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Omniture (Adobe Marketing Cloud - Adobe Analytics) Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS, version


The Omniture plugin is a dynamic library framework which supports Adobe Marketing Cloud v4.21.2 and Adobe Video Heartbeat v2.3.0. The Marketing Cloud and Video Heartbeat libraries are not included with this SDK and must be manually added to your project. Instructions for downloading the libraries are provided below.


You can use CocoaPods to add the Omniture plugin to your project. You can find the latest Brightcove-Player-Omniture podspec here. To use this spec, add the following to the top of your Podfile: source ''.

Dynamic XCFramework example:

source ''
source ''

platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'MyOmniturePlayer' do
  pod 'Brightcove-Player-Omniture'

Framework example:

Frameworks can be installed by appending the /Framework subspec to the pod name.

source ''
source ''

platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'MyOmniturePlayer' do
  pod 'Brightcove-Player-Omniture/Framework'


To add the Omniture Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK to your project manually:

  1. Install the latest version of the Brightcove Player SDK.
  2. Download the latest zip'ed release of the plugin from the release page.
  3. Add the BrightcoveAMC.framework or BrightcoveAMC.xcframework project. You can do this by right-clicking on the Frameworks folder and choose "Add Files To" option and select the BrightcoveAMC.framework or BrightcoveAMC.xcframework from the path where it is stored.
  4. On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target, ensure that the "Framework Search Paths" include the path to the framework. This should have been done automatically unless the framework is stored under a different root directory than your project.
  5. On the "Build Phases" tab of your application target, add the following to the "Link Binary With Libraries" phase:
    • BrightcoveAMC.framework / BrightcoveAMC.xcframework
  6. On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target:
    • Ensure that -ObjC has been added to the "Other Linker Flags" build setting.
  7. Download Adobe Marketing Cloud following Adobe's instructions and add AdobeMobile.xcframework to your project.
  8. Download Adobe Video Heartbeat following Adobe's instructions and add MediaSDK.xcframework to your project.
  9. Add the Marketing Cloud and Video Heartbeat header folders to the Header Search Path settings of your project.
  10. (Universal Framework only) On the "Build Phases" tab, add a "Run Script" phase with the command bash ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/BrightcoveAMC.framework/ Check "Run script only when installing". This will remove unneeded architectures from the build, which is important for App Store submission.
  11. (Apple Silicon only) On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target:
    • Ensure that arm64 has been added to your "Excluded Architectures" build setting for Any iOS Simulator SDK.

Swift Package Manager

To add the Omniture Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK to your project with Swift Package Manager:

  1. First follow the steps to add the Core XCFramework with Swift Package Mananger.
  2. Add the Omniture package to Swift Package Manager using
  3. Link to the following libraries:
    • libsqlite3.0.tbd
  4. On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target:
    • Ensure that -ObjC has been added to the "Other Linker Flags" build setting.
  5. Download Adobe Marketing Cloud following Adobe's instructions and add AdobeMobile.xcframework to your project.
  6. Download Adobe Video Heartbeat following Adobe's instructions and add MediaSDK.xcframework to your project.
  7. Add the Marketing Cloud and Video Heartbeat header folders to the Header Search Path settings of your project.

Quick Start

BrightcoveAMC is a bridge between the Brightcove Player SDK for iOS and Adobe video tracking, including Adobe Video Heartbeat v2 and Adobe Media Tracking v4. BrightcoveAMC tracks basic video behaviors: video ready, video completed, video play, and video pause.

Client Implementation

To setup Adobe Video Heartbeat, Omniture Plugin clients need to implement instances of BCOVAMCVideoHeartbeatConfigurationPolicy. To setup Adobe Media Tracking, an instance of BCOVAMCMediaSettingPolicy is required. These policies allow for customization of ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig or ADBMediaSettings objects for each playback session.

Video Heartbeat v2

This example uses video heartbeat tracking.

[1] // Create the VHB configuration policy object.
    let videoHeartbeatConfigurationPolicy: BCOVAMCVideoHeartbeatConfigurationPolicy = {
        (session: BCOVPlaybackSession?) in

        let configData = ADBMediaHeartbeatConfig()

        configData.trackingServer = "<adobe-assigned_tracking_server>" = "<cutomize_sample_channel>"
        configData.appVersion = "<app_version>"
        configData.ovp = "<online_video_platform>"
        configData.playerName = "<player_name>"
        configData.ssl = false

        // Set debugLogging to true to activate debug tracing. Remove it in production.
        configData.debugLogging = true

        return configData

[2] // Create the Brightcove AMC analytics policy object fromw1w the VHB configuration policy object.
    let heartbeatPolicy = BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy(heartbeatConfigurationPolicy: videoHeartbeatConfigurationPolicy)

    let sessionConsumer = BCOVAMCSessionConsumer.heartbeatAnalyticsConsumer(with: heartbeatPolicy, delegate: self)

    let sdkManager = BCOVPlayerSDKManager.sharedManager()
    let playbackController = sdkManager.createPlaybackController()
    playbackController.delegate = self


[3] // Add the Brightcove AMC session consumer to the playback controller.

[4] // Find and play a video.
    let policyKey = "<your-policy-key>"
    let accountID = "<your-account-id>"
    let videoID = "<your-video-id>"
    let playbackService = BCOVPlaybackService(withAccountId: accountID,
                                              policyKey: policyKey)
    let configuration = [
        BCOVPlaybackService.ConfigurationKeyAssetID: videoID
    playbackService.findVideo(withConfiguration: configuration,
                              queryParameters: nil) { (video: BCOVVideo?,
                                                       jsonResponse: Any?,
                                                       error: Error?) in
        if let video {
  1. Create the video heartbeat configuration policy block which will be called at the start of each playback session. The policy allows for customization of configuration data based on the current session.
  2. Use the configuration policy block to create and initialize a BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy instance with BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy(heartbeatConfigurationPolicy:). The BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy object is used to create the BCOVAMCSessionConsumer.
  3. After the playback controller is created, call the add session consumer method, playbackController.add(), to add the AMC session consumer.

Marketing Cloud

This example uses media tracking.

[1] let mediaSettingPolicy: BCOVAMCMediaSettingPolicy = { (session: BCOVPlaybackSession?) in
[2]     let settings = ADBMobile.mediaCreateSettings(withName: "<cutomize_setting_name>",
                                                     length: 0,
                                                     playerName: "<cutomize_player_name>",
                                                     playerID: "<cutomize_player_ID>")
[3]     settings.milestones = "25,50,75"; // a customization.
        return settings
[4] let mediaPolicy = BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy(mediaSettingsPolicy: mediaSettingPolicy)

    let sessionConsumer = BCOVAMCSessionConsumer.mediaAnalyticsConsumer(with: mediaPolicy,
                                                                        delegate: self)

    let sdkManager = BCOVPlayerSDKManager.sharedManager()
[5] let playbackController = sdkManager.createPlaybackController()
    playbackController.delegate = self


    // Add the Brightcove AMC session consumer to the playback controller.

    // Find and play a video.
    let policyKey = "<your-policy-key>"
    let accountID = "<your-account-id>"
    let videoID = "<your-video-id>"
    let playbackService = BCOVPlaybackService(withAccountId: accountID,
                                              policyKey: policyKey)
    let configuration = [
        BCOVPlaybackService.ConfigurationKeyAssetID: videoID
    playbackService.findVideo(withConfiguration: configuration,
                              queryParameters: nil) { (video: BCOVVideo?,
                                                       jsonResponse: Any?,
                                                       error: Error?) in
        if let video {
  1. Create the media settings policy block which will be called at the start of each playback session. The policy allows for customization of media settings based on the current session.
  2. When creating the ADBMediaSettings instance with a class method of ADBMobile mediaCreateSettings(withName:length:playerName:playerID:), you can set video length to 0. The Omniture plugin will update it later.
  3. Add optional settings such as milestones.
  4. Use the media settings policy block to create and initialize a BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy instance with BCOVAMCAnalyticsPolicy(mediaSettingsPolicy:). The policy object is used to create an AMC session consumer for Adobe media tracking as BCOVAMCSessionConsumer.mediaAnalyticsConsumer(with:delegate:).
  5. After the playback controller is created, call the add session consumer method, playbackController.add(), to add the AMC session consumer.


To fetch the Adobe Marketing Cloud libraries, download the following:


If you have questions, need help or want to provide feedback, please use the Support Portal or contact your Account Manager. To receive notification of new SDK software releases, subscribe to the Brightcove Native Player SDKs Google Group.


BCOVAMC Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS






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