GA WDI Project One - Tic Tac Toe
Link to active game:
My goal in creating this game was to make a beautiful but frustrating game of tic tac toe. The game is functional and fun to play, but the page is difficult to use. The point was to make the user(s) as frustrated as possible, potentially too frustrated to finish the game. A lot of the animation I used to make playing difficult I did using CSS animation commands. I had a lot of fun coming up with different animations, as well as creating a attractive, functional static page.
I used HTML and jQuery to set my game and make it functional. It starts with player "O" and takes turns between the two players. It tracks the output of whose turn it is and who won. It also sends alerts to annoy the user.
There is also a random button, which randomly puts an x or o on a square and a new game button where the players have the option to enter new names.
If I had one unsolved problem I would say it was that I wanted to have the option for the player to choose whether to be X or O, but ran out of time and had to debug other issues.
I used my user stories to walk me through how I wanted my game to go and what I wanted them to see/feel. (link below)
I made some changes to my initial wireframe plan. I made my componenents larger than I originally had planned and also split my player information box from one large box into two smaller boxes. (link below)