A simple component that is used in Experience Cloud to view a specific Library folder. This component could be dropped anywhere in a Salesforce community to show files pertaining to a specific library folder.
via sfdx-cli
sfdx force:package:install --package 0Ho5e00000000deCAA -u [email protected]
via url
login and navigate to /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=0Ho5e00000000deCAA
. Choose Install for: Admin Only
- Add the clas
to the profile/permission set being used in the community - Go to your community in Experience cloud
- Go to any page and drag the component
Library Folder
onto the page - For the component's parameters, specify the name of the Library Folder that has the files you want to display
- This component gives you the ability to display the files of a targeted library folder
- No more having to display the entire library for the user to browse through
- When you click on the title of the file, the file will be automatically downloaded
- Community users have the ability to sort the title and last modified columns by default
** Powered by ** Callaway Cloud Consulting