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aednichols committed Dec 5, 2023
2 parents 5836edf + 07f056c commit 4075432
Showing 1,553 changed files with 49,441 additions and 32,619 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions .scalafmt.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
version = 3.7.17
align.preset = none
align.openParenCallSite = true
align.openParenDefnSite = true
maxColumn = 120
continuationIndent.defnSite = 2
assumeStandardLibraryStripMargin = true
align.stripMargin = true
danglingParentheses.preset = true
rewrite.rules = [Imports, RedundantBraces, RedundantParens, SortModifiers]
rewrite.imports.sort = scalastyle = keep
project.excludeFilters = [
runner.dialect = scala213
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions CromIAM/src/main/scala/cromiam/auth/Collection.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import scala.util.{Success, Try}
final case class Collection(name: String) extends AnyVal

object Collection {

* Parses a raw JSON string to make sure it fits the standard pattern (see below) for labels,
* performs some CromIAM-specific checking to ensure the user isn't attempting to manipulate the
@@ -19,13 +20,14 @@ object Collection {
def validateLabels(labelsJson: Option[String]): Directive1[Option[Map[String, JsValue]]] = {

val labels = labelsJson map { l =>
Try(l.parseJson) match {
case Success(JsObject(json)) if json.keySet.contains(CollectionLabelName) => throw new LabelContainsCollectionException
case Success(JsObject(json)) => json
case _ => throw InvalidLabelsException(l)
val labels = labelsJson map { l =>
Try(l.parseJson) match {
case Success(JsObject(json)) if json.keySet.contains(CollectionLabelName) =>
throw new LabelContainsCollectionException
case Success(JsObject(json)) => json
case _ => throw InvalidLabelsException(l)

@@ -34,15 +36,16 @@ object Collection {
val LabelsKey = "labels"

// LabelContainsCollectionException is a class because of ScalaTest, some of the constructs don't play well w/ case objects
final class LabelContainsCollectionException extends Exception(s"Submitted labels contain the key $CollectionLabelName, which is not allowed\n")
final case class InvalidLabelsException(labels: String) extends Exception(s"Labels must be a valid JSON object, received: $labels\n")
final class LabelContainsCollectionException
extends Exception(s"Submitted labels contain the key $CollectionLabelName, which is not allowed\n")
final case class InvalidLabelsException(labels: String)
extends Exception(s"Labels must be a valid JSON object, received: $labels\n")

* Returns the default collection for a user.
def forUser(user: User): Collection = {
def forUser(user: User): Collection =

implicit val collectionJsonReader = new JsonReader[Collection] {
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion CromIAM/src/main/scala/cromiam/auth/User.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.model.WorkbenchUserId
* Wraps the concept of an authenticated workbench user including their numeric ID as well as their bearer token
final case class User(userId: WorkbenchUserId, authorization: Authorization)

63 changes: 37 additions & 26 deletions CromIAM/src/main/scala/cromiam/cromwell/CromwellClient.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,10 +25,16 @@ import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}
* FIXME: Look for ways to synch this up with the mothership
class CromwellClient(scheme: String, interface: String, port: Int, log: LoggingAdapter, serviceRegistryActorRef: ActorRef)(implicit system: ActorSystem,
ece: ExecutionContextExecutor,
materializer: ActorMaterializer)
extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol with StatusCheckedSubsystem with CromIamInstrumentation{
class CromwellClient(scheme: String,
interface: String,
port: Int,
log: LoggingAdapter,
serviceRegistryActorRef: ActorRef
)(implicit system: ActorSystem, ece: ExecutionContextExecutor, materializer: ActorMaterializer)
extends SprayJsonSupport
with DefaultJsonProtocol
with StatusCheckedSubsystem
with CromIamInstrumentation {

val cromwellUrl = new URL(s"$scheme://$interface:$port")
val cromwellApiVersion = "v1"
@@ -41,35 +47,38 @@ class CromwellClient(scheme: String, interface: String, port: Int, log: LoggingA

def collectionForWorkflow(workflowId: String,
user: User,
cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[Collection] = {
cromIamRequest: HttpRequest
): FailureResponseOrT[Collection] = {
import CromwellClient.EnhancedWorkflowLabels"Requesting collection for " + workflowId + " for user " + user.userId + " from metadata")

// Look up in Cromwell what the collection is for this workflow. If it doesn't exist, fail the Future
val cromwellApiLabelFunc = () => cromwellApiClient.labels(WorkflowId.fromString(workflowId), headers = List(user.authorization)) flatMap {
_.caasCollection match {
case Some(c) => FailureResponseOrT.pure[IO, HttpResponse](c)
case None =>
val exception = new IllegalArgumentException(s"Workflow $workflowId has no associated collection")
val failure = IO.raiseError[Collection](exception)
val cromwellApiLabelFunc = () =>
cromwellApiClient.labels(WorkflowId.fromString(workflowId), headers = List(user.authorization)) flatMap {
_.caasCollection match {
case Some(c) => FailureResponseOrT.pure[IO, HttpResponse](c)
case None =>
val exception = new IllegalArgumentException(s"Workflow $workflowId has no associated collection")
val failure = IO.raiseError[Collection](exception)

instrumentRequest(cromwellApiLabelFunc, cromIamRequest, wfCollectionPrefix)

def forwardToCromwell(httpRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[HttpResponse] = {
val future = {
// See CromwellClient's companion object for info on these header modifications
val headers = httpRequest.headers.filterNot(header => == TimeoutAccessHeader || == HostHeader)
val headers =
httpRequest.headers.filterNot(header => == TimeoutAccessHeader || == HostHeader)
val cromwellRequest = httpRequest
.copy(uri = httpRequest.uri.withAuthority(interface, port).withScheme(scheme))
} recoverWith {
case e => Future.failed(CromwellConnectionFailure(e))
} recoverWith { case e =>
@@ -86,7 +95,7 @@ class CromwellClient(scheme: String, interface: String, port: Int, log: LoggingA
use the current workflow id.
This is all called from inside the context of a Future, so exceptions will be properly caught.

@@ -96,11 +105,13 @@ class CromwellClient(scheme: String, interface: String, port: Int, log: LoggingA
Grab the metadata from Cromwell filtered down to the rootWorkflowId. Then transform the response to get just the
root workflow ID itself
val cromwellApiMetadataFunc = () => cromwellApiClient.metadata(
args = Option(Map("includeKey" -> List("rootWorkflowId"))),
headers = List(user.authorization)).map(metadataToRootWorkflowId
val cromwellApiMetadataFunc = () =>
args = Option(Map("includeKey" -> List("rootWorkflowId"))),
headers = List(user.authorization)

instrumentRequest(cromwellApiMetadataFunc, cromIamRequest, rootWfIdPrefix)
@@ -120,14 +131,14 @@ object CromwellClient {
// See:
val HostHeader = "Host"

final case class CromwellConnectionFailure(f: Throwable) extends Exception(s"Unable to connect to Cromwell (${f.getMessage})", f)
final case class CromwellConnectionFailure(f: Throwable)
extends Exception(s"Unable to connect to Cromwell (${f.getMessage})", f)

implicit class EnhancedWorkflowLabels(val wl: WorkflowLabels) extends AnyVal {

import Collection.{CollectionLabelName, collectionJsonReader}
import Collection.{collectionJsonReader, CollectionLabelName}

def caasCollection: Option[Collection] = {
def caasCollection: Option[Collection] =
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ trait CromIamInstrumentation extends CromwellInstrumentation {
val rootWfIdPrefix ="root-workflow-id")
val wfCollectionPrefix ="workflow-collection")

def convertRequestToPath(httpRequest: HttpRequest): NonEmptyList[String] = NonEmptyList.of(
// Returns the path of the URI only, without query parameters (e.g: api/engine/workflows/metadata)
// Replace UUIDs with [id] to keep paths same regardless of the workflow
.replaceAll(CromIamInstrumentation.UUIDRegex, "[id]"),
// Name of the method (e.g: GET)
@@ -43,15 +44,19 @@ trait CromIamInstrumentation extends CromwellInstrumentation {
def makePathFromRequestAndResponse(httpRequest: HttpRequest, httpResponse: HttpResponse): InstrumentationPath =

def sendTimingApi(statsDPath: InstrumentationPath, timing: FiniteDuration, prefixToStatsd: NonEmptyList[String]): Unit = {
def sendTimingApi(statsDPath: InstrumentationPath,
timing: FiniteDuration,
prefixToStatsd: NonEmptyList[String]
): Unit =
sendTiming(prefixToStatsd.concatNel(statsDPath), timing, CromIamPrefix)

def instrumentationPrefixForSam(methodPrefix: NonEmptyList[String]): NonEmptyList[String] = samPrefix.concatNel(methodPrefix)
def instrumentationPrefixForSam(methodPrefix: NonEmptyList[String]): NonEmptyList[String] =

def instrumentRequest[A](func: () => FailureResponseOrT[A],
httpRequest: HttpRequest,
prefix: NonEmptyList[String]): FailureResponseOrT[A] = {
prefix: NonEmptyList[String]
): FailureResponseOrT[A] = {
def now(): Deadline =

val startTimestamp = now()
66 changes: 39 additions & 27 deletions CromIAM/src/main/scala/cromiam/sam/SamClient.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -33,20 +33,21 @@ class SamClient(scheme: String,
port: Int,
checkSubmitWhitelist: Boolean,
log: LoggingAdapter,
serviceRegistryActorRef: ActorRef)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, ece: ExecutionContextExecutor, materializer: ActorMaterializer) extends StatusCheckedSubsystem with CromIamInstrumentation {
serviceRegistryActorRef: ActorRef
)(implicit system: ActorSystem, ece: ExecutionContextExecutor, materializer: ActorMaterializer)
extends StatusCheckedSubsystem
with CromIamInstrumentation {

private implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(ece)
implicit private val cs = IO.contextShift(ece)

override val statusUri = uri"$samBaseUri/status"
override val serviceRegistryActor: ActorRef = serviceRegistryActorRef

def isSubmitWhitelisted(user: User, cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[Boolean] = {
def isSubmitWhitelisted(user: User, cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[Boolean] =
isSubmitWhitelistedSam(user, cromIamRequest),

def isSubmitWhitelistedSam(user: User, cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[Boolean] = {
val request = HttpRequest(
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ class SamClient(scheme: String,
whitelisted <- response.status match {
case StatusCodes.OK =>
// Does not seem to be already provided?
implicit val entityToBooleanUnmarshaller : Unmarshaller[HttpEntity, Boolean] =
implicit val entityToBooleanUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[HttpEntity, Boolean] =
(Unmarshaller.stringUnmarshaller flatMap Unmarshaller.booleanFromStringUnmarshaller).asScala
val unmarshal = IO.fromFuture(IO(Unmarshal(response.entity).to[Boolean]))
@@ -95,14 +96,19 @@ class SamClient(scheme: String,
case _ =>
log.error("Could not verify access with Sam for user {}, error was {} {}", user.userId, response.status, response.toString().take(100))
log.error("Could not verify access with Sam for user {}, error was {} {}",
FailureResponseOrT.pure[IO, HttpResponse](false)
} yield userEnabled

def collectionsForUser(user: User, cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[List[Collection]] = {
val request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.GET, uri = samBaseCollectionUri, headers = List[HttpHeader](user.authorization))
val request =
HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.GET, uri = samBaseCollectionUri, headers = List[HttpHeader](user.authorization))

for {
response <- instrumentRequest(
@@ -120,24 +126,25 @@ class SamClient(scheme: String,
* @return Successful future if the auth is accepted, a Failure otherwise.
def requestAuth(authorizationRequest: CollectionAuthorizationRequest,
cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[Unit] = {
cromIamRequest: HttpRequest
): FailureResponseOrT[Unit] = {
val logString = authorizationRequest.action + " access for user " + authorizationRequest.user.userId +
" on a request to " + authorizationRequest.action + " for collection " +
" on a request to " + authorizationRequest.action + " for collection " +

def validateEntityBytes(byteString: ByteString): FailureResponseOrT[Unit] = {
def validateEntityBytes(byteString: ByteString): FailureResponseOrT[Unit] =
if (byteString.utf8String == "true") {
} else {
log.warning("Sam denied " + logString)
FailureResponseOrT[IO, HttpResponse, Unit](IO.raiseError(new SamDenialException))
}"Requesting authorization for " + logString)

val request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.GET,
uri = samAuthorizeActionUri(authorizationRequest),
headers = List[HttpHeader](authorizationRequest.user.authorization))
uri = samAuthorizeActionUri(authorizationRequest),
headers = List[HttpHeader](authorizationRequest.user.authorization)

for {
response <- instrumentRequest(
@@ -158,26 +165,28 @@ class SamClient(scheme: String,
- If user has the 'add' permission we're ok
- else fail the future
def requestSubmission(user: User,
collection: Collection,
cromIamRequest: HttpRequest
): FailureResponseOrT[Unit] = {
def requestSubmission(user: User, collection: Collection, cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[Unit] = {"Verifying user " + user.userId + " can submit a workflow to collection " +
val createCollection = registerCreation(user, collection, cromIamRequest)

createCollection flatMap {
case r if r.status == StatusCodes.NoContent => Monad[FailureResponseOrT].unit
case r => FailureResponseOrT[IO, HttpResponse, Unit](IO.raiseError(SamRegisterCollectionException(r.status)))
} recoverWith {
case r if r.status == StatusCodes.Conflict => requestAuth(CollectionAuthorizationRequest(user, collection, "add"), cromIamRequest)
case r if r.status == StatusCodes.Conflict =>
requestAuth(CollectionAuthorizationRequest(user, collection, "add"), cromIamRequest)
case r => FailureResponseOrT[IO, HttpResponse, Unit](IO.raiseError(SamRegisterCollectionException(r.status)))

protected def registerCreation(user: User,
collection: Collection,
cromIamRequest: HttpRequest): FailureResponseOrT[HttpResponse] = {
val request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.POST, uri = samRegisterUri(collection), headers = List[HttpHeader](user.authorization))
cromIamRequest: HttpRequest
): FailureResponseOrT[HttpResponse] = {
val request = HttpRequest(method = HttpMethods.POST,
uri = samRegisterUri(collection),
headers = List[HttpHeader](user.authorization)

() => Http().singleRequest(request).asFailureResponseOrT,
@@ -186,9 +195,9 @@ class SamClient(scheme: String,

private def samAuthorizeActionUri(authorizationRequest: CollectionAuthorizationRequest) = {
private def samAuthorizeActionUri(authorizationRequest: CollectionAuthorizationRequest) =

private def samRegisterUri(collection: Collection) = akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri(samBaseUriForWorkflow(collection))

@@ -207,15 +216,18 @@ object SamClient {

class SamDenialException extends Exception("Access Denied")

final case class SamConnectionFailure(phase: String, f: Throwable) extends Exception(s"Unable to connect to Sam during $phase (${f.getMessage})", f)
final case class SamConnectionFailure(phase: String, f: Throwable)
extends Exception(s"Unable to connect to Sam during $phase (${f.getMessage})", f)

final case class SamRegisterCollectionException(errorCode: StatusCode) extends Exception(s"Can't register collection with Sam. Status code: ${errorCode.value}")
final case class SamRegisterCollectionException(errorCode: StatusCode)
extends Exception(s"Can't register collection with Sam. Status code: ${errorCode.value}")

final case class CollectionAuthorizationRequest(user: User, collection: Collection, action: String)

val SamDenialResponse = HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.Forbidden, entity = new SamDenialException().getMessage)

def SamRegisterCollectionExceptionResp(statusCode: StatusCode) = HttpResponse(status = statusCode, entity = SamRegisterCollectionException(statusCode).getMessage)
def SamRegisterCollectionExceptionResp(statusCode: StatusCode) =
HttpResponse(status = statusCode, entity = SamRegisterCollectionException(statusCode).getMessage)

case class UserStatusInfo(adminEnabled: Boolean, enabled: Boolean, userEmail: String, userSubjectId: String)


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