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Create 2023 Workshop V1
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charliecon committed Sep 7, 2023
1 parent 1c8015a commit 1d9720e
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package simple_routing_queue

import (
gcloud "terraform-provider-genesyscloud/genesyscloud"

The data_source_genesyscloud_simple_routing_queue.go contains the data source implementation
for the resource.

// dataSourceSimpleRoutingQueueRead retrieves by search term the id in question
func dataSourceSimpleRoutingQueueRead(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {
// TODO 1: Get an instance of our proxy

// TODO 2: Grab our queue name from the schema.ResourceData object (done)
name := d.Get("name").(string)

log.Printf("Finding queue by name '%s'", name)
return gcloud.WithRetries(ctx, 15*time.Second, func() *resource.RetryError {
// TODO 3: Call to the proxy function getRoutingQueueIdByName(context.Context, string)
// This function returns values in the following order: queueId (string), retryable (bool), err (error)

// TODO 4: If the error is not nil, and retryable equals false, return a resource.NonRetryableError
// to let the user know that an error occurred

// TODO 5: If retryable equals true, return a resource.RetryableError and let them know the queue could not be found with that name

// TODO 6: If we made it this far, we can set the queue ID in the schema.ResourceData object, and return nil

return nil
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package simple_routing_queue

import (
gcloud "terraform-provider-genesyscloud/genesyscloud"

func TestAccDataSourceSimpleRoutingQueue(t *testing.T) {
var (
resourceId = "queue_resource"
dataSourceId = "queue_data"
simpleQueueName = "Create2023 queue " + uuid.NewString()

fullPathToResource = resourceName + "." + resourceId
fullPathToDataSource = "data." + resourceName + "." + dataSourceId

resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { gcloud.TestAccPreCheck(t) },
ProviderFactories: gcloud.GetProviderFactories(nil, nil),
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: generateSimpleRoutingQueueResource(
) + generateSimpleRoutingQueueDataSource(
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
fullPathToDataSource, "id",
fullPathToResource, "id",

func generateSimpleRoutingQueueDataSource(dataSourceId, queueName, dependsOn string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
data "genesyscloud_simple_routing_queue" "%s" {
name = "%s"
depends_on = [%s]
`, dataSourceId, queueName, dependsOn)
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package simple_routing_queue

import (


The genesyscloud_simple_routing_queue_init_test.go file is used to initialize the data sources and resources
used in testing the simple_routing_queues resource.
Please make sure you register ALL resources and data sources your test cases will use.

// providerDataSources holds a map of all registered datasources
var providerDataSources map[string]*schema.Resource

// providerResources holds a map of all registered resources
var providerResources map[string]*schema.Resource

type registerTestInstance struct {
resourceMapMutex sync.RWMutex
datasourceMapMutex sync.RWMutex

// registerTestResources registers all resources used in the tests
func (r *registerTestInstance) registerTestResources() {
defer r.resourceMapMutex.Unlock()

providerResources[resourceName] = ResourceSimpleRoutingQueue()


// registerTestDataSources registers all data sources used in the tests.
func (r *registerTestInstance) registerTestDataSources() {
defer r.datasourceMapMutex.Unlock()

providerDataSources[resourceName] = DataSourceSimpleRoutingQueue()


// initTestResources initializes all test resources and data sources.
func initTestResources() {
providerDataSources = make(map[string]*schema.Resource)
providerResources = make(map[string]*schema.Resource)

regInstance := &registerTestInstance{}


// TestMain is a "setup" function called by the testing framework when run the test
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// Run setup function before starting the test suite for simple_routing_queue package

// Run the test suite for the simple_routing_queue package
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@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
package simple_routing_queue

import (

type createRoutingQueueFunc func(context.Context, *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, *platformclientv2.Createqueuerequest) (*platformclientv2.Queue, *platformclientv2.APIResponse, error)
type getRoutingQueueFunc func(context.Context, *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, string) (*platformclientv2.Queue, int, error)
type updateRoutingQueueFunc func(context.Context, *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, string, *platformclientv2.Queuerequest) (*platformclientv2.Queue, *platformclientv2.APIResponse, error)
type deleteRoutingQueueFunc func(context.Context, *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, string, bool) (*platformclientv2.APIResponse, error)
type getRoutingQueueIdByNameFunc func(context.Context, *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, string) (id string, retryable bool, err error)

var internalProxy *simpleRoutingQueueProxy

type simpleRoutingQueueProxy struct {
routingApi *platformclientv2.RoutingApi
createRoutingQueueAttr createRoutingQueueFunc
getRoutingQueueAttr getRoutingQueueFunc
getRoutingQueueIdByNameAttr getRoutingQueueIdByNameFunc
updateRoutingQueueAttr updateRoutingQueueFunc
deleteRoutingQueueAttr deleteRoutingQueueFunc

// newSimpleRoutingQueueProxy initializes the simple routing queue proxy with all the data needed to communicate with Genesys Cloud
func newSimpleRoutingQueueProxy(clientConfig *platformclientv2.Configuration) *simpleRoutingQueueProxy {
api := platformclientv2.NewRoutingApiWithConfig(clientConfig)
return &simpleRoutingQueueProxy{
routingApi: api,
createRoutingQueueAttr: createRoutingQueueFn,
getRoutingQueueAttr: getRoutingQueueFn,
getRoutingQueueIdByNameAttr: getRoutingQueueIdByNameFn,
updateRoutingQueueAttr: updateRoutingQueueFn,
deleteRoutingQueueAttr: deleteRoutingQueueFn,

// getSimpleRoutingQueueProxy acts as a singleton to for the internalProxy. It also ensures
// that we can still proxy our tests by directly setting internalProxy package variable
func getSimpleRoutingQueueProxy(clientConfig *platformclientv2.Configuration) *simpleRoutingQueueProxy {
if internalProxy == nil {
internalProxy = newSimpleRoutingQueueProxy(clientConfig)
return internalProxy

// createRoutingQueue creates a Genesys Cloud Routing Queue
func (p *simpleRoutingQueueProxy) createRoutingQueue(ctx context.Context, queue *platformclientv2.Createqueuerequest) (*platformclientv2.Queue, *platformclientv2.APIResponse, error) {
return p.createRoutingQueueAttr(ctx, p, queue)

// getRoutingQueue retrieves a Genesys Cloud Routing Queue by ID
func (p *simpleRoutingQueueProxy) getRoutingQueue(ctx context.Context, id string) (*platformclientv2.Queue, int, error) {
return p.getRoutingQueueAttr(ctx, p, id)

// getRoutingQueueIdByName retrieves a Genesys Cloud Routing Queue ID by its name
func (p *simpleRoutingQueueProxy) getRoutingQueueIdByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, bool, error) {
return p.getRoutingQueueIdByNameAttr(ctx, p, name)

// updateRoutingQueue updates a Genesys Cloud Routing Queue
func (p *simpleRoutingQueueProxy) updateRoutingQueue(ctx context.Context, id string, queue *platformclientv2.Queuerequest) (*platformclientv2.Queue, *platformclientv2.APIResponse, error) {
return p.updateRoutingQueueAttr(ctx, p, id, queue)

// deleteRoutingQueue deletes a Genesys Cloud Routing Queue
func (p *simpleRoutingQueueProxy) deleteRoutingQueue(ctx context.Context, id string, forceDelete bool) (*platformclientv2.APIResponse, error) {
return p.deleteRoutingQueueAttr(ctx, p, id, forceDelete)

// createRoutingQueueFn is an implementation function for creating a Genesys Cloud Routing Queue
func createRoutingQueueFn(ctx context.Context, proxy *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, queue *platformclientv2.Createqueuerequest) (*platformclientv2.Queue, *platformclientv2.APIResponse, error) {
sdkQueue, response, err := proxy.routingApi.PostRoutingQueues(*queue)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create queue: %v", err)
return sdkQueue, response, err

func getRoutingQueueFn(ctx context.Context, proxy *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, id string) (*platformclientv2.Queue, int, error) {
queue, response, err := proxy.routingApi.GetRoutingQueue(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, response.StatusCode, fmt.Errorf("failed to get routing queue by id '%s': %v", id, err)
return queue, 0, err

func getRoutingQueueIdByNameFn(ctx context.Context, proxy *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, name string) (string, bool, error) {
for pageNum := 1; ; pageNum++ {
const pageSize = 100
queues, _, getErr := proxy.routingApi.GetRoutingQueues(pageNum, pageSize, name, "", nil, nil, nil, false)
if getErr != nil {
return "", false, getErr

if queues.Entities == nil || len(*queues.Entities) == 0 {
return "", true, fmt.Errorf("no routing queues found with name %s", name)

for _, queue := range *queues.Entities {
if queue.Name != nil && *queue.Name == name {
return *queue.Id, false, nil

func updateRoutingQueueFn(ctx context.Context, proxy *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, id string, body *platformclientv2.Queuerequest) (*platformclientv2.Queue, *platformclientv2.APIResponse, error) {
queue, response, err := proxy.routingApi.PutRoutingQueue(id, *body)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to update queue %s: %v", id, err)
return queue, response, err

func deleteRoutingQueueFn(ctx context.Context, proxy *simpleRoutingQueueProxy, id string, forceDelete bool) (*platformclientv2.APIResponse, error) {
response, err := proxy.routingApi.DeleteRoutingQueue(id, forceDelete)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to delete queue '%s': %v", id, err)
return response, err

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