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Provide a way to manually trigger YCM's completions
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When automatic triggering is disabled, we now set the completefunc, so
the user can use C-x C-u. We also provide a plug mapping that does the
completion as users may not be comfortable with c-x c-u.

As this is a very unusual use-case for YCM we sweep under the rug that
most users probably want to use <Tab> for both completion and "next". Or
perhaps want to use C-p in the same way. For now a unique mapping works.
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puremourning committed Dec 14, 2022
1 parent 060c564 commit c6e80b0
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22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2672,6 +2672,21 @@ If you want to just turn off the identifier completer but keep the semantic
triggers, you should set `g:ycm_min_num_of_chars_for_completion` to a high
number like `99`.

When `g:ycm_auto_trigger` is `0`, YCM sets the `completefunc`, so that you can
manually trigger normal completion using `C-x C-u`.

If you want to map something else to trigger completion, such as `C-d``,
then you can map it to `<plug>(YCMComplete)`. For example:

let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 0
imap <c-d> <plug>(YCMComplete)

NOTE: It's not possible to map one of the keys in
`g:ycm_key_list_select_completion` (or similar) to `<plug>(YCMComplete)`. In
practice that means that you can't use `<Tab>` for this.

Default: `1`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3386,9 +3401,10 @@ let g:ycm_key_list_stop_completion = ['<C-y>']
This option controls the key mapping used to invoke the completion menu for
semantic completion. By default, semantic completion is triggered automatically
after typing `.`, `->` and `::` in insert mode (if semantic completion support
has been compiled in). This key mapping can be used to trigger semantic
completion anywhere. Useful for searching for top-level functions and classes.
after typing characters appropriate for the language, such as `.`, `->`, `::`,
etc. in insert mode (if semantic completion support has been compiled in). This
key mapping can be used to trigger semantic completion anywhere. Useful for
searching for top-level functions and classes.
Console Vim (not Gvim or MacVim) passes `<Nul>` to Vim when the user types
`<C-Space>` so YCM will make sure that `<Nul>` is used in the map command when
Expand Down
46 changes: 41 additions & 5 deletions autoload/youcompleteme.vim
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ let g:ycm_neovim_ns_id = s:is_neovim ? nvim_create_namespace( 'ycm_id' ) : -1
" This needs to be called outside of a function
let s:script_folder_path = escape( expand( '<sfile>:p:h' ), '\' )
let s:force_semantic = 0
let s:force_manual = 0
let s:completion_stopped = 0
" These two variables are initialized in youcompleteme#Enable.
let s:default_completion = {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,9 +225,9 @@ function! youcompleteme#Enable()
\ } )

nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
nnoremap <silent> <plug>(YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
\ :call youcompleteme#finder#FindSymbol( 'workspace' )<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(YCMFindSymbolInDocument)
nnoremap <silent> <plug>(YCMFindSymbolInDocument)
\ :call youcompleteme#finder#FindSymbol( 'document' )<CR>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -639,6 +640,9 @@ endfunction

function! s:EnableCompletingInCurrentBuffer()
if !g:ycm_auto_trigger
call s:SetCompleteFunc()
let b:ycm_completing = 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1010,10 +1014,11 @@ function! s:OnTextChangedInsertMode( popup_is_visible )
" CurrentIdentifierFinished check.
if s:force_semantic && !py3eval( 'base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar()' )
let s:force_semantic = 0
let s:force_manual = 0

if get( b:, 'ycm_completing' ) &&
\ ( g:ycm_auto_trigger || s:force_semantic ) &&
\ ( g:ycm_auto_trigger || s:force_semantic || s:force_manual ) &&
\ !s:InsideCommentOrStringAndShouldStop() &&
\ !s:OnBlankLine()
call s:RequestCompletion()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1045,6 +1050,7 @@ function! s:OnInsertLeave()

call s:StopPoller( s:pollers.completion )
let s:force_semantic = 0
let s:force_manual = 0
let s:completion = s:default_completion

call s:OnFileReadyToParse()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1085,6 +1091,7 @@ function! s:IdentifierFinishedOperations()
py3 ycm_state.OnCurrentIdentifierFinished()
let s:force_semantic = 0
let s:force_manual = 0
let s:completion = s:default_completion

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1149,8 +1156,37 @@ function! s:RequestCompletion()

function! s:ManuallyRequestCompletion() abort
" Since this function is called in a mapping through the expression register
" <C-R>=, its return value is inserted (see :h c_CTRL-R_=). We don't want to
" insert anything so we return an empty string.

if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer()
return ''

if get( b:, 'ycm_completing' )
let s:force_manual = 0
call s:RequestCompletion()
call s:RequestSignatureHelp()

return ''

function! s:SetCompleteFunc()
let &completefunc = 'youcompleteme#CompleteFunc'

function! youcompleteme#CompleteFunc( findstart, base ) abort
call s:ManuallyRequestCompletion()
" Cancel, but silently stay in completion mode.
return -2

inoremap <silent> <plug>(YCMComplete) <C-r>=<SID>ManuallyRequestCompletion()<CR>
function! s:RequestSemanticCompletion()
function! s:RequestSemanticCompletion() abort
if !s:AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer()
return ''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1682,7 +1718,7 @@ function! s:ToggleInlayHints()

silent! nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(YCMToggleInlayHints)
silent! nnoremap <silent> <plug>(YCMToggleInlayHints)
\ <cmd>call <SID>ToggleInlayHints()<CR>
" This is basic vim plugin boilerplate
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions vimrc_ycm_minimal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,11 @@ set encoding=utf-8
let g:ycm_keep_logfiles = 1
let g:ycm_log_level = 'debug'

" If you're on an arm mac, uncomment the following line
" let g:ycm_clangd_binary_path=trim(system('brew --prefix llvm')).'/bin/clangd'

" If the base settings don't repro, paste your existing config for YCM only,
" here:
" let g:ycm_....

" Load YCM (only)
let &rtp .= ',' . expand( '<sfile>:p:h' )
filetype plugin indent on

syn on

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