PHP-Sparkline generates GitHub style sparkline graphs. Read this guide to know how to use it.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require brendt/php-sparkline
$sparkLine = new SparkLine(1, 2, 5, 10, 2);
$total = $sparkLine->getTotal();
$svg = $sparkLine->make();
To construct a sparkline, you'll have to pass in an array of values.
You can pick any amount of colors and the sparkline will automatically generate a gradient from them:
$sparkLine = (new SparkLine($days))->withColors('#4285F4', '#31ACF2', '#2BC9F4');
You can configure the stroke width:
$sparkLine = (new SparkLine($days))->withStrokeWidth(4);
As well as the dimensions (in pixels):
$sparkLine = SparkLine::new($days)->withDimensions(width: 500, height: 100);
composer test
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