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Ansible role moodle

Install and configure moodle on your system.

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github Version Issues PullRequests Ansible Role

This example is taken from molecule/default/converge.yml and is tested on each push, pull request and release.

- name: converge
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: true

    - name: Update apt cache.
      apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=600
      when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
      changed_when: false

    - name: Check if python3.11 EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file exists
        path: /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED
      register: externally_managed_file_py311

    - name: Rename python3.11 EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file if it exists
        cmd: mv /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED.old
      when: externally_managed_file_py311.stat.exists
        creates: /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED.old

    - name: Check if python3.12 EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file exists
        path: /usr/lib/python3.12/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED
      register: externally_managed_file_py312

    - name: Rename python3.12 EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file if it exists
        cmd: mv /usr/lib/python3.12/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED /usr/lib/python3.12/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED.old
      when: externally_managed_file_py312.stat.exists
        creates: /usr/lib/python3.12/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED.old

    - role: buluma.moodle

The machine needs to be prepared. In CI this is done using molecule/default/prepare.yml:

- name: prepare
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false

    - role: buluma.bootstrap
    - role: buluma.buildtools
    - role: buluma.epel
    - role: buluma.mysql
        - name: moodle
          encoding: utf8mb4
          collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
        - name: moodle
          password: moodle
          priv: "moodle.*:ALL"
    - role: buluma.python_pip
    - role: buluma.openssl
        - name: apache-httpd
          common_name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
    - role: buluma.php
    - role: buluma.selinux
    - role: buluma.httpd
        - name: moodle
    - role: buluma.cron
    - role: buluma.core_dependencies

Also see a full explanation and example on how to use these roles.

The default values for the variables are set in defaults/main.yml:

# defaults file for moodle

# The version of moodle to install.
moodle_version: 401

# A path where to save the data.
moodle_data_directory: /opt/moodledata

# The permissions of the created directories.
moodle_directory_mode: "0750"

# Details to connect to the database.
moodle_database_type: mysqli
moodle_database_hostname: localhost
moodle_database_name: moodle
moodle_database_username: moodle
moodle_database_password: moodle
moodle_database_prefix: ""

# The URL where to serve content.
moodle_wwwroot: "https://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}/moodle"

The following roles are used to prepare a system. You can prepare your system in another way.

Requirement GitHub Version
buluma.bootstrap Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.buildtools Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.cron Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.core_dependencies Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.epel Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.httpd Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.mysql Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.openssl Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.php Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.python_pip Ansible Molecule Version
buluma.selinux Ansible Molecule Version

This role is a part of many compatible roles. Have a look at the documentation of these roles for further information.

Here is an overview of related roles:


This role has been tested on these container images:

container tags
EL 8
Debian all
Fedora 38, 39, 40
opensuse all
Ubuntu jammy, noble

The minimum version of Ansible required is 2.12, tests have been done to:

  • The previous version.
  • The current version.
  • The development version.

If you find issues, please register them in GitHub

Role History


Shadow Walker