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This repository was archived by the owner on May 12, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: brokencube/automatorm

Another Minor QueryBuilder Bugfix

18 Apr 11:30
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Another subquery in where clause fix

Minor QueryBuilder Bugfix

12 Apr 12:35
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Subqueries should clone QueryBuilder object

QueryBuilder Bugfix

06 Apr 12:14
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Some issues with __clone() in Column objects

QueryBuilder Rebuild

04 Apr 13:23
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QueryBuilder has been split up from a monolithic file into a more OO collection of classes which helps break up the logic

Support for CrossSchema joins in Fake data

02 Feb 14:51
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Fake data objects have been rewritten in order to support multiple simultaneous schemas and connections, and to allow for cross-schema joins to function.

Version 6 - Major overhaul of internals

12 Oct 07:49
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Major improvements in this version:

  • New internals for accessing databases, allowing the addition of a "fake" database connection allowing for...
  • PHPUnit support + tests! Woo!
  • Cross Schema joins are now supported for MySQL
  • Now uses standard PHP DateTime objects
  • Major clean up of the code + commenting with some help from CodeClimate
  • Cache is now optional (though still recommened) and supports any PSR-6 / PSR-16 compatible caching library
  • Various minor breaking changes across the codebase :/

Reverting rename of Data internal variables

22 May 13:09
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New sortById function

24 Apr 10:54
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To allow easy sorting of collections (for example during pagination) where you have an already sorted list of ids you wish to "get"

Pluggable Data Layer

22 Mar 12:02
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This release marks a rewrite of how the ORM interacts with the data layer. Previous versions of the ORM have assumed a database connection using PDO through the Database/Connection object.

By change the Connection object to now be effectively a Dependancy Injection Container, the Core ORM functionality no longer has concrete functionality for accessing data, instead relying on the Connection object to supply both a DataAccess and Schema object. This allows for us to provide alternative Connection objects that back onto different tech stacks, including "Fake"d stacks allowing for unit testing without hard DB dependancies.

Standardised INSERT statements

23 Feb 16:04
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INSERT statements generated by the QueryBuilder now use standard syntax

INSERT INTO table (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?);

instead of MySQL specific syntax

INSERT INTO table SET col1 = ?, col2 = ?;