Assists in the generatation of diagrams (png, svg, canvas, etc) based on standard file formats, such as Swagger, OpenAPI, AWS Cloud Formation Templates, Ansible Templates, by providing the text markdown for renderers to take advantage of.
See the main web page for more help
omskep-cli <diagram type> [options] <filename>
omskep-cli sequence -path /pets -verb get petstore.json
cat petstore.json | omskep-cli sequence -path /pets -verb get -server %title%
!GET = "<color #009fdb>GET</color>"
!POST = "<color #007a3e>POST</color>"
!PUT = "<color #ea7400>PUT</color>"
!DELETE = "<color #cf2a2a>DELETE</color>"
!PATCH = "<color #b5bd00>PATCH</color>"
!HEAD = "<color #9012fe>HEAD</color>"
!OPTIONS = "<color #0d5aa7>OPTIONS</color>"
!if %not(%function_exists("$success"))
!function $success($msg)
<font color=green><b>$msg
!if %not(%function_exists("$failure"))
!function $failure($msg)
<font color=red><b>$msg
!if %not(%function_exists("$warning"))
!function $warning($msg)
<font color=orange><b>$msg
title findPets
participant "Client" as C
participant "API Gateway" as G
C->G: GET /pets
activate G
alt pet response
G-->C: HTTP $success(200)
else unexpected error
G-->C: HTTP $failure(default)
deactivate G
omskep-cli sequence -path /pets -verb get petstore.json | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipe > getPets.png
omskep-cli sequence -path /pets -verb get -theme cerulean petstore.json | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipe > getPets.png