Releases: bucketeer-io/bucketeer
Releases · bucketeer-io/bucketeer
1.3.0 (2025-02-28)
- add branch URL generation for code references (#1490) (0206276)
- add file extension support for code references (#1493) (fd2d38a)
- be able to group slack notifications by feature flag tag (#1472) (fcd92d2)
- implement create/update environment api no command (#1540) (bfc545a)
- implement delete goal no cmd (#1473) (aa09981)
- implement get create list experiments no command (#1468) (9d21e17)
- implement REST experiment result api (#1534) (5d0b3ab)
- implement REST get/list/create auto ops rule (#1511) (277b969)
- implement update experiment REST no command (#1482) (6468dba)
- ui/dashboard: add tags to slack notifications (#1514) (7d8d731)
- ui/dashboard: goals managements (#1451) (a8641b3)
- ui/dashboard: improvement tags and table cell view with tooltip (#1452) (b2e8c9d)
- update/execute/stop auto ops rule REST no command (#1519) (856fe8e)
Bug Fixes
- add missing experiment status in response (#1492) (1092dea)
- add order by options and correct experiment summary (#1522) (bc2be07)
- ambiguous clause error while deleting a tag (#1483) (44c2a19)
- cannot delete all tags in the account update api (#1537) (29c1d58)
- evaluation unique count not working for go sdk (#1532) (a9557ae)
- feature update api not validating required fields before saving (#1527) (5ce2051)
- goal in-use-status is always false when the connection type is operation (#1505) (e3f44ee)
- list tags by environment_id filter (#1479) (7c736ef)
- ui: displaying the same tag when listing tags (#1478) (63b5c72)
- ui: list goals not using the connection type (#1507) (dc8a295)
- ui: remove connection type validation from create goal modal (#1502) (65b95ee)
- update feature api cannot update empty lists (#1509) (82029e1)
- add auto ops status to the goal connection reference (#1497) (8740728)
- add debug log for the notification sender (#1487) (3b2ceac)
- add error logs while authenticating the user (#1520) (105e73c)
- add feature name to the goal auto ops reference (#1500) (4e0e1a1)
- add fields to update feature api to update the schedule update (#1515) (af97827)
- add new error flag reasons for open feature support (#1517) (ee8f8e7)
- add schedule update field to feature proto message (#1499) (ddbd7f0)
- add schedule update field to feature proto message (#1506) (dd1fca7)
- add scheduled_flag_update table and proto message (#1535) (47b4ee6)
- add sorting filter for entity type in the list tags api (#1476) (3a35f75)
- code ref fields doc (#1485) (a3f8c60)
- fix the debug log in the notification sender (#1486) (9c83de7)
- implement create and update project with not commands (#1541) (ce8c8c8)
- implement rest for list features api (#1543) (4bdb42c)
- improve bucket hash algorithm using murmurHash3 instead of md5 (#1523) (1e5a2c1)
- populate goal table with connection type (#1491) (1c90d0a)
- support list tags by organization id (#1480) (1120b0b)
1.2.0 (2025-01-22)
- add connection type to goal, query connections when getting goal (#1456) (5d01e7f)
- add disabled field for push (#1406) (c93b443)
- add organization_id condition for list api key (#1373) (e803651)
- add tag deleter (#1469) (6558bd0)
- add tag domain and storage implementation (#1433) (a2078e5)
- add tag service (#1443) (bf69850)
- code reference API (#1395) (6b2ae5f)
- evaluation logic in typescript for nodejs sdk (#1258) (d56ebab)
- expose http protocol for push APIs (#1379) (e5b077a)
- implement create, list, get goal REST api no command (#1445) (8b24d8e)
- implement http get and create notification apis, remove command patterns from create and delete apis (#1394) (d330622)
- implement public API create and update account (#1376) (1764266)
- implement REST bulk download segment users (#1448) (03efd5d)
- implement REST get segment, list segments, create segment (#1418) (8608fe3)
- implement REST list tags #1408 (4a7fd14)
- implement rest update and delete segment REST (#1441) (18bfb03)
- implement save api key as editor mechanism (#1352) (fa2e6cf)
- init http route and remove command pattern for update notification (#1396) (7e31980)
- return extra info of public API key and obfuscate the returned key (#1349) (736d9a0)
- save cache in child redis instances (#1392) (b0b1bb4)
- support filter by organization_id in list subscription v2 and expose http (#1387) (151bd30)
- ui/dashboard: fcm management (#1401) (4e55a13)
- ui/dashboard: slack management (#1402) (d7b8208)
- ui/dashboard: update api keys list (#1346) (f05e58c)
- ui/dashboard: user segments management (#1426) (bd8710e)
- ui: add goal connection type on the create goal form (#1466) (f668d1e)
- ui: add variation id to the debugger results page (#1427) (e1f7c79)
- update goal REST no command (#1464) (aeabf7e)
Bug Fixes
- cannot delete pfmerge key when deleting counts (#1366) (5474107)
- cannot write against a read-only redis replica (#1378) (3a29bbd)
- change dev container start docker system prune to images prune (#1400) (89b4af1)
- delete pfmerge key after count users (#1375) (d4c6eec)
- info and error log level (#1413) (ff82dbe)
- request method for account and environment svc (#1409) (83fa5e3)
- scan error on column index error in the goal api (#1462) (0b63009)
- subscriber logs when reporting bigquery errors (#1397) (8f3ded4)
- system admin user's last seen not being updated (#1425) (436963f)
- ui/dashboard: organization table list (#1411) (9472d65)
- ui: debugger results text overflow (#1453) (cd8fe36)
- ui: subscription not found when updating (#1422) (44a5569)
- update evaluation event counter metrics to include variation ID (#1363) (e1488a8)
- add disabled field to list pushes api (#1437) (89f864f)
- add environment id and name to notification and push api (#1416) (3fe31b4)
- add environment_id label to evaluation event metrics (#1391) (ffe8c83)
- add environment_id to push proto (#1412) (1147d6f)
- add linter to ensure lisence header (#1393) ([53bb294](
1.1.0 (2024-12-02)
- implement CreateAccountV2 and Update/Disable/Enable/Delete AccountV2 with no command support (#1321) (9f1e6ca)
- implement CreateAPIKey support no command, save extra api key and maintainer column (#1344) (a785ed9)
- implement logic and api description for read public AccountV2 APIs (#1333) (bf429a3)
- implement public Push APIs and generate swagger definition document for push (#1292) (2298421)
- migrate environment_namespace to environment_id (#1226) (d2251a5)
- new update api-key API (#1350) (f49e70f)
- ui/dashboard: implement api keys ui (#1338) (3d4f5a2)
- ui/dashboard: implement members ui (#1326) (d6ed679)
- ui: implement confirm dialog (#1318) (4de62d9)
Bug Fixes
- batch svc not caching the api keys correctly (#1354) (0acbb03)
- cannot create an account (#1324) (c1b8d14)
- evaluation event counter metrics is not registered (#1353) (104ce58)
- feature not found error on evaluation (#1360) (5113449)
- use file io encoded_descriptor when replace encoded descriptor (#1329) (10b9ab8)
- add api key token and maintainer (#1342) (a3292c8)
- add doc for manual atlas migration and populate api_key with values from id (#1345) (b7dfb66)
- add enable option for batch and subscriber service charts (#1327) (dd09cad)
- add evaluation event count metrics to subscriber (#1351) (6da6bd6)
- add logging features to batch flag cacher for debugging (#1359) (36aadb9)
- change user evaluations id to use feature updated at (#1361) (3733b71)
- fix dev container mysql schema (#1337) (d64e06f)
- remove publish user event from api svc (#1336) (5c4ff75)
- set default value for environment_namespace column (#1330) (a200202)
- ui: show search filter only once (#1323) (382a56c)
- update account api permission check (#1335) (29c8256)
Build System
1.0.0 (2024-11-01)
- add new order by clauses for list accounts api (#1312) (95aa13c)
- implement update push API support no command and deprecate command in delete push API (#1298) (2199576)
- save user info from google (#1254) (898a084)
- ui: add new project dashboard (#1306) (f6a5946)
- ui: project details and environments dashbaord (#1313) (67be248)
Bug Fixes
- a member cannot see the organization details (#1311) (d354f69)
- err is nil when the flag is not found in the update feature api (7fa2280)
- owner organization role not being updated (#1303) (96622e5)
0.4.9 (2024-10-28)
- add flag count for project API (#1246) (d1da171)
- add organization creator email (#1255) (c8dc8f7)
- add project environement and user count organization list API (#1244) (d6cb3d6)
- add redis copy hack script (#1269) (cc0b874)
- implement file server for v3 dashboard (#1295) (6448663)
- save search filter options (#1231) (f24d53a)
- support non-command for web create Push API (#1289) (58d7287)
- support redis cluster (#1268) (4c1ce3e)
- ui: add a temporary route rule for v3 console (#1296) (4bfc1b7)
- ui: debugger feature (#1233) (09d18f5)
- ui: organization dashboard (#1286) (348c914)
Bug Fixes
- audit log pubg message not being acknowledged (#1279) (6a2dc67)
- nil pointer when the pubsub puller creation failed (#1278) (a5d1c8b)
- organiztion API (#1261) (50e1d1c)
- panic when checking register event request (#1277) (6616f54)
- redis cluster pfmerge (#1281) (719f78f)
- ui: save filter popup being shown upon re-login (#1288) (f9076d7)
- ui: show save filter popup while navigating to the targeting page (#1282) (6fb9a96)
- ui: unable to create boolean type feature flag (#1247) (ff1b300)
- ui: unsaved search filters popup being shown when logging in (#1263) (6a8bb86)
- add list projects v2 for the new console (#1267) (36dd128)
- add log for error metrics from sdk client (#1270) (c6d3521)
- add make cmd to delete dev container mysql data (#1293) (a526aca)
- add organization_id to project unique key (#1302) (7c15b95)
- change create organization api to create default environment (#1297) (0a6cfd4)
- change the default time range when getting evaluation count to 7 days (#1283) (e5bb28c)
- get key slot when using redis cluster (#1273) (3cce246)
- remove order by clause from count sql (#1262) (d3a2867)
- remove redis pipeline command usage (#1271) (b3f3667)
- stop error logging when checking register event request for debugging (#1276) (628f888)
- support gcp multi cluster ingress (#1198) (ce278c5)
- update delete e2e image tag (#1274) (c8fedff)
- update dev container feature version (#1294) (ed20f93)
- update dev container node version (#1301) (ca77fc0)
- updgrade go version in devcontainer (#1287) (5e20c9a)
Build System
- deps-dev: bump vite from 5.4.2 to 5.4.6 in /ui/dashboard (#1241) (25883c3)
- deps: bump express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0 in /ui/web-v2 (#1242) (ca100b2)
- deps: bump rollup from 4.21.2 to 4.22.4 in /ui/dashboard (#1256) (fa6d61c)
- deps: bump the dependencies group across 1 directory with 20 updates (#1265) (fd01afc)
0.4.8 (2024-09-17)
- add CreateSearchFilter API (#1210) (6400856)
- add DeleteSearchFilter API (#1227) (fed6f9d)
- add UpdateSearchFilter API (#1214) (08205bc)
- ui/dashboard: add my projects menu (#1229) (39f20bd)
- ui/dashboard: implement auth flow (#1215) (78cbfba)
Bug Fixes
- column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous when searching flag (#1234) (abab6d2)
- missing search filter field in the get me api (#1228) (5d582ab)
- system admin search filter not being updated (#1235) (d959edc)
- move evaluation pkg to go directory (#1238) (05363ef)
- unify duplicate openapi default settings into a single file (#1216) (82d4b73)
- using configured stan modelId (#1237) (b23df7c)
Build System
0.4.7 (2024-08-27)
- add proto and domain for search filter (#1197) (03e5580)
- add support for storage as SearchFilter (#1205) (fa7632e)
- allows to define rules that are enabled when a given value is a partial match to a target attribute (#1187) (fe4b9c8)
- fcm service account upload in create push (#1208) (1485398)
- move experiment calculator to batch service (#1160) (238b390)
- ui: new dashboard strutcure (#1123) (31f03c2)
- ui: support multi scheduling in the auto operations (#1143) (328b162)
Bug Fixes
- fixed to also check ActionType when validating the same date (#1191) (88c627b)
- go building (#1163) (6ae76a7)
- missing rule path when deploying (c5050a5)
- ops event rate not being processed (#1164) (835ef0a)
- pubsub message not being acknowledged when the reason is nil (#1169) (dd4c878)
- sql argument when getting account (#1213) (bc767aa)
- subscriber metric name (#1186) (2385042)
- ui: auto operation action type not being set (#1162) (3e8c3c8)
- ui: auto operation count (#1159) (ee3c134)
- unimplemented api errror in the subscriber svc (#1202) (a049738)
- validate unknown action type (#1161) (93541f4)
- validated the same date for schedule Auto Ops (#1171) (63ab2f7)
- add authentication documentation (#1149) (f2af674)
- add docs for account get me api (#1212) (f36a52e)
- add documentation for web account amd environment services (#1211) (f253084)
- add environment_id column for tables (#1209) (0f6d1fb)
- add error logs for push sender (#1201) (096fad6)
- add fcm service account field (#1206) (3a271cf)
- change envoy load balancer to least_request (#1153) (66597f4)
- delete deprecated OpsType and ChangeAutoOpsRuleOpsTypeCommand (#1204) (c8b4fec)
- delete docker building cache when open dev container (#1158) (72415b4)
- delete triggered_at column (#1196) (b76684a)
- delete triggeredAt for AutoOps (#1179) (3df9296)
- ensure that all kubectl commands for the dev container run in the minikube only (#1165) (57c829f)
- ignore context canceled errors when publishing to pubsub (#1185) (14454f3)
- migrated account_v2 table to add search_filters (#1199) (c93d7a8)
- migration: include atlas schema migration table to initilization file (#1193) (251783b)
- migration: set default value for triggered_at column (#1194) (a460fa2)
- move subscribers to subscriber svc (#1168) (d97f383)
- rename api-gateway to api (#1190) (19d2d5a)
- unify web-gateway and backend (#1181) (62e3b1b)
- update prd envoy to 1.31.0 (#1155) (7c458ff)
Build System
- deps-dev: bump postcss from 8.4.24 to 8.4.31 in /ui/web-v2 (#1174) (9bff6c5)
- deps: bump (#1175) (a6b14a0)
- deps: bump in /hack/delete-e2e-data-mysql (#1178) (02d047e)
- deps: bump in /hack/delete-e2e-data-mysql (#1177) (ce055a0)
- deps: bump (#1176) (0aefd14)
- deps: bump the dependencies group with 14 updates (#1173) (cbed675)
- deps: bump the dependencies group with 3 updates (#1172) (5390bc0...
0.4.6 (2024-07-23)
- add create features to public api (#1055) (a9bb720)
- add entity data to auditlog (#1108) (3d7bff3)
- add get feature to public API (#1012) (92537f5)
- add list features to public api (#1041) (d2ad23f)
- add stop Api for AutoOps (#1058) (e5e0d3e)
- automate db migration (#1060) (b2056f8)
- change Execute API for Multi Schedule (#1089) (7371e8c)
- demo user for web console (#1121) (0672a73)
- fix Update API for Multi Schedule (#1095) (e44ed39)
- implement new auth architecture (#924) (0d64251)
- implement update feature api (#1036) (11ebd16)
- move console web ui to backend service (#1096) (95ea884)
- move metrics event to batch service (#1020) (55c76a7)
- show auditlog detail (#1109) (08c2259)
- ui: add api key options of public api to form pages (#1027) (1ac2f76)
- ui: add auditlog feature detail to auditlog page (#1043) (2ecd42e)
- ui: implement sign in for demo user (#1125) (ae032c8)
- ui: new auth architecture (#1084) (93438d5)
- update storage for multi-schedule (#1019) (b03796a)
Bug Fixes
- account not found when using system admin account (#1150) (61a33f9)
- allow OpsType to be updated to Enable or Disable (#1139) (d7df6be)
- auditlog detail of goal does not have diff (#1122) (6d7663c)
- auditlogs have empty entity data (#1120) (25d6917)
- cannot update archived features (#1113) (b3a1aa5)
- demo environment not being created (#1127) (b822a6e)
- envoy cannot register descriptor (#1024) (c4b3004)
- evaluation: race condition when removing the variation description (#1151) (525991b)
- failed to put admin audit logs (#1131) (6920b8b)
- internal error when generating access token (#1145) (6bde965)
- nil error check during preparing demo users (#1147) (f4edc5d)
- proto clone changs empty slice to nil (#1080) (fad28c0)
- publish domain event fails due to message being nil (#1129) (17c868f)
- redirect to the login page if error in exchangeToken (#1144) (456c2ff)
- remove envirnment table insert sql (#1063) (e771d88)
- ui: can't create a user segment #1092 (#1093) (c17360a)
- ui: can't create an auto operation (#1088) (e6220ec)
- ui: cannot create an enable auto operation (#1134) (95019a7)
- ui: incorrect and unmet peer dependency warnings (#1039) (102c665)
- ui: prevent adding duplicate toasts with the same message (#1148) (1eda1de)
- ui: stop button translation (#1021) (799e7fe)
- update feature fails due to unknown column environment_id (#1112) (339056a)
- update TriggeredAt when AutoOps finished (#1136) (28b5cca)
- variation value input is now shown in add page (#1072) (0ee8a6a)
0.4.5 (2024-06-13)
- evaluate flag dependency of targeting rule (#983) (15f1008)
- feature can be set in targeting (#993) (0f62cb2)
- move auditLog persister to batch service (#984) (25ed7ea)
- move on-demand subscribers to batch service (#952) (b6c3b40)
- move push sender to batch service (#995) (7120406)
- ui: add client and server SDKs role in API key page (#1016) (83d9a43)
Bug Fixes
- including archived features in the count query (#996) (e7cc082)
- missing rule clause validation (#999) (8b12f92)
- segment cannot be set in the targeting rule (#1015) (b6aa2af)
- add api key roles for public api (#998) (62356ab)
- add environment url code label to metrics (#1005) (f0ad1fb)
- add function to return other features to depends on the feature (#976) (7256a1e)
- add UpdateFeature (#1001) (9259bed)
- add validation of feature dependency rule (#979) (b54668e)
- change proto-all to run all the proto commands (#1000) (a8c00ad)
- fix devcontainer for development (#1008) (74406be)
- update proto for multi-schedule (#1010) (cbb91b9)