This project was built from the researchers at the Institut of Data Engineering at the TUHH. It is a full stack application that can be used to store and query information about smart contract source code. It serves the purpose of running gas optimization analysis on blockchain source code.
Version 3 of the Smart Contract Repository is now build to serve two different collection of data. First a collection contracts with Solidity files is provided. Secondly the collection flatcontracts holds Solidity Smart Contracts that were merged by a flatting tool and that should be compilable without any dependencies. The goal with this second smaller collection of flattened contracts is to make the analysis of the versioned source code easier. Most established analysis tools in the area of Smart Contracts require a flat source code similar to how requires a flat contract in order to verify it. Therefore the collection flatcontracts is additionally provided. Both collections can be query and filtered using the python-based API. The updated code for the client vue application also features the two different collections.
The application can be reached under
Under the live application further information on the project and the dataset can be found. To check the documentation of the live application go to:
The frontend consists of a VueJS app that uses axios to call the API and BootstrapVue for styling. The code for the frontend can be found in ~/repo-smart-contracts/client
. The production server is served from the compiled and minified code in the /dist
The backend consists of a python fastapi app that uses poetry as a dependency manager. The code for the backend can be found in ~/repo-smart-contracts/server
The database of this application is a MongoDB document store that is consumed by the fastapi service.
- Establish environment:
cp server/example.env server/.env
- Build project:
docker-compose build
- Run project:
docker-compose up
- Orchestration done with docker compose
- Frontend container with vueJS, bootstrap and axios
- Backend container with fastAPI, pydantic and poetry
- Database container with mongoDB
- Asynchronous OAS API with automatic documentation
docker-compose build
Run or Build single Container:
docker-compose up <mongo/api/client>
Run in Background: Attach flag -d
Using the OpenAPI from fastAPI
Find the documentation: http://localhost:8081/redoc or http://localhost:8081/docs
Find the openapi schema: http://localhost:8081/openapi.json
Interact with Mongo Shell:
docker-compose exec mongo bash
use main_db
show contracts