IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK provides a dynamic library framework for installation.
The IMA plugin supports version 3.22.0 of the Google IMA SDK for iOS and version 4.12.0 of the Google IMA SDK for tvOS.
You can use CocoaPods to add the IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK to your project. You can find the latest Brightcove-Player-IMA
podspec here. The pod will incorporate the correct version of IMA automatically.
CocoaPod Podfile example:
source ''
source ''
platform :ios, '14.0'
target 'MyIMAPlayer' do
pod 'Brightcove-Player-IMA'
As of IMA release 3.4.1, AdMob is published as a standalone dynamic framework and can no longer be installed as part of the IMA Plugin for the Brightcove Native Player SDK. As such, there is no longer a ForAdMob
subspec for the podspec. To use AdMob, download it and add it to your project manually, or add the Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK
CocoaPod to your Podfile:
pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'
To add the IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK to your project manually:
- Download the Brightcove Player SDK framework.
- Download the IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK framework.
- Download the Google IMA framework.
- On the "General" tab of your application target, add the dynamic framework,
, from the Brightcove Player SDK download to the list of Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. The universal Framework and XCFramework are found in the ios directory of the download. The Embed setting must be "Embed & Sign". - On the "General" tab of your application target, add
from the IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK download to the list of Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. The Embed setting must be "Embed & Sign". - On the "General" tab of your application target, add
from the Google IMA download to the list of Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. The Embed setting for the XCFrameworks must be "Embed & Sign". - On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target, ensure that the "Framework Search Paths" include the paths to the frameworks. This should have been done automatically unless the framework is stored under a different root directory than your project.
- On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target:
- Ensure that
has been added to the "Other Linker Flags" build setting.
- Ensure that
- (Universal Framework only) On the "Build Phases" tab, add a "Run Script" phase with the command
. Check "Run script only when installing". This will remove unneeded architectures from the build, which is important for App Store submission. - (Apple Silicon only) On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target:
- Ensure that
has been added to your "Excluded Architectures" build setting forAny iOS Simulator SDK
- Ensure that
To add the IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK to your project with Swift Package Manager:
- First follow the steps to add the Core XCFramework with Swift Package Mananger.
- Add the IMA package to Swift Package Manager using
. - Download the Google IMA framework.
- On the "General" tab of your application target, add
to the list of Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. The Embed setting for the XCFrameworks must be "Embed & Sign". - On the "Build Settings" tab of your application target, ensure that the "Framework Search Paths" include the paths to the frameworks. This should have been done automatically unless the framework is stored under a different root directory than your project.
The IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK can be imported using:
import BrightcoveIMA
The BrightcoveIMA plugin is a bridge between Google IMA iOS SDK v3 and the Brightcove Player SDK for iOS. This snippet shows its basic usage with VMAP ad rules.
[1] let imaSettings = IMASettings()
if let languageCode = NSLocale.current.languageCode {
imaSettings.language = languageCode
let adsRenderingSettings = IMAAdsRenderingSettings()
adsRenderingSettings.linkOpenerDelegate = self
adsRenderingSettings.linkOpenerPresentingController = self
let adTag = "<ad tag>"
[2] let adsRequestPolicy = BCOVIMAAdsRequestPolicy.init(vmapAdTagUrl: adTag)
let sdkManager = BCOVPlayerSDKManager.sharedManager()
[3] let playbackController = sdkManager.createIMAPlaybackController(with: imaSettings,
adsRenderingSettings: adsRenderingSettings,
adsRequestPolicy: adsRequestPolicy,
adContainer: playerView.contentOverlayView,
viewController: self,
companionSlots: nil,
viewStrategy: nil,
options: nil)
playbackController?.delegate = self
let policyKey = "<your-policy-key>"
let accountID = "<your-account-id>"
let videoID = "<your-video-id>"
let playbackService = BCOVPlaybackService(withAccountId: accountID,
policyKey: policyKey)
let configuration = [
BCOVPlaybackService.ConfigurationKeyAssetID: videoID
playbackService.findVideo(withConfiguration: configuration,
queryParameters: nil) { (video: BCOVVideo?,
jsonResponse: Any?,
error: Error?) in
if let video {
Breaking the code down into steps:
- Create the same IMA settings, ads rendering settings that you would create if you were using Google's IMA iOS SDK directly. These are required.
- BCOVIMAAdsRequestPolicy provides methods to specify VAST or VMAP ad rules. Select the appropriate method to select your ads policy.
- BrightcoveIMA adds some category methods to BCOVPlaybackManager. The first of these is
. Use this method to create your playback controller.
The Brightcove IMA Plugin implements custom play and pause logic to ensure the smoothest possible ad experience. Therefore, you will need to make sure that you use the play method on the BCOVPlaybackController
or the -[BCOVSessionProviderExtension ima_play]
or -[BCOVSessionProviderExtension ima_pause]
(BCOVSessionProviderExtension), and not the AVPlayer.
As an example, calling play for the first time on BCOVPlaybackController
allows BCOVIMA to process preroll ads without any of the content playing before the preroll. For more information on how BCOVIMA overrides the default BCOVPlaybackController
methods, please check out BCOVSessionProviderExtension.
Use playbackController.seekWithoutAds(_,completionHandler:)
to resume playback at a specific time without forcing the user to watch ads scheduled before seekToTime
In preparation for seekWithoutAds(_,completionHandler:)
, disable autoPlay
when setting up the BCOVPlaybackController
Apple recommends waiting for the status of an AVPlayerItem to change to ready-to-play before using the AVPlayerItem. Therefore, call seekWithoutAds(_,completionHandler:)
in the kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventReady
handler of the playbackController:playbackSession:didReceiveLifecycleEvent
method of your BCOVPlaybackControllerDelegate
func playbackController(_ controller: BCOVPlaybackController,
playbackSession session: BCOVPlaybackSession,
didReceive lifecycleEvent: BCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEvent) {
if kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventReady == lifecycleEvent.eventType {
// self.resumePlayback is a hypothetical instance variable used here for illustration.
if resumePlayback {
// seek without playing ads which are scheduled before the seek time, i.e. resume playback.
controller.seekWithoutAds(seekWithoutAdsValue) { [weak playbackController, weak self] finished in
if !finished {
print("seekWithoutAds failed to finish")
// fade out the shutter to reveal the player view.
playbackController?.shutterFadeTime = 0.25
playbackController?.shutter = false
// turn off seek without ads - especially important if this player is being used with a playlist
self?.resumePlayback = false
The shutter
and shutterFadeTime
properties of the BCOVPlaybackController
can be used along with seekWithoutAds:completionHandler:
to hide frame-flicker which can occur as the AVPlayer loads assets. In your BCOVPlaybackController set-up code, enable the shutter to hide the player view:
let sdkManager = BCOVPlayerSDKManager.sharedManager()
let playbackController = sdkManager.createIMAPlaybackController(with: imaSettings,
adsRenderingSettings: adsRenderingSettings,
adsRequestPolicy: adsRequestPolicy,
adContainer: playerView.contentOverlayView,
viewController: self,
companionSlots: nil,
viewStrategy: nil)
playbackController.delegate = self
if resumePlayback {
// set the shutter fade time to zero to hide the player view immediately.
playbackController.shutterFadeTime = 0
playbackController.shutter = true
// disable autoPlay when resuming playback.
playbackController.isAutoPlay = false
Note that when Seek Without Ads is used in your app, you might observe network traffic which normally occurs as part of setting up the IMA plugin. This traffic is necessary for proper plugin setup, and does not affect the Seek Without Ads functionality.
There are a couple of configuration points in BCOVIMA. You can combine BCOVIMA with another plugin for the Brightcove Player SDK for iOS, you can create a custom view strategy, and you can supply a custom ads request policy.
BCOVIMA gives you control over how ads requests are made, via the BCOVIMAAdsRequestPolicy
class. The class provides factory methods for the supported policies. Once you obtain an instance of the correct policy, you need to provide it to the BCOVPlayerSDKManager
to create a playback controller or a playback session provider.
In Quick Start, an example of VMAP is given. Here is a VAST example.
let imaSettings = IMASettings()
if let languageCode = NSLocale.current.languageCode {
imaSettings.language = languageCode
let adsRenderingSettings = IMAAdsRenderingSettings()
adsRenderingSettings.linkOpenerDelegate = self
adsRenderingSettings.linkOpenerPresentingController = self
[1] let adsRequestPolicy = BCOVIMAAdsRequestPolicy(vastAdTagsInCuePointsAndAdsCuePointProgressPolicy: nil)
let sdkManager = BCOVPlayerSDKManager.sharedManager()
let playbackController = sdkManager.createIMAPlaybackController(with: imaSettings,
adsRenderingSettings: adsRenderingSettings,
adsRequestPolicy: adsRequestPolicy,
adContainer: playerView.contentOverlayView,
viewController: self,
companionSlots: nil,
viewStrategy: nil,
options: nil)
Let's break this code down into steps, to make it a bit simpler to digest:
- This example is the same as the one provided in the quick-start, except that we are now calling a different
policy method to specify that we want to use VAST.
BCOVIMAAdsRequestPolicy has four factory methods to generate ads request policy; two for VMAP and two for VAST. Two factory methods for VMAP are described in more detail below:
: This method returns the default ads request policy, which looks for thekBCOVIMAAdTag
in each BCOVVideo's properties to determine the VMAP ad tag that should be used to request ads. -
: This method returns an ads request policy that always uses the same ad tag for every video. If you use this policy, you do not have to put the ad tag in the BCOVVideos' properties. This is the easiest way to specify an ad tag if you know your ad tag will never change for the lifetime of the application session.
There are two factory methods for VAST. All of the VAST methods take a BCOVCuePointProgressPolicy. The cue point policy determines which BCOVCuePoints will get processed by the BCOVIMAAdsRequestPolicy. The VAST policies are as follows:
This method returns an ads request policy that checks each BCOVVideo for BCOVCuePoints of type 'kBCOVIMACuePointTypeAd' and looks in each of those cue points properties for the keykBCOVIMAAdTag
to determine the VAST ad tag that should be used to request ads. -
This method returns an ad request policy that uses the specified VAST ad tag for all BCOVCuePoints of type kBCOVIMACuePointTypeAd. Properties of the cue point are appended to the ad tag as query parameters.
You can add VAST ad tag cuepoints to a video by using the update:
method on the BCOVVideo
object. The following example adds pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll cuepoints:
extension BCOVVideo {
func updateVideo(withVASTTag vastTag: String) -> BCOVVideo? {
guard let durationNum =["duration"] as? NSNumber else {
return nil
let durationMiliSeconds = durationNum.doubleValue
let midpointSeconds = (durationMiliSeconds / 2) / 1000
let midpointTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(midpointSeconds, preferredTimescale: 1)
let cuePointPositionTypeAfter = CMTime.positiveInfinity
return update { (mutableVideo: BCOVMutableVideo?) in
guard let mutableVideo = mutableVideo else {
guard let preroll = BCOVCuePoint(type: kBCOVIMACuePointTypeAd, position:, properties: [kBCOVIMAAdTag:vastTag]),
let midroll = BCOVCuePoint(type: kBCOVIMACuePointTypeAd, position: midpointTime, properties: [kBCOVIMAAdTag:vastTag]),
let postroll = BCOVCuePoint(type: kBCOVIMACuePointTypeAd, position: cuePointPositionTypeAfter, properties: [kBCOVIMAAdTag:vastTag]) else {
mutableVideo.cuePoints = BCOVCuePointCollection(array: [
You can also convert cuepoints created in VideoCloud to VAST cuepoints like this:
func update(video: BCOVVideo) -> BCOVVideo {
guard let cuePoints = video.cuePoints?.array() as? [BCOVCuePoint] else {
return video
var updatedCuepoints = [BCOVCuePoint]()
for cuePoint in cuePoints {
// The "metadata" property is the value of the
// "Key/Value Pairs" field in VideoCloud when
// creating/editing a Cue Point. In this example
// the only value in this field is the VAST ad tag URL.
// If you have additional values you'll need to parse
// out just the ad tag URL.
guard let metadata =["metadata"] as? String else {
let properties = [
kBCOVIMAAdTag: metadata
if let updatedCuePoint = BCOVCuePoint(type: cuePoint.type,
position: cuePoint.position,
properties: properties) {
return video.update { (mutableVideo: BCOVMutableVideo?) in
guard let mutableVideo else {
mutableVideo.cuePoints = BCOVCuePointCollection(array: updatedCuepoints)
The IMA Plugin passes an IMAAdsRequest
object to a BCOVIMAPlaybackSessionDelegate
immediately before calling IMAAdsLoader -requestAdsWithAdsRequest
, allowing the user to first modify the ads request. To receive the ads request callback, create an object that implements the BCOVIMAPlaybackSessionDelegate
import BrightcovePlayerSDK
import BrightcoveIMA
import GoogleInteractiveMediaAds
class ViewController: UIViewController, BCOVIMAPlaybackSessionDelegate
Create a BCOVIMASessionProvider
using either createIMAPlaybackControllerWithSettings
or createIMASessionProviderWithSettings
, and provide an NSDictionary of options with an entry having a key of kBCOVIMAOptionIMAPlaybackSessionDelegateKey
and a value which is your delegate.
let imaSessionProviderOptions = [
kBCOVIMAOptionIMAPlaybackSessionDelegateKey: self
let imaSessionProvider = sdkManager.createIMASessionProvider(with: imaSettings,
adsRenderingSettings: adsRenderingSettings,
adsRequestPolicy: adsRequestPolicy,
adContainer: playerView.contentOverlayView,
viewController: self,
companionSlots: nil,
upstreamSessionProvider: nil,
options: imaSessionProviderOptions)
Implement willCallIMAAdsLoaderRequestAdsWithRequest:forPosition:
in your BCOVIMAPlaybackSessionDelegate
func willCallIMAAdsLoaderRequestAds(with adsRequest: IMAAdsRequest,
forPosition position: TimeInterval) {
adsRequest.vastLoadTimeout = 3000.0
If you are using more than one plugin to the Brightcove Player SDK for iOS that needs to create a customized playback controller, you must instead compose a chain of session providers and pass the final session provider to the sdkManager.createPlaybackController(withSessionProvider:,viewStrategy:)
When composing session providers, the session preloading can be enabled from BCOVBasicSessionProvider
; however, preloading sessions with IMA plugin is strongly discouraged due to a bug in the Google IMA SDK when having multiple AVPlayers in memory.
If you are placing any views over ads while they are playing, it is necceessary to register those views with the IMA SDK. Read the Friendly obstructions section of the Open Measurement in the IMA SDK page for more information.
You can get the current IMAAdDisplayContainer object neccessary to register your overlays from the playbackController:playbackSession:didEnterAdSequence:
delegate method of your BCOVPlaybackController instance. For example:
func playbackController(_ controller: BCOVPlaybackController,
playbackSession session: BCOVPlaybackSession,
didEnter adSequence: BCOVAdSequence) {
let props =
if let adDisplayContainer = props[kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeyAdDisplayContainer] as? IMAAdDisplayContainer{
To unregister the obstructions when the ad sequence is finished, the playbackController:playbackSession:didExitAdSequence:
delegate method of your BCOVPlaybackController instance can be used. For example:
func playbackController(_ controller: BCOVPlaybackController,
playbackSession session: BCOVPlaybackSession,
didExitAdSequence adSequence: BCOVAdSequence) {
let props =
if let adDisplayContainer = props[kBCOVDAIVideoPropertiesKeyAdDisplayContainer] as? IMAAdDisplayContainer{
Brightcove does not offer support for using AirPlay with the IMA plugin. Google’s IMA SDK does not currently support AirPlay, and the usage of AirPlay with the IMA plugin is not recommended at this time. There are likely to be unexpected behaviors and bugs for which no solution exists.
However, if you wish to use this functionality in your apps set enableBackgroundPlayback
to YES
on IMASettings
along with enabling AirPlay on your BCOVPlaybackController
. See the "AirPlay" section of the Core SDK README for more information.
The Brightcove IMA plugin can be used with Brightcove's Picture-in-Picture support.
Ads can not be started if Picture-in-Picture is active, however if an ad is playing when Picture-in-Picture begins it will continue playing in the Picture-in-Picture window. Any VAST cue-points encountered after Picture-in-Picture has become active will be skipped. This is a limitation with the Google IMA SDK, see IMA SDK for iOS > Picture-in-picture for more information.
Supported configurations are:
- VAST with pre, mid and/or post-rolls.
- VMAP with a pre-roll.
Set enableBackgroundPlayback
to YES
on IMASettings
and see the "Picture in Picture" section of the Core SDK README for more information.
If you are using a VAST configuration you will need to use this BCOVCuePointProgressPolicy
let policy = BCOVCuePointProgressPolicy(processingCuePoints: .processFinalCuePoint,
resumingPlaybackFrom: .fromLastProcessedCuePoint,
ignoringPreviouslyProcessedCuePoints: true)
If you'd like to use Audience Segment Targeting with your IMA VAST ad requests you can do so by using the updateAudienceSegmentTargetingValues
on BCOVPlaybackController
. For example:
"account_id": "11223344",
"account_type": "premium"
These values will be appended to the cust_params
query paramater of the IMA ad request URL. For example:
would become
If you'd like to display your own Ad UI during ad playback you can use the playbackController:playbackSession:didReceiveLifecycleEvent:
delegate method. Here is an example:
// MARK: BCOVPlaybackControllerDelegate
func playbackController(_ controller: BCOVPlaybackController,
playbackSession session: BCOVPlaybackSession,
didReceive lifecycleEvent: BCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEvent) {
if kBCOVDAILifecycleEventAdsManagerDidReceiveAdEvent == lifecycleEvent.eventType {
if let adEvent =["adEvent"] as? IMAAdEvent {
switch adEvent.type {
case .STARTED:
This usually happens when the ad container view is not in the view hierarchy, or when the ad view (which is a subview of the ad container view) is covered by other views.
If you have questions, need help or want to provide feedback, please use the Support Portal or contact your Account Manager. To receive notification of new SDK software releases, subscribe to the Brightcove Native Player SDKs Google Group.