API to get the configuration value from the Azure app configuration.
Clone the project and access the folder
$ git clone https://github.com/cahribeiro/AzureConfiguration.git && cd AzureConfiguration
Follow the steps below
# Configuration in Azure
create an App Configuration
add a KeyValue in App Configuration
in "Identity" options, switch Status to On and select Save.
in Access control (IAM), select Add > Add role assignment, on the Role tab, select the App Configuration Data Reader role. on the Members tab, select Managed identity, and then select Select members. Add your user.
#Configuration in project
in appsettings.json file, add the url from Azure App Configuration.
when running locally don't forget to put your Azure credentials in visual studio options.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with 💜 by Carolina Ribeiro 👋 See my linkedin