Adams Conveyor allows you to copy a single conveyor unit along a path to create a conveyor.
Download adams_conveyor.bin and adams_conveyor_plg.xml from the win64 directory and place them in your Adams installation at $topdir\win64. Open Adams View and navigate to Tools>Plugin Manager. Check the Load box in the Adams Conveyor row.
NOTE: You can ignore the message about versions as long as you meet the compatibility criteria below.
This plugin is not currently supported on linux.
The adams_conveyor.bin file included in this repository was created for Adams\View 2020, but it will work with all versions of Adams after 2020. It is not compatible with prior versions. If needed, you can run build_bin.cmd in your version of Adams\View to generate a version specific adams_conveyor.bin file.
- Place all elements that make up the first conveyor unit into a group.
- Create a curve or chain geometry defining the path the conveyor will follow.
- Constrain the conveyor to the path using two point curve constraints.
- Place a marker on ground in the center of the conveyor path. This marker must be in the conveyor path plane and must be placed such that you can draw a line to any point on the path and the line will not intersect with the adjacent points.
- Navigate to Tools>Conveyor Builder.
- Fill out the dialog box.
- Click OK.
Once the codebase has been modified, run build_bin.cmd in adams view. This will update adams_conveyor_plugin.bin. Make sure you set this repository as your working direcory in Adams/View.