • handleMenuAnimation
  • handleSubheadingAnimation

These functions use GSAP ScrollTrigger to add classes to Menu and Sidebar.

Data Fetching

All the data is being fetched from a Strapi CMS. You can use any headless CMS.

Global Data

Fetching Global Settings and data on _app.js which then can be passed to other components using createContext

import React, { createContext } from 'react'

export const GlobalContext = createContext({})

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
	const { global } = pageProps
	return (
				<GlobalContext.Provider value={global}>
					<Component {...pageProps} />

MyApp.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
	const appProps = await App.getInitialProps(ctx)
	const global = await fetchAPI('/global')
	return { ...appProps, pageProps: { global } }

For example, on /components/search.js we can use this global data:

import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { GlobalContext } from 'pages/_app'

const Search = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
	const { articles } = useContext(GlobalContext)

	// some cool stuff

Homepage Data

Homepage data includes a description for header, content for highlights slider, youtube links for carousel, and some metadata.

We can fetch all of that and all of different chapters (categories) easily:

export async function getStaticProps() {
	const homepage = await fetchAPI('/homepage')
	const chapters = await fetchAPI('/chapters')
	return {
		props: { homepage, chapters },
		revalidate: 1,

revalidate: 1 - allows us to create or update static pages after building the site. Read Incremental Static Regeneration

Dynamic Routes Data

In our project, we have one dynamic route, [chapter].js. Dynamic routes requires getStaticPaths to list paths during build time. Read more.

export async function getStaticPaths() {
	const chapters = await fetchAPI('/chapters')
	return {
		paths: => ({
			params: {
				chapter: chapter.slug,
		fallback: false,

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
	const chapter = await fetchAPI(`/chapters?slug=${params.chapter}`)
	const chapters = await fetchAPI(`/chapters`)
	return {
		props: { chapter: chapter[0], chapters },
		revalidate: 1,

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd budget-basic-next

Install dependencies

  npm install

Create .env in the root folder and follows keys


Start the server in development

  npm run dev

or build and start production mode

  npm run build && npm run start


For any new feature or bug reports, please request it in issues.

See for ways to get started.

Please adhere to Code of Conduct.


Frontend for Budget Basics developed using Next.js. Search is handled using Meilisearch.




Code of conduct




Contributors 3
