At the time of writing this, flows are not able to handle blob data types.
This means we need an invocable apex method to handle the conversion of attachments to files within a flow.
via sfdx-cli
sfdx force:package:install --package 04t5e000000aNsyAAE -u [email protected]
via url
login and navigate to /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t5e000000aNsyAAE
. Choose Install for: Admin Only
- Create a flow
- Query for the attachment records that need to be converted (ensure the Id is present)
- Add an Action element and search for
Convert Attachments to Files
- Send the attachment records to the action
- Iterate over the returned ContentVersionIds or ContentDocumentIds
- Can be used from Flows, Processes, REST API
- The order of the returned ContentVersionIds and ContentDocumentIds are in the same order as the attachments sent to the invocable method
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