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Secured Data Warehouse On-premisses Data Ingestion Blueprint

FAQ | Troubleshooting Guide.

This repository contains Terraform configuration modules that allow Google Cloud customers to import data from an on-premises environment or another cloud into a Secured BigQuery warehouse. This blueprint provides an opinionated architecture and an example on how to:

  • Encrypt data located outside of Google Cloud and import it into BigQuery using the Tink library.
  • Configure VPC Service Controls to secure the data pipeline and access to confidential data.
  • Configure separation of duties for personas (Google Groups).
  • Set up appropriate security controls (Organization Policies) and Google Cloud Logging to help protect confidential data.
  • Use data classification, Data Catalog policy tags, dynamic data masking, and column-level encryption to restrict access to specific columns in the BigQuery data warehouse.


When using this blueprint, it is important to understand how you manage [separation of duties]( We recommend you remove all primitive owner roles in the projects used as inputs for the blueprint main module. The blueprint itself does not need any primitive owner roles for correct operations. The Blueprint does not proactively remove any pre-existing owner role assignments from pre-existing projects in your organization, as we won’t know your intent for or dependency on these role assignments in your pre-existing workloads. The pre-existing presence of these roles does expand the attack and risk surface of the resulting deployment. Therefore, we highly recommend you review your use of owner roles in these pre-existing cases and see if you can eliminate them to improve your resulting security posture.

You can check the current situation of your project with either of the following methods:

See the terraform-example-foundation for additional good practices.


Basic usage of this module is as follows:

module "secured_data_warehouse" {
  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/secured-data-warehouse-onprem-ingest/google"
  version = "~> 0.1"

  org_id                           = ORG_ID
  data_governance_project_id       = DATA_GOVERNANCE_PROJECT_ID
  data_governance_project_number   = DATA_GOVERNANCE_PROJECT_NUMBER
  data_project_id                  = DATA_PROJECT_ID
  data_project_number              = DATA_PROJECT_NUMBER
  data_ingestion_project_id        = DATA_INGESTION_PROJECT_ID
  data_ingestion_project_number    = DATA_INGESTION_PROJECT_NUMBER
  sdx_project_number               = EXTERNAL_TEMPLATE_PROJECT_NUMBER
  terraform_service_account        = TERRAFORM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
  access_context_manager_policy_id = ACCESS_CONTEXT_MANAGER_POLICY_ID
  bucket_name                      = DATA_INGESTION_BUCKET_NAME
  pubsub_resource_location         = PUBSUB_RESOURCE_LOCATION
  location                         = LOCATION
  trusted_locations                = TRUSTED_LOCATIONS
  dataset_id                       = DATASET_ID
  cmek_keyring_name                = CMEK_KEYRING_NAME
  perimeter_additional_members     = PERIMETER_ADDITIONAL_MEMBERS
  data_engineer_group              = DATA_ENGINEER_GROUP
  data_analyst_group               = DATA_ANALYST_GROUP
  security_analyst_group           = SECURITY_ANALYST_GROUP
  network_administrator_group      = NETWORK_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP
  security_administrator_group     = SECURITY_ADMINISTRATOR_GROUP
  encrypted_data_reader_group      = ENCRYPTED_DATA_READER_GROUP
  plaintext_reader_group           = PLAINTEXT_READER_GROUP
  delete_contents_on_destroy       = false

Note: There are three inputs related to GCP Locations in the module:

  • pubsub_resource_location: is used to define which GCP location will be used to Restrict Pub/Sub resource locations. This policy offers a way to ensure that messages published to a topic are never persisted outside of a Google Cloud regions you specify, regardless of where the publish requests originate. Zones or multi-region locations are not supported.
  • location: is used to define which GCP region will be used for all other resources created: Cloud Storage buckets, BigQuery datasets, and Cloud KMS key rings. Multi-region locations are supported.
  • trusted_locations: is a list of locations that are used to set an Organization Policy that restricts the GCP locations that can be used in the projects of the Secured Data Warehouse. Both pubsub_resource_location and location must respect this restriction.

A Functional example, deploying the module, the required infrastructure needed by the module, and data to be ingested is included in the examples directory.

Additional information related to the inputs and outputs of the module are detailed in the following section.


Name Description Type Default Required
access_context_manager_policy_id The id of the default Access Context Manager policy. Can be obtained by running gcloud access-context-manager policies list --organization YOUR-ORGANIZATION_ID --format="value(name)". string "" no
access_level_ip_subnetworks Condition - A list of CIDR block IP subnetwork specification. May be IPv4 or IPv6. Note that for a CIDR IP address block, the specified IP address portion must be properly truncated (that is, all the host bits must be zero) or the input is considered malformed. For example, "" is accepted but "" is not. Similarly, for IPv6, "2001:db8::/32" is accepted whereas "2001:db8::1/32" is not. The originating IP of a request must be in one of the listed subnets in order for this Condition to be true. If empty, all IP addresses are allowed. list(string) [] no
add_project_to_data_governance_perimeter If the data governance project should be added to the data governance perimeter. bool true no
add_project_to_data_ingestion_perimeter If the data ingestion project should be added to the data ingestion perimeter. bool true no
add_project_to_data_perimeter If the data project should be added to the data perimeter. bool true no
bucket_class The storage class for the bucket being provisioned. string "STANDARD" no
bucket_lifecycle_rules List of lifecycle rules to configure. Format is the same as described in provider documentation except condition.matches_storage_class should be a comma delimited string.
action = any
condition = any
"action": {
"type": "Delete"
"condition": {
"age": 30,
"matches_storage_class": [
"with_state": "ANY"
bucket_name The name of the bucket being provisioned. string n/a yes
cmek_keyring_name The Keyring prefix name for the KMS Customer Managed Encryption Keys being provisioned. string n/a yes
custom_restricted_services The list of custom Google services to be protected by the VPC-SC perimeters. list(string) [] no
data_analyst_group Google Cloud IAM group that analyzes the data in the warehouse. string n/a yes
data_egress_policies A list of all egress policies for the Data perimeter, each list object has a from and to value that describes egress_from and egress_to. See also secure data exchange and the VPC-SC module.
from = any
to = any
[] no
data_engineer_group Google Cloud IAM group that sets up and maintains the data pipeline and warehouse. string n/a yes
data_governance_egress_policies A list of all egress policies for the Data Governance perimeter, each list object has a from and to value that describes egress_from and egress_to. See also secure data exchange and the VPC-SC module.
from = any
to = any
[] no
data_governance_ingress_policies A list of all ingress policies for the Data Ingestion perimeter, each list object has a from and to value that describes egress_from and egress_to. See also secure data exchange and the VPC-SC module.
from = any
to = any
[] no
data_governance_perimeter Existing data governance perimeter to be used instead of the auto-created perimeter. The service account provided in the variable terraform_service_account must be in an access level member list for this perimeter before this perimeter can be used in this module. string "" no
data_governance_project_id The ID of the project in which the data governance resources will be created. string n/a yes
data_governance_project_number The project number in which the data governance resources will be created. string n/a yes
data_ingestion_dataflow_deployer_identities List of members in the standard GCP form: user:{email}, serviceAccount:{email} that will deploy Dataflow jobs in the Data Ingestion project. These identities will be added to the VPC-SC secure data exchange egress rules. list(string) [] no
data_ingestion_egress_policies A list of all egress policies for the Data Ingestion perimeter, each list object has a from and to value that describes egress_from and egress_to. See also secure data exchange and the VPC-SC module.
from = any
to = any
[] no
data_ingestion_ingress_policies A list of all ingress policies for the Data Ingestion perimeter, each list object has a from and to value that describes egress_from and egress_to. See also secure data exchange and the VPC-SC module.
from = any
to = any
[] no
data_ingestion_perimeter Existing data ingestion perimeter to be used instead of the auto-created perimeter. The service account provided in the variable terraform_service_account must be in an access level member list for this perimeter before this perimeter can be used in this module. string "" no
data_ingestion_project_id The ID of the project in which the data ingestion resources will be created. string n/a yes
data_ingestion_project_number The project number in which the data ingestion resources will be created. string n/a yes
data_ingress_policies A list of all ingress policies for the Data Ingestion perimeter, each list object has a from and to value that describes egress_from and egress_to. See also secure data exchange and the VPC-SC module.
from = any
to = any
[] no
data_perimeter Existing data perimeter to be used instead of the auto-created perimeter. The service account provided in the variable terraform_service_account must be in an access level member list for this perimeter before this perimeter can be used in this module. string "" no
data_project_id Project where the datasets and tables are created. string n/a yes
data_project_number The project number where the datasets and tables are created. string n/a yes
dataset_default_table_expiration_ms TTL of tables using the dataset in MS. The default value is null. number null no
dataset_description Dataset description. string "Data dataset" no
dataset_id Unique ID for the dataset being provisioned. string "data_dataset" no
dataset_name Friendly name for the dataset being provisioned. string "Data dataset" no
delete_contents_on_destroy (Optional) If set to true, delete all the tables in the dataset when destroying the resource; otherwise, destroying the resource will fail if tables are present. bool false no
dlp_output_dataset Unique ID for the dataset being provisioned to host Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) BigQuery scan results. string "dlp_scanner_output" no
domains_to_allow The list of domains to allow users from in IAM. Used by Domain Restricted Sharing Organization Policy. Must include the domain of the organization you are deploying the blueprint. To add other domains you must also grant access to these domains to the terraform service account used in the deploy. list(string) [] no
enable_bigquery_read_roles_in_data_ingestion (Optional) If set to true, it will grant to the dataflow controller service account created in the data ingestion project the necessary roles to read from a bigquery table. bool false no
encrypted_data_reader_group Google Cloud IAM group that analyzes encrypted data. string n/a yes
key_rotation_period_seconds Rotation period for keys. The default value is 30 days. string "2592000s" no
kms_key_protection_level The protection level to use when creating a key. Possible values: ["SOFTWARE", "HSM"] string "HSM" no
labels (Optional) Labels attached to Data Warehouse resources. map(string) {} no
location The location for the KMS Customer Managed Encryption Keys, Cloud Storage Buckets, and Bigquery datasets. This location can be a multi-region. string "us-east4" no
network_administrator_group Google Cloud IAM group that reviews network configuration. Typically, this includes members of the networking team. string n/a yes
org_id GCP Organization ID. string n/a yes
perimeter_additional_members The list additional members to be added on perimeter access. Prefix user: (user:[email protected]) or serviceAccount: (serviceAccount:[email protected]) is required. list(string) [] no
plaintext_reader_group Google Cloud IAM group that analyzes plaintext reader. string n/a yes
pubsub_resource_location The location in which the messages published to Pub/Sub will be persisted. This location cannot be a multi-region. string "us-east4" no
remove_owner_role (Optional) If set to true, remove all owner roles in all projects in case it has been found in some project. bool false no
sdx_project_number The Project Number to configure Secure data exchange with egress rule for dataflow templates. Required if using a dataflow job template from a private storage bucket outside of the perimeter. string "" no
security_administrator_group Google Cloud IAM group that administers security configurations in the organization(org policies, KMS, VPC service perimeter). string n/a yes
security_analyst_group Google Cloud IAM group that monitors and responds to security incidents. string n/a yes
terraform_service_account The email address of the service account that will run the Terraform code. string n/a yes
trusted_locations This is a list of trusted regions where location-based GCP resources can be created. list(string)
trusted_shared_vpc_subnetworks The URI of the trusted Shared VPC subnetworks where resources will be allowed to be deployed. Used by 'Restrict Shared VPC Subnetworks' Organization Policy. Format 'projects/PROJECT_ID/regions/REGION/subnetworks/SUBNETWORK-NAME'. list(string) [] no


Name Description
cloudfunction_controller_service_account_email The Cloud Function controller service account email.
cmek_data_bigquery_crypto_key The Customer Managed Crypto Key for the BigQuery service.
cmek_data_ingestion_crypto_key The Customer Managed Crypto Key for the data ingestion crypto boundary.
cmek_keyring_name The Keyring name for the KMS Customer Managed Encryption Keys.
cmek_reidentification_crypto_key The Customer Managed Crypto Key for the crypto boundary.
data_access_level_name Access context manager access level name.
data_governance_access_level_name Access context manager access level name.
data_governance_service_perimeter_name Access context manager service perimeter name.
data_ingestion_access_level_name Access context manager access level name.
data_ingestion_bucket_name The name of the bucket created for the data ingestion pipeline.
data_ingestion_cloudfunction_bucket_name The name of the bucket created for cloud function in the data ingestion pipeline.
data_ingestion_dataflow_bucket_name The name of the staging bucket created for dataflow in the data ingestion pipeline.
data_ingestion_service_perimeter_name Access context manager service perimeter name.
data_ingestion_topic_name The topic created for data ingestion pipeline.
data_service_perimeter_name Access context manager service perimeter name.
dataflow_controller_service_account_email The Dataflow controller service account email. Required to deploy Dataflow jobs. See
dataset The BigQuery Dataset for the Data project.
dataset_id The ID of the dataset created for the Data project.
dlp_output_dataset The Dataset ID for DLP output data.
pubsub_writer_service_account_email The PubSub writer service account email. Should be used to write data to the PubSub topics the data ingestion pipeline reads from.
storage_writer_service_account_email The Storage writer service account email. Should be used to write data to the buckets the data ingestion pipeline reads from.


These sections describe requirements for using this blueprint.

Note: Please see the Disclaimer regarding project owners before creating projects.


The following dependencies must be available:

Security Groups

Provide the following groups for separation of duty. Each group will be granted roles to perform their tasks. Add users to the appropriate groups as needed.

  • Data Engineer group: Google Cloud IAM group that sets up and maintains the data pipeline and warehouse.
  • Data Analyst group: Google Cloud IAM group that analyzes the data in the warehouse.
  • Security Analyst group: Google Cloud IAM group that monitors and responds to security incidents.
  • Network Administrator group: Google Cloud IAM group that reviews network configuration. Typically, this includes members of the networking team.
  • Security Administrator group: Google Cloud IAM group that administers security configurations in the organization(org policies, KMS, VPC service perimeter).
  • Encrypted Data Reader Group: Google Cloud IAM group that analyzes encrypted data.
  • Plain Text Reader Group: Google Cloud IAM group that analyzes plaintext reader.

Groups can be created in the Google Workspace Admin Console, in the Google Cloud Console, or using gcloud identity groups create command.

Note 1: Groups Data Engineer and Data Analyst are granted the role "Service Account User" on the Dataflow controller service account, the one in the dataflow_controller_service_account_email output. This is required to be able to run dataflow jobs in the Data Ingestion project.

See the Dataflow Jobs Deployment documentation for additional information on deploying Dataflow Jobs.

Note 2: The group Plain Text Reader Group is the only group tha should be granted access to the KMS keys used to encrypt the data.

Service Account

To provision the resources of this module, you must create a privileged service account, where the service account key cannot be created. In addition, consider using Google Cloud Monitoring to alert on this service account's activity. Grant the following roles to the service account.

  • Organization level
    • Access Context Manager Admin: roles/accesscontextmanager.policyAdmin
    • Organization Policy Administrator: roles/orgpolicy.policyAdmin
    • Organization Administrator: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin
  • Project level:
    • Data ingestion project
      • App Engine Creator:roles/appengine.appCreator
      • Cloud Scheduler Admin:roles/cloudscheduler.admin
      • Compute Network Admin:roles/compute.networkAdmin
      • Compute Security Admin:roles/compute.securityAdmin
      • Dataflow Developer:roles/dataflow.developer
      • DNS Administrator:roles/dns.admin
      • Project IAM Admin:roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin
      • Pub/Sub Admin:roles/pubsub.admin
      • Service Account Admin:roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
      • Service Account Token Creator:roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
      • Service Usage Admin: roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
      • Storage Admin:roles/storage.admin
    • Data governance project
      • Cloud KMS Admin:roles/cloudkms.admin
      • Cloud KMS CryptoKey Encrypter:roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypter
      • DLP De-identify Templates Editor:roles/dlp.deidentifyTemplatesEditor
      • DLP Inspect Templates Editor:roles/dlp.inspectTemplatesEditor
      • DLP User:roles/dlp.user
      • Data Catalog Admin:roles/datacatalog.admin
      • Project IAM Admin:roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin
      • Secret Manager Admin: roles/secretmanager.admin
      • Service Account Admin:roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
      • Service Account Token Creator:roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
      • Service Usage Admin: roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
      • Storage Admin:roles/storage.admin
    • Data project
      • BigQuery Admin:roles/bigquery.admin
      • Compute Network Admin:roles/compute.networkAdmin
      • Compute Security Admin:roles/compute.securityAdmin
      • DNS Administrator:roles/dns.admin
      • Dataflow Developer:roles/dataflow.developer
      • Project IAM Admin:roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin
      • Service Account Admin:roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin
      • Service Account Token Creator:roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
      • Service Usage Admin: roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin
      • Storage Admin:roles/storage.admin

You can use the Project Factory module and the IAM module in combination to provision. These modules can be used to provision a service account with the necessary roles applied.

The user who uses this service account must be granted the IAM roles necessary to impersonate the service account.


Create three projects with the following APIs enabled to host the resources created by this module:

Data ingestion project

  • Access Context Manager API:
  • App Engine Admin
  • Artifact Registry
  • BigQuery
  • Cloud Billing
  • Cloud Build
  • Cloud Key Management Service (KMS)
  • Cloud Resource Manager
  • Cloud Scheduler
  • Compute Engine
  • Google Cloud Data Catalog
  • Dataflow
  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Cloud DNS
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Service Usage
  • Google Cloud Storage JSON

Data governance project

  • Access Context Manager API:
  • Cloud Billing
  • Cloud Key Management Service (KMS)
  • Cloud Resource Manager
  • Google Cloud Data Catalog
  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Service Usage
  • Google Cloud Storage JSON
  • Secret Manager API:

Data project

  • Access Context Manager API:
  • Artifact Registry
  • BigQuery
  • Cloud Billing
  • Cloud Build
  • Cloud Key Management Service (KMS)
  • Cloud Resource Manager
  • Compute Engine
  • Google Cloud Data Catalog
  • Dataflow
  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Cloud DNS
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Service Usage
  • Google Cloud Storage JSON

The following APIs must be enabled in the project where the service account was created

  • Access Context Manager API:
  • App Engine Admin API:
  • Cloud Billing
  • Cloud Key Management Service (KMS)
  • Cloud Pub/Sub API:
  • Cloud Resource Manager
  • Compute Engine
  • Dataflow
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Service Usage

You can use the Project Factory module to provision the projects with the necessary APIs enabled.


Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.

Security Disclosures

Please see our security disclosure process.

This is not an officially supported Google product


Secured Data Warehouse blueprint variant for ingesting encrypted data from on-prem sources



Security policy





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  • HCL 80.0%
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