This repository is reseverd for files that are being manually changed. Edited files in data/editions
should be copied manually from the source-folder in the bv-transkribus-export-repository.
Whenever data are being pushed to this repository, they will be fetched automatically by the data-repository, where they will be further processed to be finally published at bv-static as a static webpage.
A documentation of the currently used schema can be found here. If you should ever discover that parts of the schema are outdated, creat an issue and assign it to @cfhaak.
If you want to know more about git, this resource might be helpful.
To edit files in this repository follow these steps:
install Oxygen XML Editor
install the project plugin
(in top bar) >Install new add-ons
> paste the link for the project plugin into the url-fieldShow add-ons from:
, select the plugin and hit install
) -
install the git plugin
Open the menuHelp
(in top bar) >Install new add-ons
Type "git" in the text field Type filter text.
You can see a plugin called Git client. Check the box on the left to select the plugin and click Next.
Check the box to accept the licence terms and click Install. Click OK to close the info pop-up and close Oxygen. -
restart Oxygen
create an empty folder in your file-system, you will store the project data there
with the Oxygen git plugin clone this repo In the
destination path
field, provide the path to the directory you just created -
close Oxygen
copy this file into the directory you just created / cloned to
Open Oxygen
With the git plugin clone the source repository. If you want to edit a new file, copy it from the editions_source folder of the source repository to the your local data/editions folder in this (bv-working-data) repository. Then open the file in Oxygen, edit and commit it.